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dedoporno: I believe she means your slot rather than you personally. You're unfortunately carrying inherited responsibility for Mango's actions (or inactions in this case) after you took his seat.
Cadaver747: Thank you, I would rather Dogmaus explain to me why it's scummy to think that NL is not good. Example of Mango not voting and contributing to NL is peculiar because she noted that we are 2 different people. So I can act like myself (a different person) at the same time I'm somewhat *guilty* of not voting on D1 even thought it was Mango?
She mentioned *a provocation*, I find the reaction interesting.
I think you might be faking this misunderstanding. We agree that NL is no good. So why 1) are we sus for voting the player who started it? 2) you avoid mentioning that your predecessor didn't vote, so you are in the list of those not hammering GM too.
Dogmaus: 2) you avoid mentioning that your predecessor didn't vote, so you are in the list of those not hammering GM too.
to be fair I think cadaver did mention. Something along the lines of he knows the list includes him but he's not putting himself in his own list of possible scums.
Dogmaus: I think you might be faking this misunderstanding. We agree that NL is no good. So why 1) are we sus for voting the player who started it? 2) you avoid mentioning that your predecessor didn't vote, so you are in the list of those not hammering GM too.
I sincerely want you to explain to me what's so scummy about my post.
NL is not good, OK.
1) For starting NL or for stating what? I was going after those who didn't hammer (plus I checked on GH but for different reason)
2) First of all it's a well known fact that Mango didn't vote at all. I should have stated it how exactly?

Cadaver747: If I weren't lying brain dead yesterDay I would hammer you without a second thought.
Cadaver747: "Mango (1) - Leoric plus I would add Mango here if I could but he is dead to me."
Cadaver747: "Seems like a semi-serious vote to counter ridiculous and broken ill-vote cast from Mango (that vote wasn't even considered as a vote)."
Joe, why oh why did you claim?
I've been thinking about the Commuter. It's one of the more powerful roles when hidden, and one of the most useless when outed (except in (semi)open setups where it can still act as confirmed Town)

Did you not think of the powerful to useless transition when you made the decision to claim?

Your whole wagon was built upon a snap superquickly escalated Leoric-flub-Bookwyrm tri-vote because you were AWOL. When you came vack the wagon could have gone away.

I believe you because I'm sure scumJoe could have come up with a better false claim.

But now youre a useless role whom many distrust and no reliable way to confirm.
Cadaver747: Hollywooding? You English is not very good but English slang is fine? OK, whatever you say ;)
Look what GOG community did to me.

JoeSapphire: I think L1 in this case means top of the wagon list, not L-1.
ZFR: Ah, ok.
Yeah I thought L-1 meant top of the list.

ZFR: However, not saying how many shots were used when claiming is pretty mych standard good practice when claiming PR. Let the Mafia keep guessing.
I see.

JoeSapphire: Could Leoric and Cadaver be on a scum team? Doesn't seem likely.
flubbucket: That is absolutely unpossible and I'm am never never wrong.
Thanks for the endorsement! Now the three of us could be on a scum team.

Dogmaus: I'm learning about roles and trying to make sense of the game.
Why are you so eagerly learning about roles? A town would procrastinate like I do. panic


ZFR: I've been thinking about the Commuter. It's one of the more powerful roles when hidden, and one of the most useless when outed
I swear I saw someone said we vote GH and let the cop check Joe. Is that sounds like a good strategy?

Currently Joe put GH to L-3, I could put GH/Joe to L-2.
Dogmaus: I think you might be faking this misunderstanding. We agree that NL is no good. So why 1) are we sus for voting the player who started it? 2) you avoid mentioning that your predecessor didn't vote, so you are in the list of those not hammering GM too.
Cadaver747: I sincerely want you to explain to me what's so scummy about my post.
NL is not good, OK.
1) For starting NL or for stating what? I was going after those who didn't hammer (plus I checked on GH but for different reason)
2) First of all it's a well known fact that Mango didn't vote at all. I should have stated it how exactly?
1) question unclear. Mango didn't hammer. We who voted Joe went after the one who started NL.
I've already explained this 3 times. The more you go on the more I'm convinced about you and Joe being mafia team.
2) you put names in bold of those "not hammering GM" saying it's sus, pretending that you don't belong to the same list, as mango didn't vote. By your logic, you are mafia.
You keep asking the same questions, hoping that at one point I won't be able to reply, so you will claim that I'm not answering your questions, that are the same over and over. Now I'm walking out the dogs and it's hard to write. Later I will spend longer times without internet access.
Leoric, 636: Why are you so eagerly learning about roles? A town would procrastinate like I do. panic

I'm just reading the posts. Some of them talk about roles. So I learn about them. Should I cover my eyes when I see posts mentioning roles?

Sorry If I sound abrupt.still out with dogs and having to log in with alt account on phone for the first time :)
ZFR: I've been thinking about the Commuter. It's one of the more powerful roles when hidden, and one of the most useless when outed
Leoric_AKA_Leo: I swear I saw someone said we vote GH and let the cop check Joe. Is that sounds like a good strategy?
No. Telling Cop whom to target is rarely good, but in Commuter's case is particularly difficult to carry out. The role's power comes from its non-targetable property. This is what I said there is no "reliable way to confirm".

By the way, I wouldn't count on town!Cop getting a single more investigation. An outed Cop practically never delivers again. He's going to be sent to the afterlife. Or otherwise rendered inoperable, like by blocking. Scum simply can't take the chance.

(well, one tiMe tHey diD and we all know how that ended - blaming the poor mod)

Still, if Micro is Town, he should start writing his will.

But we did get a save N1, so you never know.
Dogmaus - D1
#49 - Vote on Joe without any clarification (nothing special since it's probably a Random Vote, or maybe it's a belief that second *wagon jumper* is always Mafia)
#74 - Dogmaus expplained her vote on Joe (NL is bad)
Dogmaus: ahah I am a rookie and I found Lifthrasil points valid.
#76 - Some explaining to ZFR as to why the Vote was not supplied with additional info
#78 - Further explaining on vote plus mentioning of IRL complications (vaccine, leaving town, no mobile signal / Wi-Fi)
Dogmaus: that, as you say, it's bad for town if there's no lynchh, and being a beginner I trusted a more experienced player on that, and I thought it made sense go go for the first who voted no lynch, and also not to disperse my vote, as picking someone else might maybe result in more votes in total for no lynch.
ZFR was the first to vote NL even if jokingly, most probably she meant the first person who jumped on NL wagon afterwards (technically a second person)
#101 - Vampire's Fall: Origins is a good game (OK). Double posting resulted in accident editing (a common newbie mistake, in my previous 2 GOG Mafia games I did the same)
#111 - Query about rolefishing + IRL
#115 - Some more IRL stuff + a free 5G internet for the dose of Pfizer vaccine (I should get it)
#149 - A query to Mango about the unregistered vote on Dogmaus (little did she know, Mango was in love coma)
#274 - Day 1 Ends

Dogmaus - D2
#330 - Good point on Mango disappearance. Also an interesting point as it who and why upvoted Mango's post. Catte's and Book's reactions to Mango's vote seems off (hmm, maybe).
Dogmaus: I was disappointed at the NL in the first day but I didn't want to lynch GymHenson just cause. Also I was expecting someone else to cast a 7th vote for GH but it didn't happen.
NL is bad yet lynching GH is even worse? (Huh? Expected someone else to do the hammer, not good)
@Dogmaus, please tell me what's wrong with lynching GH on D1?

Also a query about the number of Mafia players (A valid question in my book).
#334 - A small banter with ZFR about his *failed to submit* theory, Dogmaus insisted on voting Joe and doing rightfully so. I agree with Dogmaus that Mango's connection is hardly a thing (He dissapeared indeed while Dogmaus was present, as to why vote on Joe is better than GH lynch is a mystery to me).
#338 - Dogmaus told GH that she doesn't like feeling manipulated (Who does?). Presumed we have 3 Mafia (like Pooka promised us in Signing-Up thread). I agree that Dogmaus was present even if not very active while Mango was long gone (valid points made to Lift)
#341 - Dogmaus is not particulalry happy with ZFR impliying on Mafia NK late attendance (Well, who would be happy to miss his kill switch opportunity, this IS a joke)
#344 - Vote on Joe because Lift considerations seems valid (OK). Jake's ass from Adventure Time is pretty (Umm, Yummy).
A genuine fear of breaking forum reply hence no GH tagging (Yeah, GOG Forum is a bit messy)
@Dogmaus, !OFF-TOPIC!, there are good tools available specifically made for GOG forum, let us know if you're interested

#349 - What can I say, I love natural blondes (and brunettes, and redheads, and...)
#375 - Catte brought some satisfaction with his answers. So Dogmaus knew about powerful tools for GOG Forum after all (Posting from phone maybe?)
Book is a bit suspicios. Dedo is Town. Mango is lurker, doesn't matter.
The vote is under consideration given the best interests of Town (Good I guess)
#400 - Here comes a realization that NL is bad (Previously it wasn't clear enough, what's with all Lift arguments on D1? Mafia playing Newbie card? An honest Town who is trying to be helpful?)
Dogmaus: I'd rather see other names than GH lynched.
(That fixation on GH is peculiar)
@Dogmaus, please tell me what's wrong with lynching GH on D2?

Thoughts about Mango's replacement and a follow-up 2 extra votes (I agree on that)
#407 - Insignificant post
#435 - Cadaver greet plus another mention of not jumping on GH's wagon is a good thing (Why?!?)
Dogmaus: I know I might be wrong but I prefer the current state of voting. I'm glad I waited rather than jumping on GH's train.
#443 - ZFR is a bit aggressive (True, I was astonished by his play style the first time I met him in game and suspected him for the same reason)
#466 - Insignificant post
#496 - Suggestion for cop to investigate Book, Joe, Cadaver (Not good for the experienced player, yet I did the same in my early games, after all Micro did asked for it in the first place)
Vote on Joe stays, willing to switch to Book if need be.
#498 - The next post Cadaver is Town now (What's up with Cop investigation?) plus a hard Town alignment claim and a statement in GH's style *I'm ready to be sacrificed for the greater good* (Is it why GH is so good, because they are alike or something?)
#507 - GH might have more *fans* than Dogmaus (I don't know what to think, ignore?)
#509 - Insignificant post
#626 - Amount of posts is overwhelming (Don't even start) + IRL complications.
Cadaver's quoting is nice (I know, right? And thank you!)
In reply to Joe - Mango and Cadaver are different persons (Can't argue with that even If I wanted to)

*FIRST INTERESTING REACTION* Cadaver's opinion that Mafia might hide among those who haven't hammered is scummy because NL is bad and Vote on Joe was good for the same reason (What?). A provocation? (I would use the word "Probe" but since you reacted so well you may call it whatever you like)
Mango didn't vote, nice try (Cadaver from D2 is guilty of NL on D1? Interesting)
#629 - Cadaver has Mango role (I must consult with Pooka, I thought I replaced someone else)
#631 - Cadaver didn't get it right. NL is not good. 1) Are we suspect those who start NL (Who started it exactly? ZFR or Joe?)
@Dogmaus, who started the NL wagon?

2) Cadaver didn't mention Mango-Cadaver as not voting on D1 (I did 3 times at least, plus there were quite many Pooka's posts with votecount, duh)

Dogmaus: 1) question unclear. Mango didn't hammer. We who voted Joe went after the one who started NL.
Mango-Cadaver(me), Leoric, Dogmaus (you), Flubbucked and GH (suicidal self-hammer) didn't hammer. Joe went after ZFR RVS NL vote, so the second person is always guilty, not the first, not the third or fourth, the second. Why???

Dogmaus: I've already explained this 3 times. The more you go on the more I'm convinced about you and Joe being mafia team.
I was not particularly happy with your explanation of my scumminess, the more you answer the more curious I become. I'm going to probe you or anyone else as much as I see fit. Feel free to reply, ignore or fight back how you see fit. (Nothing personal, this is how I play)
@Dogmaus, why do think exactly Joe is Mafia?

Dogmaus: 2) you put names in bold of those "not hammering GM" saying it's sus, pretending that you don't belong to the same list, as mango didn't vote. By your logic, you are mafia.
"It was discussed how NL is not helping Town, some players might disagree of course, yet I agree that NL is not helping much. So I think that Mafia hides among those who have not hammered poor GH. If we count off Micro since he claimed cop only 4 players remains (and me, however, like I stated in my previous post to GH, I would hammer without a second thought). I think that Mafia *chickened* to put a last vote. It was presumed by many that there are 3 Mafia players, I think Mafia usually like to disperse themselves as much as possible, for now I would assume that only 1 Mafia player was on that GH's wagon, 2 is possible but not likely, 3 is very bold."

So I *pretended* to not belong there, seriously? I can't change Mango's past, and I stated in my entry post that I take full responsibility, proof:
Dogmaus: But I take full responsibility and ask to be treated like everyone else.
I can be Mafia by my logic? Well, surprise-surprise by everyone's logic ANYONE could be Mafia, myself included. Haven't I stated already that "I would add Mango here if I could" or what I should have said *I can be Mafia let me analyze my own posts*?

Dogmaus: You keep asking the same questions, hoping that at one point I won't be able to reply, so you will claim that I'm not answering your questions, that are the same over and over. Now I'm walking out the dogs and it's hard to write. Later I will spend longer times without internet access.
Like police you know, they are asking the same questions to catch a possible criminal on discrepancy. You accused me of what am I not guilty of, when I provided proof you were not happy but continued to attack me. You can't deny it's a strong reaction I can't ignore, right?
First I was *guilty* for not mentioning Mango not voting on D1, when I presented you with proof of the opposite you accused me of not naming myself among possible Mafia.

If you may please answer to marked in bold, no one can force you of course. Your fixation on GH is evident. Either you two are really good friends or it's an odd way of shielding him. Your logic seems off at times. As for IRL, I fully understand (just in case I'm not joking).

Flub is next, then I will provide a short summary for my list of voting nominees and... rest? This game is stressful already.
EBWOP/b] - my bad, sorry
Cadaver747: But I take full responsibility and ask to be treated like everyone else.
Incorrect was:
Dogmaus: But I take full responsibility and ask to be treated like everyone else.
Cadaver. In the street on my phone. I've lost all my answer trying to have a look at your post. Dmn.
One last thing I remember, I am not friends with GM. I just thought he's town and didn't want to help scum lynch Town. I'm ok with lynching GM on D2 as I want so see lynching. Also I'm an inexperienced player so I don't have a predetermined strategy or anything.

Another thing I remember, you admit to asking the same questions over and over (like a cop). I have answered those questions more times and that's enough. Play cop with someone else. Your effort going through all my posts is encomiable. And I think you are pretending not to understand what I said and distorting my words in a long list of right quotes, so mixing truth and your fiction.
Why not ZDR? He's my other suspect. Let's see how votes go. I see that these "trains" change quickly. Why not anybody else? Because one can vote just for one person. Joe appeared to be closer to lynching so I'm sticking to that. I don't want another NL. I believe that you are trying to work towards that - a second NL.
Cadaver747: Flub is next, then I will provide a short summary for my list of voting nominees and... rest? This game is stressful already.
Although I appreciate the time and effort put into going through what appears to be each and every post of Dogmaus and supposedly others in the next hours do keep in mind that we have some 12ish hours left before the Day ends.
Cadaver747: Flub is next, then I will provide a short summary for my list of voting nominees and... rest? This game is stressful already.
dedoporno: Although I appreciate the time and effort put into going through what appears to be each and every post of Dogmaus and supposedly others in the next hours do keep in mind that we have some 12ish hours left before the Day ends.
Again my ignorance: why 12 hours and not 27 as I see on the counter of remaining time?