petitmal: Oh, for one, the *old* site offered the possibility or, if you like, the ability to jump to the latest review; as far as I know today one has to sift thru every page to reach the last one - who will? - on the *new* site. Reloading any of the pages will bring you right back to the first one - instead of reloading that particular page. That's at the level of functionality - to me at least; I may ofcourse be totally wrong.
Speaking of the *review* section by the way, featurewise I would like a more serious review section, somehow. Sure, users can and sometimes do provide serious input, but I believe the review section leans too heavily on users alone - I don't know about you, but I find myself googling the net a lot if I want to know if I should buy a game. The *Was this helpful*-button doesn't really rate the reviews - keep in mind no one will bother to read more than four pages of reviews - and rate those reviews (IMO)
How about yours?
I admit I have only occasionally skimmed through the reviews. I mostly downvote (as not helpful) those who are very short or unbalanced or offtopic. I also do not look beyond the first three pages (first 10 reviews maybe). One could improve it (to a level similar to amazon maybe) but I do not see this as high priority. Anyway I suspect that a considerable fraction of the reviews if forged by the companies (paid appraisal) and therefore worthless. I do not believe too much in reviews. Only if most of the reviews are bad this is an unmistakable sign that the game is indeed bad.
What I need is mostly a good organzation of my library, easy and reliable download of the installers and patches, easy and reliable synchronization of the my archive of downloaded installers and patches, support in case something does not work (game specific subforums or GOG support if it answers fast). Also I'm always interested in finding good prices for my games - thank god there is which works like a charm. For some time I feared I would have to wait until GOG implements such a service.
GOG offers some tools (the old downloader, the new client, a changelog now), but is far from perfection. For years the update notifications are wreaking havoc. I was always very annoyed by this and wished for a working, functional update history and notification system. This is bad but nothing I can change anyway. I just include it in my goodwill for buying much on GOG.
So, now you know mine. I was just curious what you meant. Vague criticism is always a bit unsatisfying, of course totally ok but I prefer concrete examples.
Garret02: Don't use it, haven't tried it, don't care for it. Was considering using it for multiplayer on few games but then remembered I don't play multiplayer.
If they would get the old MP modes of some strategy games again to work I would consider using it. Imperialism for example. Probably they won't bother anyway.