Posted June 02, 2016
zeogold: Guys, cut the OP a little slack. At least he's actually reading the privacy policy, paying attention to it, and asking GOG for clarification on it. Even if most of you consider it a stupid/pointless question, at least he's actually pursuing an answer/clarification. As I think Breja mentioned in another thread, I'd rather GOG feel like their community is watchdogging them and actually checking up on their honesty rather than just letting them do whatever the heck they want. This may be a trivial matter, but at least GOG knows that people are watching what they're doing and will call them out on it.
Seriously, your replies have actually been fair (aside from implying earlier that I was angry or irrational), hence why I think I've given them fair replies. Most of the people here have either completely ignored what I was discussing in the OP, or just devolved into strawmen and insults. But then, if they have no interest in reading things they agree to, I suppose I can't expect them to actually read what I wrote. Anyway, I've said about all that I have a desire to say in this topic, as obviously nothing overly productive is coming from it. I guess I'll just wait on GOG's response. And if other people don't have a desire to read and consider what they're agreeing to, at least hopefully it won't end up impacting me.
Post edited June 02, 2016 by terrisus