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the world just stopped!

i did some police quest 3 ;)

it's a long episode, because i haven't recorded this for you folks in a while. sorry about that :(
some high level notes and thoughts on your first lp:
i got an invitation to the runescape chronicle beta.

so, you know, i show you around a little.
more high level notes on setting up to do lp'ing.

this time, i dig into the topic of "your workspace" a little bit more:
merry christmas, everyone!

and a happy new year, too.

thank you so much for allowing me into your homes for a little bit every day.
bye, police quest.

you've been...something.
final league of explorers guide.

this time, we take on the hall of explorers.

i'm not /quite/ using free cards this week, but there's a very good reason for that:
as promised/threatened, i finish up inca, before the new year!
new year, new schedule.

i promised an update explaining the plan, so here that is:
begun the new space quest has!

it's space quest four's introduction :)
i [very belatedly] tell you who am i am and what it is i'm doing when i write in this week's blog post:
we start actually looking into the secondary professions for world of warcraft.

blizzard somewhat dropped the ball here, i'm afraid.
my pandaren does declare that he'd like to be an archaeologist.

so i help him out:
i clear out my quest log in world of warcraft so we can move on :)
i take us on a quite gentle run to the wetlands [our next questing area] in world of warcraft: