hunvagy: Problem is, i just had Galaxy on the computer. I did not install Wild Hunt through Galaxy, I downloaded the installation files via GOG Downloader. I can't understand why they put the Galaxy.dll into that version, that is supposed to work as a standalone, without any interference from the client. Or if they did put it in, at least make sure it doesn't cause an Access Violation on launch night when people patch up the game to its final version.
They're not going to build 8 different versions of the game executable for every possible combination of features that individual people want, that does not scale and would drive testing and QA manpower overhead through the roof for no good technical reason to do it other than the fact that having a DLL on someone's hard drive throws them into a tantrum.
Software can be built with compile time optional features and/or runtime optional features. From a support perspective you ultimately want to ship one single version of your application and enable/disable features at runtime depending on how it is used and what features are present on the system, what options a user chooses to use because then you have one set of executables to build, to test, to debug when a problem happens, etc. Shipping different binaries to different users that want different features just massively increases the amount of effort it takes to support, to do patches, etc. It makes no technical sense to do this.
A game will be built to one executable which links to all of the DLLs it has features for, and then it selectively uses them if it needs them at runtime, or alternatively it loads them as dynamically loadable modules manually (like plugins) if they are going to be used. This makes the software modular, makes it less confusing to customers as to what version they should download because there is only one to download, and allows people to choose their options at runtime and change their minds later without having to go and redownload the software again. The only real con is that all of the features are included in one installation whether they are used or not, so in this case an extra DLL file or so wastes a very miniscule amount of hard disk space which is measured in pennies or even a fraction of a penny and has no actual real world consequence other than to make a unified experience that is easier for all users to download/install/configure/run while reducing the cost to build/test/support.
People are free to disagree and to want what they want of course, but it is unrealistic and nobody would build a game in that manner because from a developmental viewpoint it makes no business or technical sense to do it and only causes more problems to solve something that is ultimately a non-problem to begin with. Of course, no company or developer is likely to say that publicly, at least not without sugar coating it with vague statements rather than blunt and to the point like I just did. :)
Just enjoy this beautiful masterpiece of a game and it's amazing artwork and experience and don't waste 10 milliseconds getting upset over extremely minor things like this, life is short and a game like this is to be enjoyed, not to be used to search tirelessly for things to be angry about that really don't matter at all from a practical perspective. Alternatively get angry and rage about it, whatever floats one's boat as they say. :) They can throw in 200 copies of the galaxy.dll and a steam.dll and origin.dll into the next build that take up 400MB of disk space and an hour to download and I wont give a crap because I'll be too busy wiping the drool off my chin playing the game to notice or care.