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MarkoH01: Same goes for Wolfenstein by the way since it's been over 10yrs and the banned status is expired.
paladin181: But it's banned based on the perpetual ban on Nazi symbolism being displayed for entertainment. That's a ban that is continuous, not say, a ban for exceptional violence.
If this would be the case why was it possible (2yrs!) to buy here before it being banned?
It's still indexed but not banned anymore. And the game never was banned because of its (neglectable) violence at all but only because of the symbolism and music.

Interesting btw:
"Auch wegen der Vorgängerspiele hatte es bereits Strafverfahren wegen der Verwendung von NS-Kennzeichen gegeben. Diese endeten teilweise mit einer Einstellung gegen Zahlung einer Geldauflage gemäß § 153a StPO, teilweise mit einem Freispruch, da es ein „antifaschistisches Computerspiel“ sei."
Post edited October 04, 2015 by MarkoH01
Sarisio: Law is like a huge maze which leads nowhere. Don't think you know all about law, while in fact even lawyers aren't fully familiar with it.
The "law" is for, by, and about lawyers, don't ya' know. If not for lawyers the law would be simple, straightforward and utterly understandable by almost everyone. Who do you think coined the phase, "The man who represents himself has a fool for a client and a jackass for a lawyer"...? *chorus* "A lawyer"...right! (groan)...;)
Sarisio: Law is like a huge maze which leads nowhere. Don't think you know all about law, while in fact even lawyers aren't fully familiar with it.
waltc: The "law" is for, by, and about lawyers, don't ya' know. If not for lawyers the law would be simple, straightforward and utterly understandable by almost everyone. Who do you think coined the phase, "The man who represents himself has a fool for a client and a jackass for a lawyer"...? *chorus* "A lawyer"...right! (groan)...;)
Can you imagine a world without lawyers?
Trilarion: Or Russia could move to us. Wouldn't this be a lot easier?
mike_cesara: I don't think so. Not as long as most of people won't work for ~1€/h.
I think you make Russia quite a bit poorer than it really is.

Trilarion: Obviously the way out of the unfairness of regional prices is not moving to a different region but giving up regional prices and coming back to worldwide equal prices.
mike_cesara: I hope you don't mind giving up regional earnings as well and make them equal for entire world ; )
If I would be a big fan of socialism I probably wouldn't mind. But hey I'm not. ;)
Post edited October 05, 2015 by Trilarion
SpooferJahk: ...Now the pricing part sadly has been lost and the extras are not as great as they can be, GOG is still providing the best service they can because in the end, they are the business and the publishers dictate how and what they can sell. They have to unfortunately abandon some things in order to compete and so far, they haven't become complete and utter soulless shills for their business, they just had to take in some cons to have the site grow in the best way possible to compete with other digital services.

This recent Bethesda acquisition is a double edged sword of course, it is a shame that Quake has been region locked and Wolfenstein is too but GOG did get some really great classics on here with that too. Seeing Doom and The Elder Scrolls on here is practically black magic considering how DRM centric Bethesda is. Either way, it is a move that has some nasty cons but some positive ones too.
It's a very nice summary of the history of GOG actually. Thank you for it. It explains nicely that in order to do the big business you have to adapt to their way quite a lot. And once you do it there is no way back. Who would ever give up business in order to stay true to some principles? Let's just hope enough of what made GOG special survives because I think that we really do not need another Steam or Origin or Battlenet. In that case the whole journey of GOG would have been not very successful except financially for the owners maybe.

But there is still DRM free... mostly.
waltc: The "law" is for, by, and about lawyers, don't ya' know. If not for lawyers the law would be simple, straightforward and utterly understandable by almost everyone. Who do you think coined the phase, "The man who represents himself has a fool for a client and a jackass for a lawyer"...? *chorus* "A lawyer"...right! (groan)...;)
InfraSuperman: Can you imagine a world without lawyers?
Tarnicus: So if you aren't wearing one of these (see attached photo), the law doesn't apply? Bugger no wonder the Australian version of these laws applies to me, given I wear this outfit(see other attached photo) daily :D
MarkoH01: Oh that is such a cliche Tarnicus. Only Bavarians do look like the ones on your picture and only some of them. I am really sick of non Germans thinking that Germans are wearing Trachtenkleidung and that they are always drinking Bier and eating Bratwurst and Sauerkraut - it's just not true.
No offense intended, was being cheeky and attempting to be humourous about the use of the word "costumers" when "customers" was intended. Searching the net for "German costume" or "Australian costume" leaves little choice.
Piranjade: Aus einer strafbaren Handlung ein Anrecht auf eine weitere abzuleiten, funktioniert aber nicht.
Bisherige strafbare Handlungen fortzusetzen funktioniert aber genauso wenig. Entweder ganz oder gar nicht.

PaterAlf: It might cost some thousand dollars, but on the other hand they would get access to a market of several million gamers again. And additional positive publicity which might be even more important.
real.geizterfahr: How many people do you think will buy "Unspielbaren, alten Schrott, von dem man ja Augenkrebs bekommt! Und dann wollen die auch noch 18 Euro dafür!!!"? You know how Germans are. People who really want Quake 3 already have Quake 3, because they're older than 30 and know how to order a game from another country.
PaterAlf: It might cost some thousand dollars, but on the other hand they would get access to a market of several million gamers again. And additional positive publicity which might be even more important.
E_A: This is more a large company problem. They don't have someone who cares enough and they certainly won't hire someone for it. You might disagree with their reasoning but they won't be the first or last company making bad business calls out of inertia.
Why let they rerate some OLDER titels again in the past? Your argument doesn't make any sense.

classic-gamer: If GOG acts right with Q2+3 they already have an illegal shop here in Germany.
real.geizterfahr: Repeating this again and again and again will only result in one of these three scenarios:

1. GOG will ignore it.
Why don't they ignore Bethesda. Next this company wants a region lock or activaion in installers and so on.
Take a look at Wolfenstein TNO.
GOG should be for gamers, not for publishers.

real.geizterfahr: How many people do you think will buy "Unspielbaren, alten Schrott, von dem man ja Augenkrebs bekommt! Und dann wollen die auch noch 18 Euro dafür!!!"?
PaterAlf: Doesn't that apply for most of the old games GOG sells. And yet there seems to be a market for it.
Yes, it does. I think the only difference will be that Betheda/id-Titels won't be discounted as much as other titels for the next time. See also the release discount.
Post edited October 05, 2015 by classic-gamer
classic-gamer: Why don't they ignore Bethesda. Next this company wants a region lock or activaion in installers and so on.
Take a look at Wolfenstein TNO.
GOG should be for gamers, not for publishers.
Ignore the publisher and watch how quickly those games stop being sold here. Who exactly do you think GoG is, to dictate to publishers what will and will not be sold to whom? Not even Valve has that power.
MarkoH01: Oh that is such a cliche Tarnicus. Only Bavarians do look like the ones on your picture and only some of them. I am really sick of non Germans thinking that Germans are wearing Trachtenkleidung and that they are always drinking Bier and eating Bratwurst and Sauerkraut - it's just not true.
Tarnicus: No offense intended, was being cheeky and attempting to be humourous about the use of the word "costumers" when "customers" was intended. Searching the net for "German costume" or "Australian costume" leaves little choice.
I know you (a bit) and I believe you that you meant no offense - so none taken - just some things clarified :) Unfortunately since there is no thing as a "German costume" in general I am not surprised that google would lead to the hits you got :)
classic-gamer: Why don't they ignore Bethesda. Next this company wants a region lock or activaion in installers and so on.
Take a look at Wolfenstein TNO.
GOG should be for gamers, not for publishers.
synfresh: Ignore the publisher and watch how quickly those games stop being sold here. Who exactly do you think GoG is, to dictate to publishers what will and will not be sold to whom? Not even Valve has that power.
It's even more problematic if publishers find out that GOG makes rules that are against publishers. I am all against censorship and I'd love GOG to ignore those wishes but I understand why they don't do such things. GOG needs every single publisher to survive.
Post edited October 05, 2015 by MarkoH01
classic-gamer: Why let they rerate some OLDER titels again in the past? Your argument doesn't make any sense.
Because they thought they could make some profit from their old games when they're allowed to sell them in Germany. That they didn't do this with more games should be a good indicator on how much money they made ;) So, yes, my argument makes a lot of sense.

classic-gamer: hy don't they ignore Bethesda.
What do you mean, ignore Bethesda? Ignore Fallout, Doom, Quake and The Elder Scrolls? Holy moly, I hope you're not really asking why they didn't give them the finger! These games belong to the most iconic and greatest games in history. You don't just ignore them.

Or do you mean GOG should ignore what Bethesda wants? Well, sorry to break this to you but... That's not how it works! Bethesda would pull their games and leave. And everyone would know not to do any business with GOG, because they ignore contracts if they don't like them. Stupid idea.

classic-gamer: Next this company wants a region lock or activaion in installers and so on.
Take a look at Wolfenstein TNO.
No, I take a look at GOG's business model instead. GOG won't become another Steam because people don't want another Steam. UPlay? People hate it, because they already have Steam for their games. Origin? People hate it, because they already have Steam for their games. Look where GMG and Gamersgate ended... People hated Capsule and whatever it was that Gamersgate used, because they already had Steam for their games. Both stores are Steam key resellers now. And what happened after the release of The Witcher 3? People hated Galaxy, because they already had Steam for their games (not realizing that Galaxy was and is optional).

GOG knows that they're dead when they become another DRM that no one wants. Their business model is not to be Steam. That's what allows them to be still her and to keep on growing.

classic-gamer: GOG should be for gamers, not for publishers.
GOG is a shop. Publishers have a look at it and sell their stuff if they agree with the conditions. If you say "Fuck law! Fuck regional pricing! Fuck serial keys for multiplayer, develop LAN for us! Fuck your price, we sell only at 5.99 or 9.99!", you'll be the niche store "Good Old Games" again. A niche store where no one could buy Quake, becase it would be so niche-y that Bethesda would still ignore it.

Some people want Good Old Games back, talking about classics and principles and shit. I don't like regioal pricing either and I'm sure GOG will drop the Fair Price Package one day too (making regional pricing even worse). And no, I don't like to see classics at a $19.99 price point here (Quake 3). And yes, we had some borderline cases regarding DRM in the last couple of months (be it due to bugs or due to weird definitions). But overall, I think GOG's still doing a pretty good job - especially with the classics! GOG is better with classics than Good Old Games ever was! And that's something I (a customer) like. So... By "beeing for publishers" a little bit, GOG is even more for customers!

Oh, one last thing:
classic-gamer: Bisherige strafbare Handlungen fortzusetzen funktioniert aber genauso wenig. Entweder ganz oder gar nicht.
You should really, really, really stop this. As I said, there are three possbilities:
1. GOG ignores you
2. GOG convinces Beth's lawyers to sell Quake in Germany (won't happen)
3. GOG decides you're right and blocks a few dozen more games in Germany

Just be careful with "ganz oder gar nicht"...
paladin181: But it's banned based on the perpetual ban on Nazi symbolism being displayed for entertainment. That's a ban that is continuous, not say, a ban for exceptional violence.
MarkoH01: If this would be the case why was it possible (2yrs!) to buy here before it being banned?
It's still indexed but not banned anymore. And the game never was banned because of its (neglectable) violence at all but only because of the symbolism and music.

Interesting btw:
"Auch wegen der Vorgängerspiele hatte es bereits Strafverfahren wegen der Verwendung von NS-Kennzeichen gegeben. Diese endeten teilweise mit einer Einstellung gegen Zahlung einer Geldauflage gemäß § 153a StPO, teilweise mit einem Freispruch, da es ein „antifaschistisches Computerspiel“ sei."
IF I am right the law was limited to detail selling, but last/this year German goverment said it is unfair and expanded to the digital sellers too.

The problem is you, german players(well some part of you), are barking under the wrong tree.
You should fight with goverment about changing this law

Some people want Good Old Games back, talking about classics and principles and shit.
Especially if it's "principles" that GoG never championed but which the posters invented all by themselves :P.
Post edited October 05, 2015 by E_A

It's an ambiguous term at best.

I've had with this bullshit vague right and wrong good and bad crap.
"You've changed, GOG! You used to be all about the music!!!"