(Again, I wrote this before "day" start.....will reply to any posts and/or NK after I wake up a bit)
GH wakes in the morning, taking out his flask to take a sip and clear away the 'mothballs' in his mouth and throat. "Ah, that's better......this air can get so dry sometimes" I thought to myself as I remembered the previous 'night'. "3 more souls had dropped off messages, and again I only chose one......but for a different reason this time: "That Hunter fella seems ok, but can I trust him? Better send his message and see where it goes" I picked up his message, discarding the two others (sorry guys) and checking the name of the recipient "Dedo? Well that's interesting" I thought to myself as I took it to it's destination. Once done, I headed back to get a bit of sleep before the sun fully rose. Did I pick correctly? Or just waste time on a fool's errand(i.e. was it another fluff message someone was sending, or a mutant trying to waste my time)? Only time would tell. --
Re the above: I felt the other two message senders were possibly worthy as well, but I wanted to give Hunter more of a chance last "night"(n2).
(Also to the other two senders, sorry for not sending yer messages and also *pic slightly related* [read the dialog bubble:)])
So same question as D2: Should I reveal the other 2 senders as well?
ZFR: I got healed by a Medic.
I think I should claim. Since trent had my claim he passed it on to his buddies. Unless they don't have Day Chat, but I doubt it.
I had the same thoughts. If yer town(which you most likely are, i'm guessing), scum already knows what you told them....so hiding it doesn't really make any sense.
Also while yer here, what do you think of what I listed above and what is your answer to the question I asked above to everyone?
(Bump needed)