JoeSapphire: but it's made me think having a couple of power roles or mafia abilities might help sow a bit of confusion and get the town a bit more paranoid - which is always a threat in mafia classique.
ZFR: This is just something silly we do as a filler between games. I think adding too many extra stuff to it will just featurecreep it. Balance? Fair? Who cares... Shoot X. That's all the strategy that's needed.
It has been good to see dynamics and sitiations manifesting themselves in this game. Very educative.
Thinking about the idea of the True Form RS (thanks Joe for the name and support) ;)
It ends up being a twist on what RS is, not more complicated really. Each takes a shot and appoints the next from the list of eligible people... Unless one acts faster and takes the gun, then everyone is available to take the next shot... but at the price of adding an additional bullet.
Just a little twist to spice things up. Also more dramatic, if you want.
JoeSapphire: This was an unlucky game from the mafia's perspective, but it's made me think having a couple of power roles or mafia abilities might help sow a bit of confusion and get the town a bit more paranoid - which is always a threat in mafia classique.
Seizing the gun and adding bullets might help a losing team that is willing to take risks. Or someone with a hunch.
The rules might even allow that the same player keeps adding bullets to the gun, if they are not interrupted and they are ready to take the risk. This self-balances, see. Inmediate risk in the hope of turning the tables. Or just for fun or tactics (do you
really want to take player X out?)
As an additional advantage, with so many bullets, rounds will go fast...