RWarehall: Seriously, go back to the hole you crawled out of.
Do you have any idea how many old games back in the day had music cut out?
And would you believe restarting the game usually worked?
You are acting like you discovered something that every avid game player didn't know 20 years ago...
I mean c'mon, seriously?
Do you have any idea how many times I've opened and closed a CD bay, or rebooted a program or did a half dozen other things to get music to resume back in the day? And all because the game didn't like when you escape from a video or go to a menu between tracks.
You act like you discovered that? Boy, the ego on you.
The fact is you come off as some spoiled complaining brat. So what if you turned down the refund the people at GoG offered you? This gives you a right to keep complaining like an asshat?
Seriously, you need to get over yourself...
It's an old game. It's a bit quirky on newer systems and you were offered store credit for your troubles.
Seems like decent customer service to me...besides the wait times...
Oh did I strike a nerve? It sucks being called out, doesn't it? I've been PC gaming since DOS 6.22 so Don't tell me about what to expect.
Let me explain something to you. GOG makes old games playable on new systems. That is their calling card. That is why they exist. They have a tech support team that is supposed to assist you when you have a problem with one of their products. They are supposed to help you fix the problem that you are having. If they can't, they are supposed to give you a refund. REFUND! Not a store credit, much less a "one time" store credit. "Store credit" is not even listed in their refund policy.
I put the entire unedited conversation on this thread so that people with atleast half a brain could plainly see exactly what happened and what my intentions were. Still there are plenty of halfwits on this forum who remove what I've said from it's context and have chosen not to read a single word of the original conversation between me and GOG. The people who have actually read my conversation with GOG can all at the very least agree that I had some valid points. You clearly have not read it or cannot comprehend what you've read if you did actually attempt to read it. Again your snarky comments do nothing but make you look dumber. At least you didn't try your hand at anymore failed analogies, so I can give you some credit there.