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this thread is making me sad and want to force people to play games. hahaha

I have never played:

Thief series (though it's sitting in my library)
Deus Ex
Any of those Lucas Arts games you all are going crazy for.
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy
The Sims
The best games I have never played:

Half Life 2
Planescape Torment
Day of the Tentacle
Grim Fandango
Gabriel Knight
A Mind Forever Voyaging

Most of them I have dabbled with but not really played.
adaliabooks: Sorry... I had the main character in a book I half wrote who was called Balder, so that's my go to spelling.

I'll fix it :P
Maighstir: Interestingly enough, Balder is the Swedish spelling of the Norse god (original Norse is likely more closely transcribed as Baldr) who's name I'd guess was borrowed for the Faerûnian hero Balduran (who, in turn, gave name to the city of Baldur's Gate).
Yeah, I took my names from a variety of Nordic regions and sources so that's probably why I ended up with that spelling. If I'd done a bit more research before starting writing I probably would have settled on the Baldr form as I quite like the Nordic style of ending in -dr or similar without the vowel.
Assassin's Creed series. Not a one. I don't know if the games are supposed to be action/fantasy/RPG/kill-sim or what. Just never seemed to get my attention.
The major ones for me that I'd really like to play but haven't had the chance yet are:
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 <- very embarrassed of this
Dark Souls
The Witcher
Maighstir: Interestingly enough, Balder is the Swedish spelling of the Norse god (original Norse is likely more closely transcribed as Baldr) who's name I'd guess was borrowed for the Faerûnian hero Balduran (who, in turn, gave name to the city of Baldur's Gate).
adaliabooks: Yeah, I took my names from a variety of Nordic regions and sources so that's probably why I ended up with that spelling. If I'd done a bit more research before starting writing I probably would have settled on the Baldr form as I quite like the Nordic style of ending in -dr or similar without the vowel.
To be honest, my first thought when you mentioned your character named Balder was Bald - Balder - Baldest, as in bald - more bald - most bald. Not that it makes much sense since you're either bald or not, there are no grades of baldness, are there?
adaliabooks: Yeah, I took my names from a variety of Nordic regions and sources so that's probably why I ended up with that spelling. If I'd done a bit more research before starting writing I probably would have settled on the Baldr form as I quite like the Nordic style of ending in -dr or similar without the vowel.
Maighstir: To be honest, my first thought when you mentioned your character named Balder was Bald - Balder - Baldest, as in bald - more bald - most bald. Not that it makes much sense since you're either bald or not, there are no grades of baldness, are there?
I suppose you could have degrees of baldness if you counted very short shaved hair as being almost bald.. or having a receding hair line as being a bit bald..

And now I'm never going to be able to look at the name without remembering this XD
Baldur'a Gate is it for me. I tried it a long time ago and didn't get into it. After I discovered GOG I tried it again because so many ppl say it's the holy grail of gaming, etc. My reaction was the same as before. I call BG 1&2 my much ballyhooed classic that I haven't played more than a little of.
Maighstir: To be honest, my first thought when you mentioned your character named Balder was Bald - Balder - Baldest, as in bald - more bald - most bald. Not that it makes much sense since you're either bald or not, there are no grades of baldness, are there?
Anyone remember the bald Baron Baldric? Highly Acclaimed Game I never played. ;) But I liked Mystic Towers.

Gerin: Baldur'a Gate is it for me. I tried it a long time ago and didn't get into it. After I discovered GOG I tried it again because so many ppl say it's the holy grail of gaming, etc. My reaction was the same as before. I call BG 1&2 my much ballyhooed classic that I haven't played more than a little of.
Baldur's Gate 2 is much better than Baldur's Gate, IMO. Sadly their stories are connected. :(
Post edited February 09, 2015 by Leroux
Gerin: Baldur'a Gate is it for me. I tried it a long time ago and didn't get into it. After I discovered GOG I tried it again because so many ppl say it's the holy grail of gaming, etc. My reaction was the same as before. I call BG 1&2 my much ballyhooed classic that I haven't played more than a little of.
Not everyone has to like the classics... even if I almost think you're a heathen for not worshipping the Infinity Engine games as the holy grail of gaming.
Halo series
Call of Duty series
Assassin's Creed series
Bioshock series
Portal series
Mass Effect series

These games more or less sum up a new generation and new demographic I completely fail to identify with.

EDIT: If you make inane "the cake is a lie" references, I'm talking about you.
Post edited February 09, 2015 by awalterj
awalterj: These games more or less sum up a new generation and new demographic I completely fail to identify with.
How does Portal tie into it? Because of Steam, or what is it that makes it alien to you (unless you don't like puzzle games)?
Post edited February 09, 2015 by Leroux
awalterj: These games more or less sum up a new generation and new demographic I completely fail to identify with.
Leroux: How does Portal tie into it? Because of Steam, or what is it that makes it alien to you (unless you don't like puzzle games)?
I can't stand that annoying "Still Alive" song, plus Glados sounds retarded. If that's what goes as cool nowadays, I'm out. But it's not just that I don't have any interest in this particular game, it's the entire "geek chic" emo teen angst libtard demographic and the dudebro fratboy demographic that popped up out of nowhere and seem to have adopted games on this list as their flagship favorites, annoying the internet with their silly memes and references. There's normal people liking these games too so it's not all black & white but one can't deny there has been an influx of people who before 2000 wouldn't touch games and now they're all sugarcrazed about it and for some reason the games above seem particularly popular with the new demographics.
Post edited February 09, 2015 by awalterj
Diablo 1 and 2, those star wars x-wing games, Baldurs gate 1 and 2, Planescape Torment, Syndicate, etc. I didn't had a computer back then, i was more of a console gamer. Nowadays i'm not sure how does those games hold on and i'm really picky with some old mechanics and visuals (well, the resolution).
Too many to name,but then again being strictly an RPG person there are limits...