GamezRanker: I was trying to keep people from claiming ROLES(in case town had roles other than psychoanalyst).
You had results, and instead of posting them with your vote for Yog in Post 408 you posted them in Post 414 7+ hours after said vote post for Yog. Asking the parts, this stuck out like a sore thumb. I cannot give
results and simultaneously hide my
role, now can I? Of course not. And the only result that could get
modifiers is... Psychoanalyst....
Your logic fails here. I cannot decide if it was on purpose or not. @449 the 7 hr delay was because I didn't know if I could convince others to vote for yogs without spilling the beans, and it was my Town Duty to try. When no one else seemed to want to vote but instead explained why Yogs was being fairly reasonable, I realized that as logic isn't my strongest suit, but since I
had results that indicated scum, and since I couldn't figure out how it was anything but scum, and really don't want scum to win, I figured I had to give my results to properly visualize for others the holes in the arguments, but if I said "yeah I got scum results from yogs... BE in our of game without town knowing the bedbugs (seriously?! "Benefits"was sorted to... Bedbugs... lol wut...) of my investigation. And besides more accurate pressure might cause more to cave.
To someone else... Who asked about yogs being conditional... The only reason I asked about that was because in that part I was imagining if I
did have imaginative... What that would mean for "conditional networked etc"... To be a scumteam you have to be chatty and threatening... I looked and asked if I could have gotten illegitimate results and the only possibility is imaginative.
Unless of course you are joating or something worthy you can do the scum thing on your lonesome. I did not get any idea of multiple scum lonesomes, had anyone else seen anything supporting this idea? To the contrary post 1 says "winning team"
Per post one the only threatening role is t-rex... But even the trex does which means they aren't alive to win. So scum just be determined by modifier... The only threatening modifiers are brutal, murderous, and venom. The nk flip says brutal wasnt used, nor was venom. Ergo murderer was the modifier that nkd in this game of forum Mafia.
Re scum hat...7 v 2 with w/o chat sends weak, and 7 v 3 even without chat is perhaps much, but that is pushing the kids... (Lol I meant outguessing the mod)
It would be truly bizarre to have a scum team without chat. Lift says he got those three modifiers for scum. Would infinitive have rolled all 3 on a town player? Sidechat=scum or mason. Masons don't exist in any form in post 1s role or modifier list other than as networked. No one has claimed it, not even yogs.
Sidechat= a scum player.
(Dad took my phone here so idr my train of thought.) It would be truly bizarre-more than I think even this weird-but-fun setup.
Conclusion: I cannot see getting those 3 results and it being imaginative. Ergo, yogs
is and must be scum. Fwiw idk what Lift's results said and have resisted asking. [i][/i]
Welcome to Joppo as vice mod.
@lift the extra flourish was because I had not yet received mod confirmation that I could quote the mod message. I didn't recall what protocol was for result/night action reports. Interesting thoughts on the role claiming bit of 423. I -sort of- see your point but wanted my referral "hey I've a role that works!” delayed to d3.
@438 I was paying devil's advocate in case my results were due to imaginative.
More to come...
Okay yogs denied Mason. @yogs thanks for confirming you are scum.
@445 how do you know you get 2 modifiers back if your role works?!?! Zfr had 1. Dogmaus had 1. Since you said that much you might as well explain. Are you scum? Some of your reasoning seems fishy. Also I never saw post 20 before it was edited.
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Hmm. My dad now has a 4/10 degree fever, 7/10 above earlier today and knows when the IV Tylenol wears off (goes from 4 to 6 on a scale of 1 to 10). Thank you all for your prayers & well wishes, he's going much better than 26 hours ago. He might even come home today!
Begin page 10
@451 okay. Hmm.
@453 and I'm worrying about books tunneling by agreeing with me. When yogs flips scum and I'm eliminated from the game you have to decide if he's actively bussing yogs and buddying me.
I think I'm up to date and am thankful for the week wishes and waiting for me to catch up and respond. I might go incommunicado again soonish.