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Hey guys, sorry for being away, I had to take care of some stuff and had no time to check the thread. I'll be back in a couple of hours.

Lifthrasil: Hi dedo! Your last post was about 2 days ago. Please stop holding your breath and start talking to us again.
Oh shit, it's been even longer than I thought. I'll be back in a couple of hours, sorry.
FrostburnPhoenix: Look at Cephy's vote here, look at his reason given, look at the timing, and look at the vote count at the time. Does that not look scummy?
I don't think so particularly?

Wanting to eliminate lurkers is fine. Finding you scummy but not voting you because of first-game-priviledge is fine. Not realising babark may also be eligible for vote immunity is fine.

Is it you think he's trying to push an alternative to AZ?

Can you say why this post is more likely from a scum mindset than a town mindset?
JoeSapphire: HijacK!!

Ambiti0nZ: Hi, hello. How're you doing?
YUSSS. Victoryyyyyyyyyyyy!!
oh damn! i didn’t realise that babark was a new player too-
i think i want to change my vote anyways

unvote babark
vote HSL

for similar reasons that babark just stated, i rarely see them when when i do they’re quite accusatory towards others??
i’m not sure if i’m reading it wrong, i can see the Frost and ZFR argument took up a lot of D1, but it seems to me in HSL’s questioning (especially in the questioning towards bucktooth) that they’re asking why people seem defensive towards Frost? There may be a solidarity there, scum defending scum?
All they asked Frost was to explain what their issue is with ZFR, but apart from that Frost doesn’t get any questioning.

It’s clear that Frost was having a lot of conflict with ZFR on D1, which of course is understandable to an extent (we’re all suspicious of one another). But it’s clear, at least to me, as to why people were suspicious of Frost (with the potential role slip, and then the arguing) so I don’t understand the excessive questioning of others from HSL.

I don’t know- I’m trying to process some ideas here xD anyone get anything from that or anything else?
sure, let's give it a shot.

unvote RWarehall

That stuff about third place on the wagon being scummy is bunk anyhow

vote HypersomniacLive
LordCephy: You should still assume that I'm leaving out details because I am. They're completely irrelevant to this game, but I would be happy to share them after. (I'm saying after only because I don't want it to distract from this game.) The relevant point was that I did see a very successful fake role claim occur on day one.
Sure, I've seen such as well. What does your gut tell you? What is happening here with Frostburn?

LordCephy: Frost hasn't specifically stated that he's town.
But that should to be automatically assumed, no? Obviously anyone in their right mind is or pretends to be Town. Don't tell me you expect anyone who is Town to state so publicly and if someone doesn't do it then there is a chance they aren't because of it?

LordCephy: The reason I am less confident about Frost being Town is that none of his posts actually read like someone that is completely new. I haven't played in a long time such that there's lots of new/unfamiliar stuff, and even I know not to offer to share my role function.
This I agree with. They behave as someone who isn't 100% new to this game or at least to such types of games. Their vocabulary isn't of someone who has entered an unknown game blindly and is just now starting to pick up what's going on. Maybe they're just savvy in general and natural at it but I'd still keep an eye on them just in case.

babark: *is now getting flashbacks of being yelled at for not participating enough in previous Mafia games*
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scold you about it, I was trying to figure out if this is how you normally play so I can take that into account when trying to form any sort of read.

babark: See? I'm not going to get some magical "read" on people by all the talking you're doing here, especially not on the first day.
How would you do it then?

JoeSapphire: fml
JoeSapphire: fukkin. Ouch.
WTF! Stop it!

HypersomniacLive: @ZFR and @Ambiti0nZ, I've gone over your exchanges a couple of times, and I'm not sure I actually got what the problem between the two of you is. Could each of you, please, make your case for the other? Thank you.
Phew, it's not just me then. I also have a hard time following what's up. During my whole read I've sort of felt you were saying the same thing but different but still same. Others are making reads so I assume I'm not understanding correctly what the issue is.

Caught up up to post #250. Still going.
FrostburnPhoenix: Look at Cephy's vote....look at his reason given, look at the timing, and look at the vote count at the time. Does that not look scummy?
So something went wrong with your URL as it returns a 404 but if you are referring to his post# 264 I will say that voting lurkers for lurking is very much a common(but often misguided) tactic in GOG mafia. The usual logic being "a non-participating townie is no less dangerous to town than scum". Does is normally lead to a mislynch? Yes. Is the act of lurker voting a scum tell? Not necessarrily, if that was the case GOG mafia games would have an average team make up of...3-4 town and 9-10 scum.
Ambiti0nZ: Chill, hombre.
Please stop with these kind of personal jabs.

Ambiti0nZ: survivorship bias
No. What you're describing is "selection bias". More specifically making conclusions on anecdotal evidence, a.k.a cherry picking. Survivorship bias is something different.

But regardless, it's not something I'm doing. I never claimed that based on the one anecdote I described I claim that Mafia will always NK townPR.
Just a very quick note to let you know I'm going to do my best to be on later on as I see there are two more pages since (my) last evening, and IIRC, deadline is tomorrow. I just don't know yet when, as I've got some Sunday family stuff going.
HypersomniacLive: Can you point to something specific or is it an overall feeling?
Mostly the way they write. Talking about flavor, roles, PR's, modslips, claims, etc. They even did a sort of bragging rights post at the beginning even if it was a joke. Compare that with LordCephy who has play some games a while ago and says they are feeling a bit left out because they can't adapt to the lingo yet. Does that make sense?

HypersomniacLive: @all - could you take a look at Catte's posts #48 and #187, and tell me how they read to you?
Nothing too alarming for me. But this made me go back and look for what bothered me earlier - it's post #81. In particular the "I see." response to RW's vote on me. This was in the context of RW [accidentally] putting a second vote on me during RVS. I was waiting to see if this develops somehow and then I forgot entirely.

my name is catte: I see.
What did you mean here?

Lifthrasil: I'm sorry. We had a medical emergency in the family. All is well again, but it was a full day and I am very exhausted.
I'm glad things are fine now. I wish whoever had the emergency gets back on their feet quickly.

RWarehall: And I ISO'd Catte. ISO = in search of, means re-reading the thread focusing only on the posts of a single player.
It stands for that? Really? I have always been under the impression that is a short hand for some derivative of the word "isolation" as in isolating the posts of the target user from everything else. Anyway, TIL (Today I Learned).

JoeSapphire: Babark shouldn't be today's lunch on account of being a newish player, despite being a lurker supreme and deserving of the very best lunch.
I asked and someone (maybe even him?!) said he has played before. Would you still assign him the newbie status?

FrostburnPhoenix: I know I'm being repetitive, but please look at my above post. I think it's very important.
Can you elaborate what you think makes it so scummy?

Uhm, HSL just gained a metric shitton of votes in a matter of few posts. Is this alarming only to me?!

I think I'm pretty much caught up.
LordCephy: he would know that Catte was mafia in that game. You do want to randomize it, but you also want to make sure that you don't have people that are always mafia or always town. This is just common sense. I'm calling this an outright lie.
No no no. Even if someone has been mafia for the previous 5 games and they roll mafia again you don't re-roll. Random means random.
bucktoothgamer: I don't have the exact post # but I had removed my vote from catte
FrostburnPhoenix: You're reading it wrong.
Yeah I see that now, kind of embarrassed with myself.

babark: unvote AmbitionZ
vote HyperInsomniacLive

Infrequent posts, but when posting, they're massive things that accuse everyone, demand justifications, then disappear until the next post. Perhaps that's SOP, but it seems odd to me. Still, I'll probably change my vote before the end.
I will say that this is a similar gameplan to HSL from the last mafia game, and they were town. Not saying they can't be scum, but just be aware that this very much IS SOP for HSL
LordCephy: that assuming that ZFR is right that there are three mafia members in this game,
For the record, I never said there are three players. I said Frost's slip only makes sense with 3 players. Since I no longer view that as a Mafia slip, then there could very well be just 2. Or 2 +1.

LordCephy: ZFR: I doubt catte is Mafia. He was Mafia last game only, what are the odds of him rolling Mafia again.
There were some other comments after this about how it would be pretty rare for someone to be mafia two games in a row.
This was pure sarcasm. I was joking.
Pre-post EDIT: OK I see others commented on it too.

Ambiti0nZ: Objectively, his dismissal of my proposed scenario - where a supposed town Frost could be left alive only to be framed the next day (assuming a number of other variables were favorable, of course) - as unfeasible was hogwash.
For the nth time: I never dismissed your scenario as unfeasible. Just irrelevant to my original point.

... OK, let me explain how I saw it.

ZFR: Mafia have to either deal with TownPR or risk interference. ergo Frost is a bad lynch.
AmbitionZ (the way I understood it, not saying this is the way you meant it): I don't agree. Mafia will just let TownPR live.
ZFR: Nope, leaving him alive is a risk. Anecdotal example. Besides, it doesn't matter which choice they make, since my original point is "Mafia have to either deal with TownPR or risk interference. ergo Frost is a bad lynch."
AmbitionZ: Are you now saying I want to lynch Frost?

Maybe my thought were scrambled as you say and I was unclear. Is the above clear now?

Ambiti0nZ: you're misunderstanding the schpeal once again, probably because of ego.
Ambiti0nZ: because they double down on something out of pride.
Please stop making such statements about me.

If I misunderstood something you wrote it's because I genuinely misunderstood. I'm not arguing for the sake of arguing, I'm really trying to explain my point of view here.


OK, caught up.

Ambitionz claimed vanilla. If this was T vs T, RW's vote feels like trying to take advantage of two Townies fighting to build a wagon on one of them.

Vote RWarehall
Lifthrasil: I'm sorry. We had a medical emergency in the family. All is well again, but it was a full day and I am very exhausted. I don't have the head to count votes, I need sleep. But I'll post an update and vote count in the morning.
Eek, glad to hear all is well again.

JoeSapphire: 48 - Either catte is simply reminding razza to replace her vote, or catte is curious that razza is not comitted to the failed vote.
It could be said to be both but it was more the latter. I would have expected an accidentally failed vote to be attempted again.

RWarehall: I will need to look at catte closer as I gave him a pass thinking he was a newer player. Clever player and not easy to read.
Flattery will get you nowhere. Well, maybe it'll get you somewhere but I'm not sure it's anywhere you want to go.

JoeSapphire: But I've been reading Catte as town for a while now. I've noticed that he tends to play Day One more focused as mafia, and more jokey as town, and this seems like a town Catte.
You think my D1 in the last game was focused? Oh lol.

FrostburnPhoenix: I know I'm being repetitive, but please look at my above post. I think it's very important.
You've pointed out some things but you haven't explained why you think they mean what you think they mean.

JoeSapphire: YUSSS. Victoryyyyyyyyyyyy!!

my name is catte: I see.
I'm struggling to think of the right word to describe the tone of voice I would have used, but it's the sort of tone of voice which would indicate that I'm not sure how to interpret what I've just seen. Basically I was just noting RW's vote-only-post and that it was weird.

dedoporno: It stands for that? Really? I have always been under the impression that is a short hand for some derivative of the word "isolation" as in isolating the posts of the target user from everything else. Anyway, TIL (Today I Learned).
Yeah, that's news to me too. I also thought it was short for isolate.
JoeSapphire: Is it you think he's trying to push an alternative to AZ?

Can you say why this post is more likely from a scum mindset than a town mindset?

Firstly I didn't consider first-game-privilege, but that changes little. Literally no exchange between the two of them has been about anything serious at all.