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flubbucket: Damnation has 07 posts.
SirPrimalform has 12 posts.
ZFR has 18 posts.

And for the record flubbucket has 16 (now 17).

Best of luck reassembling your head, sassmaster. =p
I think you have an extra 's' there.

I was mostly just wondering if I could hold you to that in future games. You've got a bit of unusual git up and go in this one, for whatever reason. Perhaps it's just the company. Or the cheese sandwiches.

But...if you're really going to seriously play this card and we're making like, legit arguments and all rather than s**tposting, I don't know that sheer number of posts is what I would use as primary criteria for a lurker.

Care to compile the 4 of you by, say, word count (if quantitative) or depth of argument (if qualitative)? ;)
Well...I have this feeling flub is going to shoot me in the face at some point in this game.

flubbucket: Damnation has 07 posts.
SirPrimalform has 12 posts.
ZFR has 18 posts.
But let's go for broke!

While we're here talking about who makes quasi-random lists why, if you're approaching the issue in this fashion why is rabbit (7) or vitek (11) not listed here?
...And then you should ask me why ele (6) didn't make my list. I DON"T KNOW FLUB, I JUST DON"T KNOW!!1! Stop asking me these questions I can't answer!

So...I made the mistake of assuming initially the deadline was at midnight my time. Looks like UTC (Urinary Time?) is 5pm PST (the sound one makes during Urinary Time). Depending on summer traffic I may or may not be here at 5 period, and probably not much in advance even if I sneak out of work an hour early.

If the collective hive mind is consolidating around a ZFR/Joe pairing (I haven't cataloged how people not on those wagons are rating each, so certainly one/both may not move from where they stand and this next part may be irrelevant), in terms of the players themselves I'd vote ZFR over Joe, but that ZFR wagon me a case of the jimmy legs. So...

IDK. Joe is more fascinating in potential wagon dynamics. But...I'm not seeing it. Maybe Damnation will school me.


trentonlf: Vote ZFR

As of this moment the vibe I’m getting is ZFR is trying too hard to appear as town and over explaining his posts. Nothing in particular that he’s said or done, just what gut feeling I’m getting.

Anyone else getting that vibe from ZFR or do y’all think I’m off the mark?
What was your assessment of his two posts since your vote? (esp 225?)
Eh...I think most likely, if there's no notable change in the game state, I'm probably getting on the ZFR wagon tomorrow. So unofficial L-2. Stating it because weekdays most of you, including probably zfr, will be long gone by the time I get on.

I'm getting on the wagon with SPF, and the rabbit, and probably flub eventually based on his scumlist enthusiasm for SPFwagon? Anyone?

Fairly safe to say ZFR/Joe not W/W here (brilliant analysis, right?). Odd D1 gambit, certainly, if so. So either T/W in some order, or T/T dynamics in play.

I'm out. Brain shut off a while ago, apparently. Less fun/engaging just talking to myself.
Bookwyrm627: BRIG TO THE RESCUE!!! :D
The odds are not in our favor to use the brig. It's like playing slot machines, it's a gamble that you might win on occasion but most of the time you will lose and that means an advantage to scum. I want no part of giving scum any advantage so no brig voting for me.

bler144: So...

What do you think about SPF so far? Had you seen him play before or played with him?
What do you think of Vitek's read on Cristi?
Was going back over the game thread and I apologize for missing the questions you asked me.

This is the first time I've played with SPF and I have also never observed him playing either. So far it's hard to say, I can't tell if he is trying to hard to appear as town or if he normally plays that way.

As for Vitek's read on Cristi, voting for someone because of what avatar and tagline they are using is akin to using to decide who to vote for, it's scummy and I have no issue with the vote.

bler144: What was your assessment of his two posts since your vote? (esp 225?)
My stance on ZFR has not changed after his posts.
bler144: If the collective hive mind is consolidating around a ZFR/Joe pairing (I haven't cataloged how people not on those wagons are rating each, so certainly one/both may not move from where they stand and this next part may be irrelevant), in terms of the players themselves I'd vote ZFR over Joe, but that ZFR wagon me a case of the jimmy legs. So...
My vote would be with ZFR. ZFR is in my POE list, Joe is not.
Now you all show up. ;)

@cristi - that's pretty much exactly where I am with just a minor twist.

@trent - thanks.
It doesn't hurt that two people on Joe's wagon are in my POE and one is on ZFR.

I should read today critically (I skimmed) but I'm not feeling it. Is there anything that needs addressed right now?
Under different circumstances I would be likely willing to vote ZFR but I have issues with his lynch now as both cristi and SPF seem to support it and I favour them for mafia both.

I see no reason to vote and lynch Joe.
In fact I consider it as false dichotomy as right now I don't find him viable choice for lynch at all. He has 3 votes, sure, but Damnation's is RVS (meaning Damantion has not voted in this game outside RVS yet), Bookwyrm's reasoning was made day after his vote for Joe and it was that he doesn't like the feel of Joe's posts and ZFR voted him beacuse apparently Joe's messy formatting is confusing and thus scummy (anyone who played with Joe knows he just posts like that so it isn't reason for me either).
So yeah, not gonna lynch Joe right now.

bler144: Oh no, he was definitely Town Arsonist. We knew that for sure early on because the 2 of the early flips were JMich's "Town bodyguard of arsonist" and Dedo's mafia firefighter. Ergo, town arsonist - voila!
Dayvig bler.
Bookwyrm627: His avatars are more likely a breadcrumb for his role than his alignment. I'm seeing a future role or flavor claim from this, if anything, not a pun based alignment reference. Even the Jim Jones could easily be a reference to the CL role, not the alignment.
Well, considering flubbster mentioned that "Prange Pylon of Justice" may or may not ve mentioned in his role pm, I'd say it's closer to a soft flavour claim that anything here. And yes, it gives me an idea of who he is then, flavourwise.

bler144: I do find it a bit interesting a. that you didn't mention me as scummy given that I probably talk about historical games more than anyone else (though to be fair, I talk about pretty much everything more than anyone else)
Read my post then - the answer why I don't mention you is actually in there. But to make people's lives easier, it's either because A) youvre not reading my post closely enough, or B) I do not want to share my opinion of you just yet.

bler144: b. that, unless I'm missing something, at least part of your read on JoeS is meta, isn't it? Given that I'm town-reading him, I wonder if you'd care to try and enlighten/persuade me on what it is you think I'm not seeing there?
Is it meta? Perhaps you should read what I actually wrote, and not just a snippet of it? Remember, my vote has not changed since my first post, which wqs part of RVS. Should tell you that my vote was RVS at first, but Joe's behaviour makes it stay. Thank you for needing me to spell it out for you :) (sorry if I sound unnecessarily grumpy. Haven't had my morning coffee yet)

flubbucket: And for the record flubbucket has 16 (now 17).
Ooooh, I know! I'll make short, uninformative posts too, to artificially bloat my vote count and appear less lurky that way!

trentonlf: This is the first time I've played with SPF and I have also never observed him playing either. So far it's hard to say, I can't tell if he is trying to hard to appear as town or if he normally plays that way.
FWIW, I remember SPF as trying hard to appear non-scummy. But this is way metaing is not very constructive - either his playstyle has evolved and he is playing into old tropes consciously, or it is completely consistent meaning his playstyle cannot tell us if he is town or scum based on it - thus rendering analysis of the meta completely fruitless.
Tell me, what does all this meta discussion of other players tell you about their alignment? If it's more than nothing, I'm genuinely curious: how can you be so sure it IS more than nothing?

cristigale: I should read today critically (I skimmed) but I'm not feeling it. Is there anything that needs addressed right now?
Yes, everything.

(posting with my phone... Hope it works. If formatting fraks up, you know why now :p)
I personally ahve Joe as slightly scummy but given the fact that current votes against him are not convincing at all, I am not going to support that wagon.

bler144: enthusiasm for SPFwagon? Anyone?
I am certainly down for it.

Vote SirPrimalform

I mentioned issues with SirPrimal's opening posts and since then he did very little scum-hunting and now conveniently he got swayed by trent to vote ZFR just at the moment where ZFR's wagon was gaining traction (vote 2 and 3 for ZFR from trent and rabbit -rabbit especially- came fairly recently before SPF) and made that wagon viable option for lynch for undecided people desperate to hang someone.
Vitek: I see no reason to vote and lynch Joe.
In fact I consider it as false dichotomy as right now I don't find him viable choice for lynch at all. He has 3 votes, sure, but Damnation's is RVS (meaning Damantion has not voted in this game outside RVS yet).
I see plenty reason to vote Joe!
Oh, non- RVS. Right. I agree with your arguments against the the votes on him, and that there is no reason to lynch him. Given that, my vote probably shouldn't stay, short of the joke in it (it shall stay for five years!). There are far bigger fish to fry, but I enjoy seeing them writhe a little beforehand
Blurgh, got to work early so imma fire off a quick post while catching up on last night's progress.

littlerabbit: Two short things before I go to bed.

SPF jumped on the ZFR train a bit soon for me with no real reasoning.
I didn't like the (interpolated) "Look, this is what I did when I was town, therefore I'm town now!". I thought I said that, but perhaps not enough detail. Also, I like to use my vote as a prodding stick. I'm looking for a response from ZFR - no vote and he might just wait for the suspicion to blow over.
Temporary unvote ZFR until I have a chance to properly go through his posts since my vote. The stick has done its job for now.
Vitek: (anyone who played with Joe knows he just posts like that ).
Thank you. I hoped someone who played Joe or knew him from the forums would provide this information; you're the first to do so.

Unvote Joe

bler144: Number of things happening there in general, but specific to you in this scenario, a la Ele's post (re flubwagon), the point isn't just WHOM gets lynched, but WHY the wagon builds. If town!you gets lynched just for doing newbie things, then we're stuck with nothing to go off D2. Scum can either easily justify being on or off that wagon.
I know. I hope the other Town players don't end up too mad at me for my "doing newbie things" and getting lynched.
However, the fact that you specifically mentioned that lynching me won't give town any info on D2, makes me think you're creating in advance an excuse for yourself. Especially since only a bit later you jumped on the wagon.

Vote bler