ghosteye85: WOW. Some of you are really really rude! This post was meant to be a heads up to gog that there may be some technical issues in their marketing department. Insults seem completely unnecessary, but I guess this is the internet.
No nothing in my spam folder. I haven't been playing any games lately that I got on gog so why would I randomly check it? I only buy a few games a year, not like I constantly shop for games....
I love how it's my fault I only got one email. I do normally get the weekly promotion emails, which is why I was so surprised not to hear anything about this until after it was over.
To be fair, you didn't quite explain it very well (only now have you mentioned that you were being notified via email, only received one, and don't normally check the site page...most people who say they prefer buying from X website check it fairly often), and the way you worded the OP, it sounded like you where whining about GOG saying "Screw you guys! Imma go to Steam! Steam's WAAAAAY better!"
I apologize if I or others were rude to you, but the thing is, we get a lot of posters/trolls in here who make posts like I just mentioned and then either leave or continue to promote Steam endlessly. We get so many that it gets annoying, to the point that whenever somebody says something like "Guess I'll be buying from Steam from now on!", it automatically raises our hackles and we think "Oh, great. It's another one of THOSE accounts!"