RWarehall: No. Everyone has read your posts, they just see the truth that you are an overreacting fool.
But you keep claiming no one else has read shit, while you yourself lie through your teeth and refuse to read what anyone else says...
Let's see, how you claim YOU discovered the fix when the 2nd post in the thread, TOLD YOU the workaround!
Let's see...dipshit...moron...idiot...oldsxcool...all synonyms of the same thing...all some blow hard moron who thinks the world revolves are him. And you know what? It doesn't! Sorry to let you down, fuckhead...
No, the only part that you are right about is its spelled out in black and white (rather grey and white)...
What a complete self-centered narcissist you are...
GoG spelled it out plain as fucking day...
It's not a game-breaking's not, not at all, thus their refund policy does not apply...
All it is is the music cutting out when you go to the menu, basically a mild annoyance at best...
There are two very obvious workarounds...avoid using the menu when not necessary and saving and re-starting...
But the third solution was even easier than can also just save and reload...
(And even better, people say the music starts itself on the next track if you wait!)
That's it. That's all of it. This is the complaint of this moron of the month who thinks GoG has to roll over and give him a refund!
What a fucking tool you are.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with GoG calling this a non-game breaking bug.
There is nothing wrong with the way GoG's policy has been implemented in your case.
But, it didn't stop there, GoG and their much better than average customer service, even with your blowhard complaints, still offered you store credit. Not a refund because why should they eat the bank fees when some loudmouth fuckhead is making a mountain out of a molehill, but you were offered fair compensation anyway...
And you know what...this is why GoG is great and why so many people think you are just a fucking idiot.
Even when problems fall outside of GoG's terms of service, they still try to help you...
They did, you are just too much of a fucking idiot to see it.
Again it's really easy for someone to point out that the workaround was pretty simple when the workaround is known. That's why you're an idiot and taking everything out of context. At the time of this conversation with GOG nobody knew there was a workaround. There are still threads in this forum where this has still not been answered by any member or by GOG. Since you seem to be so good at pretending, let's pretend that there still is no known workaround for this issue. Let's say that saving then loading the save did not work, because at the time I contacted GOG this was all we knew which was nothing. Would the music breaking be acceptable? No. If you say yes, what does qualify as an unacceptable bug? No sound? Technically you can play a game with no sound. It will have a significant impact on your experience, but you can still play it. What if the game had no color? You can definitely play a game in black and white, but the game is supposed to be in color. Is that acceptable? According to GOG's policy they all are. If the game does not crash it is not considered game breaking and does not qualify for a refund. Is that spelled out in their policy? No, it's not. I dare you to look at it and tell me what the specifics are.
I'm just going to finally bring the discussion to you since you're too lazy to go back and read the discussion which says EXACTLY what I'm after, and it has nothing to do with money. This is a QUOTE found on page 4 of this thread:
"I appreciate the offer, but as I told the other support team member, I am
in no need of a credit. What I do want however is the support member's
supervisor contact information as I have requested. He is all of the sudden
mute ever since my request.
About sticking to your policies; your polices are NOT clear to the
customer. I have no problem sticking to a policy so long as I know about it
beforehand. I've bought many games from Steam before their "no questions
asked" return policy was put in place, and knew that once I bought it, it
was mine whether it ran or not. However you have your 30 day money back
guarantee on the front page and it is very general. There's no two ways
about it; it is misleading. Steam goes into great detail what qualifies for
a return, and what doesn't so there is no question about their policies.
Nowhere does it say in your return policy, "unless your game crashes or
freezes, you are not eligible for a refund." That is your return policy. My
problem is no longer the game I purchased. My problem is supporting a
business that expects me to understand policy that is not clearly stated
and manipulate the policy that is stated to mean whatever they want it to
mean in order to save a few dollars, and then be treated like some chronic
complainer when I call them out. I have 30 legitimate game purchases from
this site, and have not complained to you guys until now. If you don't
wanna give refunds for broken games, then don't post on your front page
that you do. I'm fine with that. But don't say that you give refunds for
broken games and then give out "one time" store credits. Plus your support
members should try harder to come up with some actual solutions if you
don't want to be asked for refunds. Not tell me that the game is broken and
you're sorry for my inconvenience.
I'm still not buying anything from your site until someone over there
admits that there is a problem and fixes it. Steam and GOG have alot of the
same games, and while I would like to have DRM free games, I would much
rather buy from a company that doesn't twist the meaning of their polices.
I've not had to use Steam's refund policy, and I may never have to. However
if I do, I won't need to worry about dealing with a support team that will
tell me that my problems are minimal and offer me something other than what
is stated in their policy."
This is why I call you an idiot. Because you're still trying to make me out to be someone who wants money. I plainly state to the support rep that I don't want money and plainly state what I do want and why. I can tell that people haven't actually read this because of what they say that I'm after which is money. Now if you want to tell me that you think honestly think nothing needs to change and that you're happy with GOG the way it is, that's perfectly fine as others have told me that in this thread. However your foul rages against me are not acceptable arguments. As a matter of fact, this is a quote from me to you on page 6:
"The POINT!!!!!!!!! is that their refund policy does not at all state what their policy actually is. The point is that when GOG knows that one of their games is broken, they will sell it to you anyway and not disclose that the game is broken. Then they will turn around and tell you that the game is not broke enough to get your money back via their return policy. If you're ok with that, move on."
So move on.
Lin545: Idiotic statements? I don't remember when I have claimed your statements to be something like this.
What you do right now, is
offensive disrespectful behavior towards members of GOG(1); additionally instead of using the forums for constructive criticism,
you are MISusing the forums to harm GOG reputation(2) - because its crystal clear now why GOG stopped reacting towards you, and post inflammatory content.
This is against GOG's term of use
§2, 1. "Be polite and treat others just like you want them to treat you. Everyone should feel comfortable and therefore any language or content that is harassing, intimidating, threatening, discriminating, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit or offensive in any other way will not be tolerated."
§2, 5. "Don't spam or troll. Posting in topics or threads for the sole purpose of flooding and causing unrest on the forums, “bumping” existing topics or creating forum petitions won't be tolerated;"
So what I am going to do right now, is to inform GOG staff about your actions. Since you were going to leave GOG anyway, this is in your own interest as well. Have a nice day.
Please, be my guest and report me.