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Cadaver747: Small update:
One GOG moderator just replied to me that even though there is no way to influence curation process directly my thread with all the info will be forwarded to responsible team.
A wise president once said... You have to keep complaining until all your dreams came true!!!!
We can keep trying, we just have to comment on the tread or create a hashtag on Twitter, sometimes we have to make some noise to get what we want :)
Another vote here. Looks a great game. As for GOG's "curation", you only have to look at the recent Blade of Agony (9.3/10 on moddb) or Hedon (4.1/5.0 and "Very Positive") to see that new GZDoom engine based games are rated a lot higher than some old titles here on GOG like Litil Divil (3.4/5) with unplayably bad controls. You seem to be "curating" the wrong thing GOG.
Crosmando: Honestly, GOG curation is perplexing at the best of times. Someone is gonna say it's just "my taste", but they allow a lot of garbage in here purely on the grounds that it's ~"indie"~ and apparently indie always equals good.
This is not even curation. It is simply letting the awfully small 2 week waiting period expire without any response whatsoever, which is apparently considered an automatic rejection by GOG. I seriously doubt anyone at GOG even looked at/got to this game, otherwise there should have been zero issues with releasing it. There are many more, obviously lower effort, games on the store already so there is absolutely no logical reason to reject this one.
Post edited May 24, 2021 by idbeholdME
Crosmando: Honestly, GOG curation is perplexing at the best of times. Someone is gonna say it's just "my taste", but they allow a lot of garbage in here purely on the grounds that it's ~"indie"~ and apparently indie always equals good.
idbeholdME: This is not even curation. It is simply letting the awfully small 2 week waiting period expire without any response whatsoever, which is apparently considered an automatic rejection by GOG. I seriously doubt anyone at GOG even looked at/got to this game, otherwise there should have been zero issues with releasing it. There are many more, obviously lower effort, games on the store already so there is absolutely no logical reason to reject this one.
Yeah, I think 2 weeks to reject a game is too little, at lest they should accept them if they can reviews it.
Cadaver747: ...after 2 weeks since the game submission there was no reply.
Wesley_de_Waart: Thanks guys.

Lets hope they reconsider(?) and allow us to put the game on there!
Maybe, just maybe...we should all remind ourselves that there's still a pandemic going on, and that we all know already - for that very reason - that GOG is understaffed.

So, maybe, just maybe...two weeks of radio silence don't mean anything else but: so far, nobody had the time to look into this submission.

I'm pretty sure, there are many other games submitted to GOG before this one and/or at the very same time as this one.
You know: games that we don't know about.

It simply may take some time for the understaffed (!) crew to get to this particular submission.

So, everyone: take a deep breath, relax, and calm down again.
BreOl72: So, everyone: take a deep breath, relax, and calm down again.
Did you even read this thread?

Understaffed or no, poor communication kills.

Think of it. This was worded wrong in the first place. During the circumstance of the world, it'd be a moments of editing to add, "Due to the ongoing circumstances of the world, we hereunto further notice suspend any clause regarding dates and timeliness of any software submitted for review. Consider it enqueued. We will personally respond to your submission when we are able to handle it, between our own suffering due to the incompetent stockholders at CDPR forcing the early release of a project that needed several more months to polish."

That last part could probably be excluded.

Though, given how many of these job listings still have that insane, "Must work in house in Poland" clause, I do think their HR manager needs fired out of a cannon. Even that laughable post for "Scrum Master" has the demand.

[Edit: The forum ate my post until a second page post appeared.]
Post edited May 24, 2021 by Darvond
BreOl72: Maybe, just maybe...we should all remind ourselves that there's still a pandemic going on, and that we all know already - for that very reason - that GOG is understaffed.

So, maybe, just maybe...two weeks of radio silence don't mean anything else but: so far, nobody had the time to look into this submission.

I'm pretty sure, there are many other games submitted to GOG before this one and/or at the very same time as this one.
You know: games that we don't know about.

It simply may take some time for the understaffed (!) crew to get to this particular submission.

So, everyone: take a deep breath, relax, and calm down again.
If they are understaffed, they should either update their policy to match, e.g. extending the 2 week period significantly, or remove the "no response after 2 weeks = rejected" nonsense if that is the case and they simply can't keep up. Letting people assume their submissions got rejected just because GOG couldn't be bothered does not give off a very professional impression.
Darvond: Though, given how many of these job listings still have that insane, "Must work in house in Poland" clause, I do think their HR manager needs fired out of a cannon.
Maybe someone is too literally interpreting what "In-house development" means.
Titanium: Maybe someone is too literally interpreting what "In-house development" means.
Well, do you see any mention of telepresence?
BreOl72: So, everyone: take a deep breath, relax, and calm down again.
Darvond: Did you even read this thread?
Nope. I didn't. I also didn't read any other linked threads (if there were any). But I think, I am allowed to express my opinion anyway?
idbeholdME: Letting people assume their submissions got rejected just because GOG couldn't be bothered does not give off a very professional impression.
Yeah, I agree. But it's GOG we're talking about here. They kind of have a history whn it comes to bad communication, wouldn't you agree? And, I'm not defending that, mind you. I just point to the fact, that we all know this. And not just since yesterday.

But while we're at it:
May I point your attention to this post of the dev in the thread mentioned in the OP's comment:
As you can see, the dev wrote on April 20th: "Thank you! :) I'll give an update here when I have something to confirm."
Now, in the very next comment by the dev, posted on May 3rd, he wrote: "Happy to share that Selaco is getting a GOG release alongside Steam!"
Right under that comment, I expressed my congratulations by a simple "Nice!"

Now, how come, that the dev gave the impression on May 3rd already, that his game is confirmed to be released on GOG, if he obviously hadn't received a positive reply by that time?
BreOl72: Nope. I didn't. I also didn't read any other linked threads (if there were any). But I think, I am allowed to express my opinion anyway?
idbeholdME: Letting people assume their submissions got rejected just because GOG couldn't be bothered does not give off a very professional impression.
BreOl72: Yeah, I agree. But it's GOG we're talking about here. They kind of have a history whn it comes to bad communication, wouldn't you agree? And, I'm not defending that, mind you. I just point to the fact, that we all know this. And not just since yesterday.

But while we're at it:
May I point your attention to this post of the dev in the thread mentioned in the OP's comment:
As you can see, the dev wrote on April 20th: "Thank you! :) I'll give an update here when I have something to confirm."
Now, in the very next comment by the dev, posted on May 3rd, he wrote: "Happy to share that Selaco is getting a GOG release alongside Steam!"
Right under that comment, I expressed my congratulations by a simple "Nice!"

Now, how come, that the dev gave the impression on May 3rd already, that his game is confirmed to be released on GOG, if he obviously hadn't received a positive reply by that time?
He just wrote about his intentions, he submited the game and on May 19th, he recived the message about possibly being rejected if he doesn't recive a reply
Wesley_de_Waart: Thanks guys.

Lets hope they reconsider(?) and allow us to put the game on there! <3
Two quick questions: Will the game be DRM-free on Steam? If things with gog go south, do you have any plans to release a DRM-free version on another platform?
Titanium: Just want to clarify, the wall punching is canon.
I want to understand what it means, "the wall punching" is clear enough but "canon" part eludes me.
sanscript: Perhaps they think the protagonist here is too skinny and doesn't look like the Hulk too...? :P
Hulk was green, not blue. And Zan looks good in my opinion.
Post edited May 25, 2021 by Cadaver747
sanscript: No offense to Hedon's developers but that game looks, sounds and plays like a bad combo of Heretic, Blood and Redneck Rampage. Selaco seems to be a heck of a lot better.
Selaco looks great indeed.
But I would like to discuss Hedon game a bit. Well it certainly have similarities with Heretic, maybe there is something from Blood but I'm not sure about this, and definitely there is absolutely nothing from Redneck Rampage unless you meant the height of jumping. That game has no speech at all. If not for one YT reviewer I would not try it and in my first 2 attempts I lose my interest in game right after level 4 for some reason, then after the latest patch I tried it again and had a blast with it till the very end (looking forward to the next chapter). Then I started a game again on latest newly added difficulty and it was even better. I highly recommend this game for game mechanics alone, they are simple yet it may require some time to master and enjoy it at its fullest.
After reading some of the comments...

GOG is going to do what GOG is going to do.

If they have indeed declined the game... if they are simply too understaffed to reply... if they just didn't want to deal with the game for some reason... whatever...

... that's GOG's deal.

But the customer's deal...

... People should be free to say "if you have a policy, you should try and follow it"...

... and...

... wishlist voting seems perfectly sensible.

GOG may very well be swamped and things are falling through the cracks. We see it on the forum and in support. Not hard to imagine it is happening in other realms of their business... and I understand the issues...

... but...

... when you run a business, you have to have solid, straight-forward processes, clear communication, and appropriate staffing. I mean...

... it's a business...

... not a charity.

While I've had many good experiences with GOG, I have seen just as many "unprofessional" moves and cannot seem to figure out their management model. It's the strangest thing; it seems chaotic and baffles me...

... but I'm not on the inside. Who knows..

Maybe we are missing vital information in this scenario?
Post edited May 25, 2021 by kai2