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some hearthstone guides!

because league of explorers is upon us!

these are normal mode and all free cards. :)

temple of orsis:
class challenges:
wow + hearthstone!

wow: secondary professions!

hearthstone: this week's brawl is "all discover, all the time." it's pretty meh.

funeral for a headset, 2015:

bye, headset, i loved you, but you're dead.
sonny bonds meets the plot. it takes nine episodes to actually move the plot along, but here we go :P

[that's police quest for you.]
i play a paladin deck in the tol barad brawl this week.

it's middling, but sorta fun. [but boo, blizzard, boo. mooooorree randomness. :(]
i take you through uldaman - the second wing in the league of explorer's expansion for hearthstone.

it's all free cards done on normal difficulty, so you can pick up the cards, too :)

good luck :)
uldaman has more secrets!

mainly, the paladin and druid class challenges.

here, i show you how to navigate those:
it's the new tavern brawl!

this one's decks assemble!

yeah. it's more blizzard laziness involving discover, but at least you get to actually build a deck this time. [you build the deck over time using the discover cards you pick. to be more accurate.]:
league of explorers brings us to the ruined city.

i show you around and we sling some cards.

with a whole lot of murlocs :)
we take on the class challenges for the ruined city in the league of explorers:
i look into the last five tavern brawls and find...

...a lot of randomness.
so...'s public service announcement time.

i talk about world of warcraft while playing it.

i might have a problem :P
it's a tavern brawl!

and i do the unthinkable!

i go the money route. :(

but it's kind of fun, so... :P

anyhow, this is the gift exchange. i do mention a paladin deck that's completely free to play at the end and i talk you through how i recall building it.
some advice for those thinking about trying to youtube/vimeo, etc:

[mostly very high level advice, but i can certainly drill down a little, if anyone's curious]:
league of explorers has class challenges!

and they're pretty fun, too. here, i show you both rogue and mage.

i /love/ the skelesaurus hex fight.