Technically, I didn't start from the very beginning on PC, because my first platform was very popular in Poland famiclone, Pegasus. But that was my early childhood, and since about 1997/1998 I've jumped on PC-wagon. And stayed there up to this day :) I liked the big variety of genres (literally everything, from rather simple platform and action games up to quite hard cRPGs and turn-based strategy games), so to be honest, for very long time I didn't feel any need to try anything from console's "world". I remember that I've played a lot in such games as Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Captain Claw, Akimbo: Kung-Fu Hero, Leo the Lion, Starcraft..demo (it took me some time to obtain full version), Tzar, Black Moon Chronicles, Disciples, Pizza Sindicate, Heroes of Might & Magic III (a bit later i've "discovered" that Heroes 2 were fun as well!), Gorky 17... well, there was more of them, sadly many only in form of demo version (for quite a long time only games possible for me to buy were those added to game magazines and in budget series). Fortunately, after years I was able to play in many of those games in full version (GOG, ebay and other sources).
So yeah, despite that relatively short (but still important) period with famiclone, I was always PC-gamer.