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Space oddity.

Breathedge is now available In Development, 20% off until September 26th, 1pm UTC.
Want to plug a gas leak with a living chicken or duct-tape a bunch of space debris together to escape certain death? Then welcome aboard the Breathedge, a cooky crafting/survival adventure through the remains of a space hearse that exploded into a gazillion pieces before you could lay your beloved uncle's remains to rest. Time to swim through this sea of fascinating wreckage, collect all those pieces and force them to work together. Just try not to die of oxygen shortage. Someone needs to explain all this once the mess gets sorted out.

Note: This game is currently in development. See the FAQ to learn more about games in development, and check out the forums to find more information and to stay in touch with the community.
Seems like protagonist will be dying, A LOT.
i_ni: Seems like protagonist will be dying, A LOT.
But the chicken will live forever.

No chicken soup today :(
i_ni: Seems like protagonist will be dying, A LOT.
gixgox: But the chicken will live forever.

No chicken soup today :(
- Holly Chicken!
cries the man in the suit
/and dies/

Not my soup of tea.
I thought the crafting/survival fad was killed by BATTLE ROYALE, the end of which can't come soon enough.
This game looks... really good actually LOL. I'm generally not in the habit of impulse buying something on (sort of release) that I haven't heard of but something about this one is catching my attention.

I'd LOVE impressions if someone takes the plunge and fires it up early. Things I don't like in survival games - excessive crafting, tedium, ridiculous harvesting.

Things I DO like - meaningful upgrades, a story / quest system (REALLY helps move along a more "open" game), a tense but not obtrusive survival system (I like to feel the stress of my choices to eat / explore / craft / etc - I DON'T like to be spending my time feeling like I'm playing The Sims, eating pooping and showering every five seconds).

Hit me up with a Reply if you don't mind firing off a few quick impressions!
Doublepost for a bump - does it not bump it when I post directly from the link on the main page?
Ixamyakxim: This game looks... really good actually LOL. I'm generally not in the habit of impulse buying something on (sort of release) that I haven't heard of but something about this one is catching my attention.

I'd LOVE impressions if someone takes the plunge and fires it up early. Things I don't like in survival games - excessive crafting, tedium, ridiculous harvesting.

Things I DO like - meaningful upgrades, a story / quest system (REALLY helps move along a more "open" game), a tense but not obtrusive survival system (I like to feel the stress of my choices to eat / explore / craft / etc - I DON'T like to be spending my time feeling like I'm playing The Sims, eating pooping and showering every five seconds).

Hit me up with a Reply if you don't mind firing off a few quick impressions!

First, keep in mind that i have played just 2 hours...

A few impressions of what i have tasted:

-Very stable and, for a UE4 game, it's very well optimized imo (well, this opinion comes from my CPU and GPU, not exactly from me!)

-Very funny, but this is totally subjective, ofc. I am liking the humour since the first frames of the game, and it seems i have just scratched the story.

-Decent inventory UI. I mean, not forcing you to play with a tiny inventory and fight with the resources, etc.

-Controls are perfect with KB+Mouse. Jump feels a bit strange but you can only jump while not in space, and you will be most of the time out there, floating.

-About resources and grinding, well, it all feels different because all is in space. You have little floating elements you just need to pick up but also bigger objects you need to scrap or break (take care, all of this objects have physics and can fly away from you if you push them accidentally). Finally, you have mini-asteroids you will need to drill to take its resources. Imho, having played a good bunch of survival games, it's not grindy, the difficulty comes from the limited supply of oxygen you have, not from the big quantity of materials you need to gather. Plan you trips before going out and take in account the travel back to safety or you will end up without oxygen in the middle of the way.

-I have a few tools i can craft (all have durability), not so many in this 2 hours and...are also a bit crazy and weird, with the same sense of humour than impregnates all the game (but they work!) Durability is a bit low so i can see i will constantly be crafting a few of these as i advance and need to keep taking resources.

-About survival needs, i found them easy to carry on, maybe too easy. There is a lot of resources around to keep crafting water and food, and it's not one of those games that deplete your food in 2 minutes, so i just eat from time to time not worrying too much about it. You will lose hunger and thirst points while sleeping, which for now is the only way i have to heal, but even sleeping until fully healed i'm not losing too much of neither hunger or thirsty. It's not casual, but imo it's too easy and i would like to have a higher challenge, but that's just balance, nothing gamebreaking (for now, and keep in mind i am saying this playing around my ship, never going too far)

-It seems there are a few upgrades to your suit and helmet, but i don't have the resources to craft any yet so can't say how it will be. There are radiation and cold zones on the map (with debris, more resources, etc) and i suppose you will need to upgrade your suit to go there. The upgrade to oxygen system i have just acquired is...hilarious, really, but it seems to work :D

-You can build some machines out in the space and, i think, some inside your ship, but i have not arrived there yet. I know you can build mini oxygen stations out of your ship to serve as waypoints to refill (have seen in gameplays, i'm still far from that)

-There is a complete list of all resources (along with crazy descriptions) and some more helpful info on the interface menu, taking care of details it seems, all is nicely polished and even the crazy way to describe what is in that list it's really helpful to know what is in the game and to plan what you will need to be able to craft that tool you want.

I am gladly surprised that the game is already in this state even in development. I think that, instead of adding content without polishing until the end, they have opted to have a very stable base to work with and to add content to this. Oh, and take in account that you will be in space, floating to go get the resources and explore, so movement is limited and probably the map is not very extense like in other survivals (no idea of this, just an assumption)

For 12 euros i'm more than satisfied until now. For those who care, it also has in-game achievements. I'm playing without Galaxy. Some will probably say that humour is a bit...politically incorrect in some cases, but for me, it is in a good way, and game don't take itself very seriously, so it's really funny.

PS: as i was alone on space, i have taken with me a corpse i have found to make me company on my ship. I have managed to sit him in my desk... Physics are also funny!!
I just love the humour, this game is really really funny and reminds me of the old Monkey Island games. It's stable and runs very well.

On the bad side, here is what I did not like :

* The game seems very linear. There is a set of things to do in a particular order and there is no place for creativity.
* Hunger and thirst mechanics seem artifical. You only have to pick stuff in space and transform it into water or things to eat. It does not add anything to the gameplay loop.
AirMoons: I just love the humour, this game is really really funny and reminds me of the old Monkey Island games. It's stable and runs very well.

On the bad side, here is what I did not like :

* The game seems very linear. There is a set of things to do in a particular order and there is no place for creativity.
* Hunger and thirst mechanics seem artifical. You only have to pick stuff in space and transform it into water or things to eat. It does not add anything to the gameplay loop.
The last point is because there's too much resources for crafting food and water, and both depletes not too fast. Also, you can break a container and find even more food and water so...i just ended my game and i think i have enough to be eating a whole year in the game :S

About the linearity, it is because this is the story, not a sandbox mode. Around your ship there are basic places you need to go to unlock certain basic things to advance and go's all like this.

Later, when you have enough mobility, you can go all over the map searching for the rest of containers and boxes to loot everything, but there's no point in doing that. You can continue playing without going to the last place, but as there's no challenge in food or water, nothing more to craft and no base building...It reminds me of The Long Dark, when you play the first chapter and it's too linear and easy compared with a survival mode (although not so easy as this one, imo)

I have now finished the game, after 6 hours. I got all achievements and (i think) went to all places. I ended up with an insane amount of water and food, and basic resources to craft even more. Also, i crafted all equipment (including the upgrade to the oxygen tank). I gathered all the collection objects (again, i think) like toys, posters, tapes and rest of weird objects. A lot of fun...but very short and i miss a difficulty option for a better survival challenge (that i hope will come with the promised new 3 modes they are working on)

Very satisfied, despite the shortness and lack of a real survival mode. Depending on what new scenarios they plan, and how they implement base building, enemies and vehicles (and options for difficulty) this can be a fantastic game. Let's see in the next months.
Awesome thanks a lot for taking the time to do this - really appreciate it! Was just the kind of writeup I was looking for.
Ixamyakxim: Awesome thanks a lot for taking the time to do this - really appreciate it! Was just the kind of writeup I was looking for.
You are welcome :D
Ixamyakxim: This game looks... really good actually LOL. I'm generally not in the habit of impulse buying something on (sort of release) that I haven't heard of but something about this one is catching my attention.

I'd LOVE impressions if someone takes the plunge and fires it up early. Things I don't like in survival games - excessive crafting, tedium, ridiculous harvesting.

Things I DO like - meaningful upgrades, a story / quest system (REALLY helps move along a more "open" game), a tense but not obtrusive survival system (I like to feel the stress of my choices to eat / explore / craft / etc - I DON'T like to be spending my time feeling like I'm playing The Sims, eating pooping and showering every five seconds).

Hit me up with a Reply if you don't mind firing off a few quick impressions!
I bought the game on a whim yesterday. I guess the absurd sense of humor in the trailer convinced me.

I don't like (almost hate) survival games. Most of them are about "babysitting the survivor", as Jim Sterling put it and I don't enjoy the mindless busywork just to stay alive in them.

However in Breathedge the hunger/thirst meters go down really slowly and there's plenty of resources around. The main hurdle is oxygen, which goes down fast outside your station and makes you go back after really short time, but this can be fixed fast. Other than that it's more of a fun exploration game with survival/crafting elements.

Things I like:
- Sense of humor. Feels a bit like The Stanley Parable in space.
- Art style.
- The gameplay loop is repetitive, but enjoyable (so far, after 2hrs or so). Oxygen going down fast means you really have to take in your surroundings and plan what you're going to do before you leave the station.
- The slightly whimsical physics of movement in space (and the fact that if you bump into the thing you want/hit it the wrong way it will fly awaaaaay) make it both hilarious and very tense to gather resources.

Things I don't like:
- Looping songs in the station. Very quickly I felt the need to turn them off, but then it's a bit too quiet there.
- The suit is talking to you a bit too fast. Sometimes the voiced parts are long and it's easy to miss parts of them, especially when you're busy doing something else. It doesn't help that the subtitles disappear quickly.

Other than that the game is really polished (not just for an early access title, it simply runs well). Maybe once I experienced some weird clipping, other than that no bugs/crashes so far.

For the price, even if they would not develop the game any more I'd say it's worth it.
AirMoons: I just love the humour, this game is really really funny and reminds me of the old Monkey Island games. It's stable and runs very well.

On the bad side, here is what I did not like :

* The game seems very linear. There is a set of things to do in a particular order and there is no place for creativity.
* Hunger and thirst mechanics seem artifical. You only have to pick stuff in space and transform it into water or things to eat. It does not add anything to the gameplay loop.
There's going to be a sandbox.
Hey guys, any news on the development? Any update comming soon? Thanks