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I mean, I sooooo do not want to outguess the mod yet again, but prot + prot + strongman feels extremely wrong.

I could imagine a situation of prot + (non kill blockable rolestopper).
Yeah, my role has not really been protective.
did you ask lift about it? Did lift give you an answer?

You don't need to say what the answer was, just if you got one.
Yes, as I mentioned earlier, Lift clarified my role
Ambiti0nZ: Apologies for the late return, y'all.
You're late again. Your last post is two days ago. Again. Since this is the second time I had to prod you, it carries a small penalty with it:

Ambiti0nZ is 'hated' for the rest of Today
This means it takes one vote less to lynch them.
Post edited July 04, 2022 by Lifthrasil
When I first read detective_razza's post, I thought to myself "Imagine if she claims to have protected FrostburnPhoenix as well on N1...".

babark: That's another abbreviation learnt, after the fact, then :D

This game has far too many inside baseball references!
These may come in handy:


JoeSapphire: [...] My brain is frazzled now. I think the data shows that me and AZ are the mafia so whoops. It's not me.
Catte and Razza didn't join in so they deserve a good lunch.
It's cute that AZ and zfr gave each other vote immunity but no-one else did. I hope they're the mafia. [...]

No one can say that you're not entertaining.

JoeSapphire: [...] Sorry I never told you - game 68. Enjoy.
Cheers. Any hope for my other two questions from post #812 that I reminded you of in post #843?

Lifthrasil: You're late again. Your last post is two days ago. Again. Since this is the second time I had to prod you, it carries a small penalty with it:

Ambiti0nZ is 'hated' for the rest of Today
This means it takes one vote less to lynch them.
And no one can claim that you're not entertaining either.
JoeSapphire: [...] Sorry I never told you - game 68. Enjoy.
HypersomniacLive: Cheers. Any hope for my other two questions from post #812 that I reminded you of in post #843?
augh. making me go find them.

I first town-read dedo at the beginning of day two. He mentioned it saying he thought scum!Joe would have just gone for the easy scum read and the fact I town-leaned that EoD-attitude made him think maybe I was town and I thought "oh how jolly we are town reading each other for town reading one another I bet he's scum"

I'd have thought scum!dedo would have come into the EoD where one of his buddies or even himself could easily have their head on the block with some reservation or caution. It seemed to me like he was going "I don't have time to read. Who are we yeeting? Bucktooth? np." Which was pretty much my take on the situation too.

So obviously if he thinks like me, he must be town. (Hum...)

end of part one.

part two.

razza: "^^ i do agree though, my genuine naivety is becoming comical."

Is this what you want my opinion on? Ummm yeah that's fair
First off, thanks for indulging me, and answering all my questions.

Does it change anything for you that when he came into the thread there were just two votes needed for the lunch, and anyone showing any sort of reservation or caution would get the side look, especially if they had bucktoothgamer in their votable-list?

Do you think he thinks like you?

Also, did you think anything of the fact that he negotiated with FrostburnPhoenix who of the two votes first and who hammers?
babark: "The barbicockles of the nephtic mafia are tridivided among all the morphological units of town in this game".
They are?!

HypersomniacLive: [emphasis added]

I have a bit of a hard time following the part I highlighted. Is "potential" a characterisation of "recent" or of "findings"? I'd think that if it were the former you'd say "potentially recent", so I assume it's about the findings? In which case, what exactly do you mean with "potential" here? Please, clear this up for me.
It's a characterization of "findings". There are indeed recent but not necessarily findings in case I'm misunderstanding what's going on. I suggest to not put too much weight on how I word my posts and what you think I would have written if I meant something because you're not me and I'm not you. Even though I'm fairly comfortable with my command of English it's still not a native to me so every now and again my grammar and/or syntax is likely to be less than ideal. Let me make this super clear - I saw something I interpret in a specific way. If I'm right then it affects previous assumptions/reads. If I'm not it doesn't.

HypersomniacLive: This Is another "I can't go into details", isn't it?
I can but I won't as it's not mine to give away. I am surprised I seem to be the only one picking up. Although maybe it's the other way around and I'm the only one who isn't keeping his mouth shut when he should.

HypersomniacLive: So. dedoporno thought JoeSapphire was hinting at being a Desperado and considering a shot at him, aka.he's got a town read on JoeSapphire.

@dedoporno, could you talk about how and when you landed on town read JoeSapphire? How confident are you in it?
I'm back to the levels of before Joe and I had that talk. When he asked me to continue his story because it was so relevant everything just clicked and made perfect sense. Joe was just asking everyone for one person to kill right now and two who shouldn't be touched no matter what. In the context of the Desperado game I thought he's basically polling people on who to shoot and is hoping he'll get enough support to justify shooting me as he isn't super confident in his suspicion. At that point he became super Town to me. It turns out this isn't really the case so he's back to the levels of before where I had him more Town leaning than others but wouldn't call Town-core. I kind of took your suggestion that his participation in the championship has made his game evolve and the things that were pinging me at the beginning of the game were coming from there. I think his response to Catte [?] about him not moving around when there are likely only 2 scum left makes sense and works in his favor. As we've established earlier I'm inclined to believe RW so the chain goes on from there. I suppose it's not impossible for Joe to be counting on something dastardly which gives him a hidden advantage but this is overthinking things and stepping into paranoia territory. Barring a good enough reason I would look elsewhere first.

HypersomniacLive: Just to make sure I understand what you're saying here - if dedporno was scum, he'd never agree to the Dessimu NK because there were better targets, is that what you're saying?
I can also give my own answer to this, if you like, but I'll let Joe go first as you asked him.

HypersomniacLive: Well, when I asked you it was around 9 pm your time, it's not my fault you spent all these hours editing your neked pics for dedoporno.
Me, right now.

detective_razza: wait- what? so babark has a protective PR? or is claiming to have one?
what’s the possibility of having more than one protective PR within town in one game?
:O Not again...

babark: Yeah, my role has not really been protective.
There we are.

ZFR: I mean, I sooooo do not want to outguess the mod yet again, but prot + prot + strongman feels extremely wrong.
He just said he isn't protective at all. This is what I was concerned about before but I didn't want to press into it until it came up naturally in case I was wrong. Babark said he asked Lift about his role and didn't use it during the Night. That sort of suggested he can't protect and that's why he held back. I don't know about prot + prot + strongarm but I'm wondering what monstrosities the other non-Goon scum are if we have a role that is subjectively anti-Town if they can't protect against any kills. How is a role blocking anything but NKs a Town-aligned exactly in the context of a Goon, a Copier and a Motion Detector?
dedoporno: I don't know about prot + prot + strongarm but I'm wondering what monstrosities the other non-Goon scum are if we have a role that is subjectively anti-Town if they can't protect against any kills.
Yeah, well, I picked up on that just fine, but I chose to try and conceal it instead of shouting it into the skies.
HypersomniacLive: Yeah, well, I picked up on that just fine, but I chose to try and conceal it instead of shouting it into the skies.
Who is this direct to?
dedoporno: Who is this direct to?
To everyone who kept poking at it.
dedoporno: ]
HypersomniacLive: Just to make sure I understand what you're saying here - if dedporno was scum, he'd never agree to the Dessimu NK because there were better targets, is that what you're saying?
dedoporno: I can also give my own answer to this, if you like, but I'll let Joe go first as you asked him.
yeah I reckon dedo would have gone for a claimed power role or a town core over an unknown. I think he would argue against a dess kill. I guess he might go along with one if his teammate was desperate to, but why would they be desperate?

The dedo-EoD-1-attitude thing is weak so there's not much point me going in to it. I abandoned it a while ago when I was voting for him.