ZFR: I got healed by a Medic.
I think I should claim. Since trent had my claim he passed it on to his buddies. Unless they don't have Day Chat, but I doubt it.
I'm inclined to agree. If scum have a telepath then he would have been able to tell them. Not sure if letters arrive during the night or at dawn when all the other night actions are resolved, but if it is earlier then he might have been able to tell them even without a telepath.
ZFR: I got healed by a Medic.
I think I should claim. Since trent had my claim he passed it on to his buddies. Unless they don't have Day Chat, but I doubt it.
bucktoothgamer: I mean Joe clearly knows something with the meme post he made after the hammer for Trent.
Want to explain why you're blowing things up in my vicinity while I sleep.
Also also for transparency: I hid behind blotunga last night, so apparently scum have had it out for me 2 nights in a row.
I was wondering if you were going to bring that up. You could have answered that question for yourself by reading the role list, no need to ask me.
But since you've gone straight for the blunt approach literally anyone should now be able to work my role out. However for those who can't be bothered to look at the role list, I'm a crazy inventor and I failed my "dexterity check" last night so my invention exploded. :P
I was investigating bucktoothgamer to see if they really were a coward, but each possible action has a success rate. If the action fails then my invention explodes and is "loud".
GymHenson: I mean what are the odds he'd hide behind TWO useful town PRs in a row, and
what are the odds that scum would risk targeting a town!bucktooth two "nights" in a row while knowing (at least from D2 and on) that he was town coward?
I mean(as I stated/asked above), would scum(if Bucktooth is town) really risk targeting him and risk that he might hide behind a scum player?
This is a very good point. The first night is an easily explained coincidence: Either scum targeted Vitek or targeted bucktoothgamer not knowing he was a coward. But the second night we have to believe that bucktoothgamer either managed to pick the same target as the scum or that the scum knowingly targeted a coward, running the risk that BTG would hide behind one of them.
I don't think bucktoothgamer's lack of discretion about my action last night is anti-town necessarily, but I had my doubts about them already (hence the investigation) and the fact that they've hidden behind yet another NK victim is a pretty big coincidence.
What if btg did the kills and is using coward as a cover in case they were tracked or the victim was watched?
bucktoothgamer: I fully intend to explain, but yes I would first like to see catte's response. I will probably give them a day to see if they say anything before I reveal.
Is there any more to reveal? From my understanding of my role you've pretty much spilled all the beans already.
bucktoothgamer: Obviously scum know that I'm town as I'm not one of them, there is really nothing stopping them from targeting me every night and just hoping I hide behind other townies.
Huh? That would be a very silly strategy... Why would they target you every night hoping that you don't hide behind one of them when they could just go ahead and target anyone but you (and themselves) and get a much more predictable result. No, I don't think they did target you last night.
bucktoothgamer: To anyone who doesn't have proof of me being town(again: everyone except scum), it just sounds like I'm coming up with a roundabout way of saying "yeah, I basically performed the last two NKs".
Yes indeed it does. It'd be a very convenient claim to explain why you might be tracked to or watched at the scene of a NK.