eiii: There are quite some 90%+ deals to chose from, when you do not already own them all. ;)
Well for me the sale is a bust, i'm not one who wants 90% on everything and free games everywhere. But the last few sales with the "buy games to get free stuff" was nice and overall the offers were better.
There are only 7 games from my Wishlist on sale even. That is VERY disappointing.
Some games are even with a discount too expensive considering some where:
- Cheaper on Steam
- Free on Origin
- are so old that it's kinda greedy to charge a lot for it. There's a topic about Activision and honestly: A ancient, mediocre game like Caesar only gets 39% off? That's not a good offer. I would actually need that game to complete my Impressions city builder collection but not for that joke of a discount.
Why is Blackguards 50% off, the Special Edition 90%? Blackguards 2 is 85% off. Why does the older game in it's basic version gets a worse discount than the newer game?! That's not even logical.
Also the previous times there were Franchise Bundles with an additional discount over buying them separelty, that seems to be gone. In it's place i get lists from Gamestar, PC Games, Brugaar (magazines and youtubers) that all contain the same games and basically are just wishlists but not "Buy all those games, get a good price" or "pick # out of this for # discount".
Well, still, i managed to get some stuff:
Seven Kingdoms
Myst Masterpiece
Zork Anthology
Another World 20th Anniversary Edition
The 7th Guest
But as i said, it should've been much, much more. Summersale 2015 i bought nearly 100 games. Last year it was about 50-60. This year 6 because even with some games i'm looking it, i have a feeling that Steam will give me a better offer