Posted June 27, 2018

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland

Remorse: The List, if you like FPS psych horror
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted June 27, 2018
op being the dude dtgreene, I totally assumed it was the anime type of "trap" :P

Pirate Mullah
Registered: Dec 2010
From Pakistan
Posted June 27, 2018
I assume you're talking about this :D
Yeah, I can't imagine that would be fun.
Most adventure games with mazes are also such. You just HAVE to die to be able to map it out.
Yeah, I can't imagine that would be fun.
Most adventure games with mazes are also such. You just HAVE to die to be able to map it out.

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom

v o i d | flower
Gloomy User
Registered: Mar 2010
From United States

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted June 27, 2018

The Larry 2/Space Quest 2/King's Quest-school of design would be: "open door" -> "The door falls away from the wall, hitting the protagonist on the head. Protagonist goes 'Ouch! That hurt!' but carries on as usual. -> "Protagonist dies near the end of the game from cerebral hemorrhage caused by the door hitting him on the head"

Registered: Apr 2017
From Other
Posted June 28, 2018
low rated

You're on thin ice. Idiot head.

i aint sharin' any red wine with you tahts fo' sho'
youd probs pour it onto teh ground, stomp on it an' froth b'oot western decadence 'n' degradation
Post edited June 28, 2018 by initialpresence

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted June 28, 2018
I am so glad you answered everyone else and skipped skipped my question. confirms everything I need to know about you.

New User Team
Registered: Jun 2018
From Poland
Posted June 28, 2018
Reminding users that mods are watching this thread. Keep that in mind when expressing views, keep them civil. If not, you will be met with moderation.

Registered: Aug 2013
From Italy
Posted June 28, 2018
Heh, figures. All threads end up about sexuality, gender, "dirty leftist" vs "neo-Nazi" anyway. Sigh.

Registered: Apr 2017
From Other
Posted June 28, 2018
low rated
Sorry. What was your question?

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted June 28, 2018
Sorry. What was your question?
and no, not going to click any random YouTube links, as it has no bearing on my question at all - the YouTube video will not be able to highlight any sections of the OP.
edit - in other words - what parts of the OP are offensive, inappropriate or spam to warrant a downrate (and even report as spam...) - please point them out.
Post edited June 28, 2018 by amok

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted June 28, 2018

As soon as I have the answer I swear on my mother's grave I shant say another word to the man.

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted June 28, 2018

As soon as I have the answer I swear on my mother's grave I shant say another word to the man.
Anyway, back to the topic of the thread:
I looked into Eryi's Action a bit more (I might even consider buying the game from their website), and while I don't condone using Steam, apparently in the Steam version you get achievements for dying in certain ways. I think that's a good use of achievements for this sort of game; reward the player for finding deaths so that the player is encouraged to seek them out rather than frustrated at the game being unfair. It also fits the topic, even if it is unfortunately (and unnecessarily) tied to a specific gaming service.
By the way, that sort of achievement is could work well, not just for trap games, but for things like complex roguelikes where deaths can sometimes take interesting forms (see Nethack, where anything that can damage you can kill you, and there are tons of unique death messages in the game (like being killed by Newton's 3rd law, I believe)).

Registered: Feb 2009
From United States
Posted June 28, 2018
Ignore the trolls and let's get back to the topic people.
I've got a recent trap I fell into in one of the Way of the Samurai 3 endings actually. There's one ending where you can choose to be arrested and sent to be executed in someone's place. I thought that i'd be able break out a wreck havoc or that someone would save me at the last minute, so I chose to take the fall. Nope, you totally get executed and it counts as one of the endings lol. Gotta love that player choice in the Way of the Samurai series though.
I've got a recent trap I fell into in one of the Way of the Samurai 3 endings actually. There's one ending where you can choose to be arrested and sent to be executed in someone's place. I thought that i'd be able break out a wreck havoc or that someone would save me at the last minute, so I chose to take the fall. Nope, you totally get executed and it counts as one of the endings lol. Gotta love that player choice in the Way of the Samurai series though.