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Lifthrasil: Another feelings I have at the moment: bler is town. Even though he is defending HSL, his reasoning and conviction appear genuine. So I think he is town that was fooled by HSL.
Perhaps you are town fooled by HSL. /shrug

I still have him roughly 3rd towniest. Agree with Joe that most of your back and forth looks like noise, and at some point I start tuning both of you out. Probably T/T noise at that.

Curious how cristi reads that. Maybe she said already.

Lifthrasil: I think your mentioning of Sleepers was exactly that: a signal to your unknown buddies that You are the hidden Traitor. Am I correct?
Possible, but I tend to think it unlikely. Miller is already anti-town. 8 town + miller vs. 3 mafia + traitor An RB of either alignment (of course role is still unconfirmed) throws an even bigger wrench into that.

I mean, I suppose you could have no mafia and just a bunch of uncoordinated traitors, then sure, balance solved! But if we're going to get wild perhaps this isn't BSG - it's a BSG/My Little Pony mashup!

Lifthrasil: I'm not accusing HSL of being a terrible person. I never even accused drealmer of being a terrible person, on the contrary. Outside of the game we get along quite well. Same with HSL. Outside the games I like him. He just is a person that has a knack of making me furious when playing because I feel like he is constantly misunderstanding me. And sometimes, like in this game I can't shake the feeling that that is intentional.
Come on - that would be like you accusing me of being like Hijack. Even if you were ultimately right it would be a shot to the heart. If you think he's wrong just do the bler-dodge or the Krypsyn dance. At risk of stating the obvious, ultimately it really doesn't matter what any one player thinks. HSL is likely to press everybody, and that's just how it is. He's the type of eye who just asks a lot of questions and prods.

For the record, I constantly misunderstand you as well. Or rather, I tend to think I understand you and just completely disagree on like 80% of it. It doesn't make you or me inherently wolfy.

trentonlf: The game I can remember where the question came up was where I was scum with Lift. Hyper and adalia had our number that game, at least I think it was that game. I could be wrong as it's been awhile.

P.S. I hope everything is ok at home!
Too tired to double-check, so I'll just take your word for it. Sorry to see you go out :(

Everything is...meh. I made three jokes about having a heart attack today and I wasn't entirely kidding about that.

adaliabooks: Well, no, that's not my reason for voting cristi. That should be fairly clear from my posts today, my comment relates to the fact that I'm pretty much the most bloodthirsty player here (particularly now that yogs isn't playing anymore) and will generally lynch anything that moves or looks at me the wrong way. Spending a few (real) days in game without having placed a vote is very alien to me.
Well, that's a lovely rational for voting generally.

It does nothing to explain your specific vote. Similar to your post about JoeS, this seems to be an assertion of a viewpoint with nothing seemingly holding up said viewpoint.

bler144: [...] It's a mad, mad world where Ele is now my far and away top townread. [...]
HypersomniacLive: Is that because of her own actions, or because of others dropping off/not making your list of townreads? If the former, what about her does it for you Today given that she wasn't on your townread list Yesterday?
Mmm...she's the one player I seriously iso'ed because I was finding her suspicious in real-time, and I thought a re-read would really cement that. And if she was scum, the game could be solved!

In fact, quite the opposite happened - that suspicious scent around her turned out to be Carbonade flamande. I could be wrong, but in looking at all her posts together I'm guessing her Primary language is not English. I'm only half kidding that when I re-read her with a French accent she made waaaay more sense, even if she probably speaks German.

Everything flowed, felt pure.

Seriously, go back and really look close at her arguments and progression in ISO. She's my one definitely town human. Not voting. (Not everyone can be a town smurf) Anyone voting her should look at her ISO (not too long to read given lower frequency posts) and then vote on her actual record, not just in how she feels in real time or because she has fewer posts. Lamesauce.

Don't worry though, you're not far behind. I would still eat licorice hat for you. For elepetalouda, I eat real hat. Might need hot sauce to get it down, but I'm good for it. Joe/Trent maybe deep wolf, but looking pretty good atm. Not sure what would eat for them, but not on D2 menu.

Also back to thinking this is probably scummyLift and not scum!Lift, but maybe he's just tunneling on you to avoid having to do much else where wolfy pattern would show more. Hoping he like, does other stuff except talk about why you are scummy and why cristi is scummy because of you. Maybe he could at least pretend there are probably more than 2 wolves, perhaps.

That would be super swell imo.
ZFR: @bler. I don't think your example of AtE (my "claim") was good. It was an appeal to meta, but not to emotion. AtE would be like "I don't want to vote Lift since he just joined the game" or "I invested so much time into this game!".

For some reason I'm getting a bad gut feeling about adalia. Could be because subconsciously I associate him with scum now that the only 2 games I played him he was one. But his posts, his list in particular, struck me as walls of text without too much substance. Something I did in Secret Hitler when I played scum.

bring flubbucket flowers
We could have a hair-splitting argument, but that probably is neither productive nor fun. ;)

As I noted above, my big concern with adalia is what I perceive to be a lack of explanation for his viewpoints. Feels more like agenda than solving. Know I'm pinballing on that slot, but am at would lynch over any of the 4 who currently have votes.

That's very sweet of you. But he'd probably prefer brandy.

Lifthrasil: JS and SPF are about the same. They write a lot but nothing I seriously disagree with and they don't seem to buddy up to anyone particular. So I'll have them as neutral for now. Although I always have the feeling that they are both up to something.

elebutterfly's re-read was more interesting: she attacks trent (and all others) for not finishing off ZFR. But she didn't do so herself and instead tried to re-vive the stalled SPF wagon. Also she accuses trent of being psychic because he warned about the danger of no-lynch. Really? Being aware that no-lynch is a danger when there are competing trains close to the deadline is a sign of scumminess now? That's a bit much. Last but not least she has a grand total of one post today. That is a bit little. One could say lurky. So, I have her leaning scum.
1) Townies should be up to something. It's just not quite the same as having an agenda. Are they up to something (positioning themselves, testing reactions) or do they have specific outcomes in mind and are just figuring out how to effectuate them?

2) I mean, you're blaming HSL for EOD. If you are town!Lift, what makes your conclusion that it was HSL's fault any different than town!ele view to blame Trent? For the record, if I didn't know HSL or Trent, I would probably slightly eyeball Trent over HSL as well, in part b/c it was Trent hopping off ZFR's wagon at L-2(?) about 72 hours prior to deadline took the steam out of that as well. I also tend to view HSL/Damnation's tentativeness as generally more understandable (again, having been there for 4-5 minutes of it) than Trent's talking about "It's all so hopeless!" earlier.

I wasn't pushing him on that only because he did pretty much exactly the same thing in Oakwood.

But I tend to think the whole thing is noise and understandable and both are probably town. And you and ele start to look t/t as well, at least by your standard of townie ;)

adaliabooks: Damnation, Joe, flub and bler are all muddled as neutral for me, would lynch them but wouldn't particularly push for it.

Aside from cristi I'd be willing to vote ele, she gave me bad vibes when I was following day 1 and hasn't really done much to improve that day 2.

I think there's a better than average chance lift is scum and could get behind his lynch too if anyone was interested.
Pshaw, you know I'm towniest. It's ok, you can say it.

But...bad vibes, you say? That does sound pretty serious. Also detailed and clearly explained.

Well, Lift does draw scum more than half the time it seems, almost as often as you or Kryspyn do. And he's always pretty dubious. But he's probably town here anyway. Would you care to ...elaborate at all on any of these reads or point me to where you have made arguments that detail them?

flubbucket: What purpose did it serve to claim at that time??
I see your point, but it's pretty rarely the case that someone claims VT and lives to tell about it. Right?

SirPrimalform: I'm still getting scummy vibes from ele and Book(s) and would vote for either. Not so sure about ZFR any more. Flub is a mystery, but a distinctly suspicious one and I'm still not sure about this current cristi wagon.

My gut says cristi is townie and adalia's vote strikes me as opportunistic, and since I have him as scum it fits with my town feelings of cristi.

adaliabooks: I'd be willing to vote ele
SirPrimalform: O RLY??

Let's see then. Vote elebutterfly.
More vibes, I guess.

adaliabooks: I'm game if anyone else is.

Unvote cristigale
Vote elebutterfly

Come on, SPF at least half-assed his vote explanation. It was a low, low bar.

elebutterfly: I'm... somewhat bemused that you could misread something as clear as voting order quite as badly as that.

Does anyone else find this a strange question?

Also - look at that shift to me! Look at it! What is going on, why did the cristi wagon stall? It's happening again! Argh!

SPF and adalia! You both vote for me based on "vibes".... that doesn't give me much to work with.
1) It's a gift he has.

2) Hard to tell with him. He asks questions. Perhaps he thought it would rattle you if you were working an angle to trap him and got called on it. He's also seemingly a bit defensive, but that's kinda NAI, unfortunately. Hard to say, but I don't find it all that telling.

3) Yeah, that's ...odd. Clearly I (or L-2) is the kiss of death for any wagon. Which would make sense if I were universally scum-read, but...that doesn't seem to be the case. It's like no one wants to actually commit to lynch. Unless I'm missing something (should probably re-read, lack energy to do) but I'm reading these vote swaps as explanations of moving to a new wagon, not for why cristi was fascinating at dawn but is now not.

Or in adalia's case, just not bothering to explain at all, apparently.

JoeSapphire: snip
There's a posted deadline? I don't see it in the vote count.

I'm of the "avoid fire drill at all costs" camp. It's like taking an entire day's worth of effort to sort things out and then just throwing everything in the air for S&Gs. Plus I don't think i've ever seen a scum lynched that way. At least a few town PRs though. /shrug

I'm not following your math = 7. 5 wagons you could get behind, and Dam? What does POE mean to you exactly? adalia and sirp are POE but not...suspects?

I tried to read, but the trip just zapped it out of me. Didn't expect the wagon shift. I'm taking my own advice and waiting until I've slept.
JoeSapphire: Lifthrasil - Rabbit had to abandon the game quickly because life overwhelmed her hence no notes from her to you. bookwyrm and adalia had the ol' switcheroo planned from before the game began, and bookwyrm is hoping to return to the role, hence lots of notes. I don't think you should read too much meta into it.

Yes I can see benefits to giving it a bit of

brig Flubbucket
Fine. My own brig suggestion isn't going anywhere. But I can see the advantage of diffusing the confusing and possibly scummy flubb.

brig Flubbucket

bler144: Possible, but I tend to think it unlikely. Miller is already anti-town. 8 town + miller vs. 3 mafia + traitor
Who says there are 3 regular scum? That's only speculation based on the number of players. I think 2 regular scum (e.g. HSL+ZFR or HSL+X) plus one Traitor (cristi) plus a Miller would balance out against 9 town with the right PRs.

But you're right about my last attack on HSL on a personal level was uncalled for.

@HSL: sorry for that!

trentonlf: My last post of the game
Nooo! :-(
Sorry to see you go. Hopefully the situation at home will get better soon!
bler144: Pshaw, you know I'm towniest. It's ok, you can say it.

But...bad vibes, you say? That does sound pretty serious. Also detailed and clearly explained.

Well, Lift does draw scum more than half the time it seems, almost as often as you or Kryspyn do. And he's always pretty dubious. But he's probably town here anyway. Would you care to ...elaborate at all on any of these reads or point me to where you have made arguments that detail them?


Come on, SPF at least half-assed his vote explanation. It was a low, low bar.
Well, you were when Vitek died in the night, but you've done your hardest today to make me doubt that read, so now you're neutral.

That's about the best your likely to get from me. I'm town, I'll help push whichever wagon we think is best today but as I suddenly seem to have lost enthusiasm for the game don't expect any astounding feats of logic or, you know, any actual effort.

And I've literally spent most of the day on why I find cristi scummy, main point being the complete and utter lack of any interaction whatsoever beyond flub's avatar day 1 and then a push to kill ZFR off EoD to save her own skin.
My reasons for the doubt on Joe are somewhat similar, looking back and seeing he never moved off ZFR day 1 seems a tad opportunistic, that combined with lots of long jokey posts with not much conclusion to them makes me suspicious.

Unvote elebutterfly
Vote cristigale

If we're doing this, lets do it. If anyone is interested in ele I'll vote her again but cristi is my primary target. I won't be responsible for letting the wagon fall apart.
Quick reply on my phone, pre-coffee...

bler144: fact, quite the opposite happened - that suspicious scent around her turned out to be Carbonade flamande. I could be wrong, but in looking at all her posts together I'm guessing her Primary language is not English. I'm only half kidding that when I re-read her with a French accent she made waaaay more sense, even if she probably speaks German
This is one of the best things I have ever read in my life. xD That’s fascinating. My native language is actually English but I have been living in French-speaking countries for the last seven years and am completely bilingual, as a linguistics nerd I am so interested in you coming to that opinion. Don’t cut me any slack for grammar..! I am a teeny tiny bit dismayed that I make more sense in a French accent, considering my former username.

Someone said I panicked when voted for - note the sheer fluke of my return to the thread mere minutes after I was voted for, two in a row, so obviously it comes across as panicky if you only look at post quantity and vote placement. But I only address my own votes at the end of my main post, and any “panic” is far more directed at the wagon shift than the prospect of my continental-buffet style lunch.
elebutterfly: SPF and adalia! You both vote for me based on "vibes".... that doesn't give me much to work with.
In this case, it's not like you've given us much to work with today. :P

But more seriously, I had reasons on day 1 but that feels like so long ago they've just become vibes. If we'd seen more of you today I might have either cleared you somewhat or have more up to date reasons for thinking you scum.
Just poking my head in - I will hopefully have a reply before I leave work today, as I'll be busy tonight.
Some very interesting points being made, though I still have some catching up to do. Will post later, and ensure Ibecome everyone's main scumread! (can't fully promise that last one, though)
Damnation: Just poking my head in - I will hopefully have a reply before I leave work today, as I'll be busy tonight.
Some very interesting points being made, though I still have some catching up to do. Will post later, and ensure Ibecome everyone's main scumread! (can't fully promise that last one, though)
I can give you some tips if you want. I seem to manage it without even trying.
bler144: 2) Which hook are we not letting him off, exactly? I mean, he's like entiiiiiiirely off the hook.
Good! I just wanted to make sure that he wasn't forgotten about in the case of my quick and violent death.

bler144: And I do appreciate your singlet vote, I seems a bit like you aren't all that perturbed by the fact that it has no traction considering he appears to have no lynch votes and 1 brig vote, and not a lot of energy around the group of changing either of those things. Indeed, ironically if cristi were to get lynched, her singular attempt to try and push him were almost certainly the core of that.
If cristi does get lynched, her flip will hopefully give us some insight into Flub.

bler144: In fact, quite the opposite happened - that suspicious scent around her turned out to be Carbonade flamande. I could be wrong, but in looking at all her posts together I'm guessing her Primary language is not English. I'm only half kidding that when I re-read her with a French accent she made waaaay more sense, even if she probably speaks German.
Spoiler: Ele is in fact an immigrant to Belgium.

bler144: More vibes, I guess.
Wrong kind of vibes.
SirPrimalform: .............

If cristi does get lynched, her flip will hopefully give us some insight into Flub.

Would lynching me give insight into cristigale??
JoeSapphire: snip
bler144: There's a posted deadline? I don't see it in the vote count.

I'm of the "avoid fire drill at all costs" camp. It's like taking an entire day's worth of effort to sort things out and then just throwing everything in the air for S&Gs. Plus I don't think i've ever seen a scum lynched that way. At least a few town PRs though. /shrug

I'm not following your math = 7. 5 wagons you could get behind, and Dam? What does POE mean to you exactly? adalia and sirp are POE but not...suspects?

as I said POE, as everybody probably knows already, stands for Persons Of Experience, and refers to people who you can't get a clear read on. (harkening to the judeo-christian tale of the garden of eden - once eve had eaten the fruit she was a much more inscruitible mafia player)

Thanks for brining it up, and S&G too. For those, unike me and bler, who aren't 'in the know' S&G' stands for Soup and Gravy, and refers to pushing a lynch despite many flaws (harkening to the common trend to call lynch 'lunch'. The logic is that soup and gravy is a frakking terrible lunch hat no'one would enjoy.)

bler - what's all this defense of me from adalia? This isn't just pointing out flawed logic on someone else's behalf, and more than just asking for evidence to back up an argument.

hm I re-read it and I don't know... I'm being called away but I'll come back to this later... wasted too much time on my hilarious translations of acronyms DAMMIT JUBBSAPHKET!!!
SirPrimalform: .............

If cristi does get lynched, her flip will hopefully give us some insight into Flub.

flubbucket: Would lynching me give insight into cristigale??
Yup! I can't read that image though, too blurry. :(
I've requested a replacement. Good luck everyone, and cheers.
The "now that I've sobered u- had my coffee*" votecount:


cristigale - 4 (flubbucket, Lifthrasil, bler144, adaliaBookwyrms)
HypersomniacLive - 3 (ZFR, elebutterfly, Damnation)
elebutterfly - 1 (SirPrimalform)
Lifthrasil - 1 (cristigale)


flubbucket - 4 (SirPrimalform, ZFR, JoeSapphire, Lifthrasil)
trentonlf - 1 (elebutterfly)

With 12 active players, it takes 7 votes to reach a consensus.

To accommodate new players subbing in, the deadline for the end of Day 2 is now Saturday 21st of July at 23:00 UTC.


Oh, and zeogold will be subbing in for trentonlf whenever he's ready.


* GOG hates links: [url=][/url]
Post edited July 18, 2018 by PoppyAppletree