Navagon: Yeah, that's the way I see it. Only for me that makes AMD GPUs condemnable and to be avoided at all costs and Nvidia the defacto stalwart option. Drivers are vital.
Yeah, it seems Razer are a lot worse than I realised. How could such a substandard company with substandard products get to be so full of itself as to have driver that require an internet connection? I mean it's a physical fucking product. You don't need DRM in that.
I have to admit that I was completely shocked and dumbfounded when I discovered that. I mean, I never would have thought I had to research that sort of thing before buying a f'ing *mouse*. Seriously!
I had seen some fancy gaming mice for years, in particular one called the "Warmouse" which I believe is no longer around, and it had a zillion buttons on it that got me all excited at the idea of buying one, but I wasn't in a hurry. A few years passed and I was gaming again and looking at new hardware etc. and fancy gaming mice came up and I thought of the Warmouse and went out there to see what else was out there. Of course Razer showed up everywhere and had these snazzy looking very aesthetically pleasing designs that looked high tech and high quality. I did some reading and they seemed to get great reviews but I obviously did not dig deep enough... but then it's a friggen mouse! I didn't think I would _need_ to dig deeper. Their product is put together to LOOK very attractive, as is the extremely nice packaging they wrap it up in although I didn't give a crap about that. It's clear to me now that they focus their effort on selling an idea, a nice looking package and nice looking product, but don't have the hardware nor software engineering skills to back it up with something reliable and robust that works without crashing, and just as importantly, works without requiring a mandatory Internet connection to use it.
I was so angry it's not funny. Then their lame support was just next-level shitfest, it was atrocious. I think the guy I was talking to is the same guy that calls here trying to tell me my computer has a virus or I am a valued customer of some airline I've never used, or that I've won a trip to Bermuda or whatever.
Never again! Logitech from now on. The thing is I've always loved Logitech, but I just had no idea they even made mice like this or I'd have never experienced this problem in the first place. That mistake is on me though. But... never again! :)
Gnostic: I never had a 18' so I had been curious to try. Had you tried 18' and 17'? are they almost the same?
Wow, a laptop with a 17 to 18 foot screen must be massive! Doesn't that hurt the lap at all? :)