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A balloon animal drifts across the slowly setting sun and suddenly a mail capsule pops out of a pneumatic tube. Directly at Dash Rendar's head. He, however, deflects it, shattering it in the process. Out tumbles a manila envelope, on which, instead of an adress, the words are printed: there is probably less than a day to the Day now!
"Weird!" says Elaine as she picks up the envelope and opens it. Inside is a note which she reads, while Max eats the discarded envelope. The note says:

Official Vote Count
ZFR 1 - AmbitionZ 217
babark 1 - dedo 202
bucktooth 1 - Catte 187
AmbitioonZ 2 - RWare 254, frostburn 257
RWare 1 - ZFR 313
Hypersomniac 3 - babark 300, detective 304, Joe 305

Hypersomniac leads the pack at L-4, it takes 7 votes to lynch.
Not voting: bucktooth, Cephy, Hyper

The Day will end some time tomorrow. (late afternoon or evening, MEST)
Hm. Well I wouldn't give either zfr or az town points just for this debate. These arguments are most commonly town-v-town, true, but take a selection of any two people in this game at this time and you're most likely to get town-and-town so I don't believe the argument to indicate much.

If anything I think scum-v-scum might avoid it but 1 - that makes it beneficial to them so they shouldn't, and 2 - it depends on how invested the players are in the discussion.

JoeSapphire: sure, let's give it a shot.

unvote RWarehall

That stuff about third place on the wagon being scummy is bunk anyhow

vote HypersomniacLive
HypersomniacLive: And your reasoning for voting me is...??
We need some viable wagons as end-of-Day is looming. Are you leaning toward voting RWarehall?
JoeSapphire: Hm. Well I wouldn't give either zfr or az town points just for this debate. These arguments are most commonly town-v-town, true, but take a selection of any two people in this game at this time and you're most likely to get town-and-town so I don't believe the argument to indicate much.
I'm not giving them Town points for the debate. Well, maybe AZ. I've been Town-reading ZFR from earlier - his Neutral theory to be precise. But the back and forth look very much from what I've seen in Town on Town violence in the past and if ZFR is indeed Town there is a good chance AZ also is. Otherwise AZ's push against a someone he knows is Town (or maybe it's more correct to say he knows is not his scumbuddy as ZFR may still be that Neutral) seems like too big of a risk to me this early on.

JoeSapphire: If anything I think scum-v-scum might avoid it but 1 - that makes it beneficial to them so they shouldn't, and 2 - it depends on how invested the players are in the discussion.
I don't understand what you mean here. Can you elaborate a bit? As for scum vs scum - to be honest I didn't even consider this but I still think AZ took way too much risk as he was the one who bit back when he didn't really have to. At least that's how it looks to me.
detective_razza: Wait, that wasn't a slip, that was me claiming PR so I could make a case against ZFR rolehunting me.
ah i mean “potential” as in i’m not quite sure as to what it was, so thank you for clarifying.
FrostburnPhoenix: Wait, that wasn't a slip, that was me claiming PR so I could make a case against ZFR rolehunting me.
ah i meant “potential” as in i’m not too sure as to what the situation was, just that you’d said something about a role and people jumped on you for it. thank you for clarifying ^^

^^ edit of the previous post, i’d quoted myself instead of frost O.o
Vote RWarehall

I see nothing of HSL's activity being scum leaning, again I suggest anyone questioning their actions in this game I suggest looking back at our previous GOG Mafia #75. Rapid fire questions being thrown at everyone in sight was HSL's game-plan there as well.

I find ZFR to be town so far, if he feels safe enough to read his back and forth with AZ as Town vs Town I have little reason to question it. I also don't want to have egg on my face if someone who claimed VT actually flips it.

RWare's reason for their AZ vote is as follows:

RWarehall: I'd say Ambiti0nZ seems to be active, posts often, yet actually says very little with most posts reminiscing with only superficial attempts to read the game.
Not saying that higher volume posters are always an indication of higher townieness, but if you are looking at higher volume posters for your potential scum pool(especially D1) you're probably gonna have a bad time.
HypersomniacLive: Now that he's admitted to being HijacK, does this change anything for you?
Yes, let's just put it this way, AmbitionZ has always seen the game a little differently than others. Moves him more toward null because it's consistent with his play style. That said, an early vanilla town claim? That should not save anyone as it's the most convenient claim any scum can make.

Others have mentioned Babark's meta. From what I recall, this is within the realms of his meta. Doesn't post much and doesn't try to read into the "noise" like many of us do. Doesn't make him Town though. I don't recall any telltale signs to differentiate.

As to Razza, the not bolding her vote then failure to fix it rubs me wrong. And the response seemed off.

But overall, I'm just not seeing anything I'd call really solid.

I still think Ambiti0nZ is my best "viable" candidate. And claiming vanilla makes him less of a loss if we are wrong. That said, there also seemed to be a push away from his wagon as it grew...did one of his buddies try to shift the tide? Both Babark and ZFR jumped ship.

It's hard to explain but something just seems off about ZFR and his exchange. I still find it hard to believe he would embroil himself in that if he were scum but for it to go on so long with so little content...I don't know.

As to Babark, his jump from the longest wagon before it got too serious, the first to jump off, makes a good enough reason to vote him.

That said, here is my top 3 "viable" scum candidates...
1) Ambiti0n
2) Babark
3) ZFR

Babark isn't "new". I just didn't want to vote him just for activity when that activity was consistent with what I recall.
Even though babark hasn't done anything to make me reconsider I suppose he's of-limits at least Today.

unvote babark

I don't see anything particularly scummy about HSL. He's just the same as last game to me. Back then I thought it might be a sign for him being scum so I investigated him just to find out he's Town who's struggling and his glory days may have passed because of the IRL issues he's had for a while now. This time it doesn't seem a lot different so I don't see a reason to vote him. The fact that a few votes landed on him pretty much out of nowhere enforces my reluctance.

As I said earlier I feel ZFR is Town, Frostburn possibly as well. The latter is also (at least on paper) new so is protected by Law anyway but even if he wasn't I probably would have stayed away for now.

ZFR vs AZ feels like TvT so I don't feel like going in that direction. And he's been away for a few years so if babark is being granted newbie status protection then it's only fair to extend the same courtesy to AZ as well.

Cephy and razza are also new. Out of the two razza is giving me more tingles - I have a subtle feeling of inexperienced scum laying low and counting on the louder players attracting the attention and ultimately the lynch. Maybe one of the scums.

Cephy is pretty much Neutral although the way they feel about Frostburn doesn't really align with my own views which naturally makes me weary but I'm not always right anyway so who knows.

I'm a bit concerned about Joe but I don't know why. I don't like his vote on HSL either. Is HSL happens to be scum maybe that's a good thing though. Still slightly off the neutral peg downwards. To where the scums are.

Not too much to say about buck. Even though I've played a few games with him already I can't claim I've figured his playstyle out. Last time I was able to Town-read him correctly for the majority of the game when pretty much everyone else didn't (and we lost the game on a mislynch against him). This time I can't say the same so maybe he's scum or there isn't enough data to form a more solid read yet.

I had uneasy feelings about Catte as well but then again last two times he was scum I was able to sense that somewhat consistently and called it out when no one believed me. This time I'm not so sure so maybe I'm off.

RW I can't really say anything about. Middle placement. Could be scum, could be Town. Either way I won't be able to come out and say "Ha! I knew it!". Could also be Neutral for real?

I think that's about everyone.

Leaving the protected players aside we are left with:

ZFR, Catte, HSL, buck, Joe, RW. I'm not doing HSL and ZFR unless there is a really good reason for it. Catte, Joe, buck and RW are all OK for me in no particular order. Maybe I have a slight preference for Catte.

For the record from the protected players I'd also include babark and razza.
There isn't any serious conversation between Ambiti0nZ and LordCephy at all. considering how frequently they were both posting recently, that seems almost impossible, right?

And Adalia Fundamentals is very helpful for ISOs. Thanks for mentioning it.
I forgot to place a vote. I'm going to go with my preference

vote Catte

but I'm willing to switch to one of the others if my vote is the one required to get majority.
bucktoothgamer: I see nothing of HSL's activity being scum leaning, again I suggest anyone questioning their actions in this game I suggest looking back at our previous GOG Mafia #75. Rapid fire questions being thrown at everyone in sight was HSL's game-plan there as well.
i think my reasoning for voting HSL isn’t the intense questioning, as people have said that is a norm for HSL, it’s that they barely questioned frost (who some people were also suspicious of at the beginning of D1) but questioned everyone who was questioning frost (which would infer a change of previous behaviour towards frost and not the others).
of course, they could’ve just believed that frost was in the right during that situation, but ig i’m trying to find some sort of real reason to vote someone (hence why i didn’t post a lot at first, as well as not really have any sort of questions for anyone overall).

also (in reference to my non-vote), the first time i voted, i did it completely wrong and didn’t know how to bold the writing, but it was a thrown out vote anyway without any real reason so i decided not to reinforce it, i didn’t think it would be suspicious not to- oopsie.
hopefully that clears things up ^^
(edit response)
^^ i did it again… lord have mercy- that’s in response to RWare, not bucktooth…
(forgive me, i need to get used to the quoting system and actually look at the quote numbers O.o)
Post edited June 20, 2022 by detective_razza
dedoporno: Catte, Joe, buck and RW are all OK for me
Same for me, but with ambitionz and yourself included. If it weren't for newbie protection, I'd also vote razza.

I least want to lynch Joe, since his general attitude gives a slight Town lean, but then again I don't remember seeing scum Joe for some time. RW and bucktooth are most lynchable.

I'll leave my vote where it is, but willing to switch on those if we need a majority.
I asked cephy to tell me more about Frostburn feeling not new, hoping I'd get a reason why pretending-to-be-new is something a scum would do.

I know a few people have mentioned it and Frostburn hasn't explained but still I just can't bring myself to seriously consider a player would think "okay I'm mafia, the best way to play this then would be to make everyone think I'm much less experienced than I actually am, okay here I go 'this is my first game'. Right, that's fooled them, now off to work 'so i found a lot of wifom in the iso which combined with the iioa that had been mentioned led me to look into the meta and begin a pretty thorough vca which I think you'll be interested in'"

okay I exaggerate but still I can't take it seriously as an accusation.

But yeah, I got those wall-of-texts which I've not actually read it all yet... sorry ceph. I feel a bit bad because I keep talking about how I need to spend time reading the game and then doing other things instead.

I realised that I've been assuming Lord Cephy is town and thinking about it I'm pretty fine with that - the focus on Frostburn and the effort in following that up looks good. Looks like town getting the thrill of the chase. Perhaps when I get round to actually reading the whole thing I'll think differently about it.

So my town reads are:
zfr - can't remember why now
frostburn - early derps and role claim
cephy - pursuit of frostburn
az - the leaving-a-legacy post
catte - little effort to solve Day 1 (this is based on previous games and tbh I wouldn't bet on it being accurate but good enough for now)

WHICH means I think there's three mafia among HypersomniacLive, RWarehall, Bucktooth, Babark, Razza and Dedo.

I was planning to read at least both HypersomniacLive and RWarehall again. I think my heart really belongs on RWarehall's wagon, but then it seems a little like I started on RW, switched to HypersomniacLive, then RW gets two votes. Is HypersomniacLive and Bucktooth a thing?
detective_razza: it’s that they barely questioned frost (who some people were also suspicious of at the beginning of D1) but questioned everyone who was questioning frost (which would infer a change of previous behaviour towards frost and not the others).
of course, they could’ve just believed that frost was in the right during that situation, but ig i’m trying to find some sort of real reason to vote someone (hence why i didn’t post a lot at first, as well as not really have any sort of questions for anyone overall).
I Do remember that HSL was rephrasing some of my questions and asking them again for a short time. It was very helpful as it seemed people were much more prone to respond to HSL and I could get more answers. I Don't find him to be scummy, but it appears you aren't asking me.
detective_razza: (edit response)
^^ i did it again… lord have mercy- that’s in response to RWare, not bucktooth…
(forgive me, i need to get used to the quoting system and actually look at the quote numbers O.o)
You're not allowed to edit that is ILLEGAL.

(also at the top of the post you should be able to make a 'reply' button appear which automatically does the quote tags for you, with the correct post number)