Posted July 17, 2021
nightcraw1er.488: How can you hide something if you don’t know they exist? You have to look through the list or look at the news items, and decide if they are interesting or not.
You started out unnecessarily confrontational towards my attempt at civil discussion and now I get the feeling you are intentionally obtuse. Why is that? I'm talking about increasing visibility for games that are relevant to my interests. On the front page there are ~50 games present, 45 of which I have abolutely zero interest in. Hiding these games frees up 45 slots for games I might be interested in. Especially games I might never have heard about and never have seen on the front page before. But as GOG learns what I'm not interested in, it increases the chance of showing me games that make me go "hang on, that looks really cool" and I'd either buy or at least put on my wishlist.
I bet you there are games among GOG's 3000-ish titles that would be right up my alley, but I have never seen or heard about them because they get buried under 2800-ish titles I couldn't care less about. Every game I'm able to hide get's me closer to those games and GOG closer to a sale they wouldn't otherwise get.