I've git the 3.2.7 (stable) update of the windows downloader and it looks like there might be issues downloading bonus stuff...
Clicking the Divinity 2 'combined bonus content pack' is not adding it to the downloader...
Same with warsaw, redneck rampage, sacrrifce and earthworm jim ...
The installers for the relevant packs are adding...
Nothing in the logs client side about the bonus content either - just installers...
licked URL: gogdownloader://warsow/win_installer
1350587532 Started downloading info: warsow
1350587532 Worker -1 Requesting
Warsow info fetched
1350587533 ended downloading info
1350587533 fetching download sizes and chunk info for Warsow
1350587533 Worker -1 Requesting
https://api.gog.com/en/downloader2/file/warsow/1_installer_0 1350587535 Worker -1 Requesting
1350587537 ended previous download verification - warsow
1350587537 download for warsow is incomplete, resuming...
Clicked URL: gogdownloader://redneck_rampage_collection/win_installer
1350587588 Started downloading info: redneck_rampage_collection
1350587588 Worker -1 Requesting
Redneck Rampage Collection info fetched
1350587589 ended downloading info
1350587589 fetching download sizes and chunk info for Redneck Rampage Collection
1350587589 Worker -1 Requesting
https://api.gog.com/en/downloader2/file/redneck_rampage_collection/1_installer_0 1350587591 Worker -1 Requesting
1350587592 ended previous download verification - redneck_rampage_collection
1350587592 download for redneck_rampage_collection is incomplete, resuming...
Clicked URL: gogdownloader://sacrifice/win_installer
1350587592 Started downloading info: sacrifice
1350587592 Worker -1 Requesting
Sacrifice info fetched
1350587594 ended downloading info
1350587594 fetching download sizes and chunk info for Sacrifice
1350587594 Worker -1 Requesting
https://api.gog.com/en/downloader2/file/sacrifice/1_installer_0 1350587595 Worker -1 Requesting
Clicked URL: gogdownloader://earthworm_jim_1_2/win_installer
1350587597 ended previous download verification - sacrifice
1350587597 download for sacrifice is incomplete, resuming...
1350587597 Started downloading info: earthworm_jim_1_2
1350587597 Worker -1 Requesting
Earthworm Jim 1 + 2 info fetched
1350587598 ended downloading info
1350587598 fetching download sizes and chunk info for Earthworm Jim 1 + 2
1350587598 Worker -1 Requesting
https://api.gog.com/en/downloader2/file/earthworm_jim_1_2/1_installer_0 1350587599 Worker -1 Requesting
1350587600 ended previous download verification - earthworm_jim_1_2
1350587600 download for earthworm_jim_1_2 is incomplete, resuming...