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There's tons of games i've never played, since i never had the money... Although some of the favorites that i borrowed from a neighbor i've bought on here since i joined.

So, most of them... probably.
Does never played mean never ever installed, or never played it more than 10 minutes?
blotunga: Does never played mean never ever installed, or never played it more than 10 minutes?
If you only turned the game(s) on or installed them to make sure they worked (say, bought them at a yard sale), then that doesn't really count.

I'd say you have to probably put 2+ hours into a game to qualify as having played it.
ZFR: I guess I shouldn't complain. Could have been Baulder...
adaliabooks: Sorry... I had the main character in a book I half wrote who was called Balder, so that's my go to spelling.

I'll fix it :P
Interestingly enough, Balder is the Swedish spelling of the Norse god (original Norse is likely more closely transcribed as Baldr) who's name I'd guess was borrowed for the Faerûnian hero Balduran (who, in turn, gave name to the city of Baldur's Gate).
adaliabooks: Sorry... I had the main character in a book I half wrote who was called Balder, so that's my go to spelling.

I'll fix it :P
Maighstir: Interestingly enough, Balder is the Swedish spelling of the Norse god (original Norse is likely more closely transcribed as Baldr) who's name I'd guess was borrowed for the Faerûnian hero Balduran (who, in turn, gave name to the city of Baldur's Gate).
Do you realize how stupid everyone in here would be if you weren't around? :D
Maighstir: Interestingly enough, Balder is the Swedish spelling of the Norse god (original Norse is likely more closely transcribed as Baldr) who's name I'd guess was borrowed for the Faerûnian hero Balduran (who, in turn, gave name to the city of Baldur's Gate).
tinyE: Do you realize how stupid everyone in here would be if you weren't around? :D
Half-life 3. Oh, wait. ; )

Planescape: Torment (on my shelf for a few years now)
System Shock 2 (on my shelf, still waiting for SS1 first)
Freespace series (on my shelf, waiting for a new joystick)

Most anything from the last 8-10 years or so, so long as it comes with DRM. Skyrim, Mass Effect, CoD series, Battlefield games after BF2, etc....
blotunga: Does never played mean never ever installed, or never played it more than 10 minutes?
I don't know. I didn't really have a hard and fast definition.

For me, the titles I've listed, I've never played at all. I don't own them.
tinyE: Do you realize how stupid everyone in here would be if you weren't around? :D
Maighstir: Nuh?
I meant that as a compliment. I wasn't being sarcastic.
Maighstir: Nuh?
tinyE: I meant that as a compliment. I wasn't being sarcastic.
I not a-round, I a-square! You a-round!
Post edited February 09, 2015 by Maighstir
Licurg! Get off Maighstir's computer!
tinyE: Licurg! Get off Maighstir's computer!
Nah, that's not Licurg. I've yet to see mention of Sacrifice.
hummer010: I don't know. I didn't really have a hard and fast definition.

For me, the titles I've listed, I've never played at all. I don't own them.
Well then, I never played Deus Ex (even though I own it).... never played Grim Fandango, played Diablo 2 for about 10 minutes, but something didn't feel right so I quit.
I've also never played any of the Final Fantasy games. I also never played games that were console exclusives.
It almost feels like it would be shorter to list what I did play :)
Many newer triple-A games like:

Dead Space series
Bioshock 2 / Infinite
Crysis 2 / 3
Mass Effect 3
Kingdoms of Amalur
Tomb Raider (the latest one)
Anno 2070

These are some of the games that come in my mind right now.. Haven't played them mostly because of the DRM..
I'm yet to play an Assassin's Creed game either!
So many games, so little time!