Posted June 02, 2015
bler144: It sounds similar to Dishonored in terms of general plot, but the murder was out in a gazebo.
It is not Dishonored. ZFR: Ok, could you describe your "community" a bit. Is it a religious order or somesuch, or just a town, or what? Give a bit of a detailed description please.
A small (probably coastal; at least it has a port) town, no idea where. It's governed by "some" (going more into detail might be an instaguess hint) holy order which is led... or should I say "was led"? by an elderly priest who recently got a bullet where it didn't belong. At least partially, yes. That's the reason he managed to survive those encounters (first with the assassin and then the one where he discovered the truth about the priest) while most people wouldn't make it.