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Elaborigen: I just played that part, went on next mission, and uninstalled after more than 5 minutos of loading time.

It's Star Wars Uprising, recently released for iOS and Android.

Anyone can take my turn.
Hehehe, yep, you're right! Pity they didn't put more effort into the story - you're just dumped into it, with some background about the setting in the intro scrolling text and that's it. No idea why you're trying to get to the smuggling ring, what's your sister's background and why can't she do what you're doing and so on. Just a story hook that you need to repay that guy for the used crystals.

They could've made a good SW game but instead they just made another new pay-to-win game (or at least pay to get some extra special items at first), albeit a bit better than that Rebels vs Imperials turret defense game. Out of all the SW Android games I've tried the platformer game SW: Rebels (based on the new animated TV series) seemed the best but since it's one of those easy mobile platformers where you don't really do anything except jump on through the railroaded path and shoot sometimes, it's really boring. Unlike Mario or Croc.
Green_Hilltop: Also I'm not sure which game you're thinking of as you've posted none.
Gydion: I thought is sounded somewhat similar to X-Wing Alliance, but I wasn't guessing. Not to mention it was wrong.
But you did get the setting right! ;) And that counts! If you like scoring invisible mental points for guessing some things right.
Post edited September 17, 2015 by Green_Hilltop
Elaborigen: I just played that part, went on next mission, and uninstalled after more than 5 minutos of loading time.

It's Star Wars Uprising, recently released for iOS and Android.

Anyone can take my turn.
Hahaha, I guess we won't be having another turn for at least five more days like last time, unless somebody steps up to the game. ;)
Green_Hilltop: Hahaha, I guess we won't be having another turn for at least five more days like last time, unless somebody steps up to the game. ;)
OK, let's see...

Something short then:

When I'm collecting bottles, I notice some are gold, while others silver. Is there any difference between the two?
Green_Hilltop: Hahaha, I guess we won't be having another turn for at least five more days like last time, unless somebody steps up to the game. ;)
ZFR: OK, let's see...

Something short then:

When I'm collecting bottles, I notice some are gold, while others silver. Is there any difference between the two?
Maybe the gold ones have a special property while potion-making? Can you make potions in this game?

What other kinds of things do you collect?
Green_Hilltop: Maybe the gold ones have a special property while potion-making? Can you make potions in this game?
No and no.

Green_Hilltop: What other kinds of things do you collect?
Green_Hilltop: Maybe the gold ones have a special property while potion-making? Can you make potions in this game?
ZFR: No and no.

Green_Hilltop: What other kinds of things do you collect?
ZFR: Memories.
It's not Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, eh? ;)

Can you describe the setting? Is it fantasy?
Green_Hilltop: It's not Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, eh? ;)

Green_Hilltop: Can you describe the setting? Is it fantasy?
Mostly different fantasy variants, though some parts take place in Victorian England.

Green_Hilltop: What other kinds of things do you collect?
ZFR: Memories.
You actually also collect other items. Other than the usual (weapons, health...) there are teeth, peaches and some quest items here and there.
Post edited September 20, 2015 by ZFR
Green_Hilltop: It's not Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, eh? ;)
ZFR: No.

Green_Hilltop: Can you describe the setting? Is it fantasy?
ZFR: Mostly different fantasy variants, though some parts take place in Victorian England.

ZFR: Memories.
ZFR: You actually also collect other items. Other than the usual (weapons, health...) there are teeth, peaches and some quest items here and there.
Is the protagonist female? :-)
Sanjuro: Is the protagonist female? :-)
Say it already.
ZFR: Say it already.
Alice: Madness Returns, a sequel to American McGee's Alice.
Ooh, haha! I've only played the original game. Really dark but awesome! So atmospheric.
Sanjuro: OK, OK.
Alice: Madness Returns, a sequel to American McGee's Alice.
Green_Hilltop: Ooh, haha! I've only played the original game. Really dark but awesome! So atmospheric.
The sequel is a tiny bit worse. The novelty (which is the main reason I loved the first) is gone and it's more of a platformer game than a third person shooter.

Nevertheless if you liked the first one, give it a try. I just finished Chapter 3 and am enjoying it.
Post edited September 20, 2015 by ZFR
All right, let's try something simple.

I ride across the wasteland on my horse, sneak into Soviet camps and steal their equipment and soldiers. While I'm not a cat, I like to hide in boxes and can move almost noiselessly. I have a dog with classy glasses and a helicopter on which me and my friends fly around the place.
Sanjuro: All right, let's try something simple.

I ride across the wasteland on my horse, sneak into Soviet camps and steal their equipment and soldiers. While I'm not a cat, I like to hide in boxes and can move almost noiselessly. I have a dog with classy glasses and a helicopter on which me and my friends fly around the place.
This sounds so awesome, I feel like there was an indie game that came out recently which had a funky dog in WW2, does the game have animated/hand-drawn graphics?
Sanjuro: All right, let's try something simple.

I ride across the wasteland on my horse, sneak into Soviet camps and steal their equipment and soldiers. While I'm not a cat, I like to hide in boxes and can move almost noiselessly. I have a dog with classy glasses and a helicopter on which me and my friends fly around the place.
MGS - V - im also play it now. :)
