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oh lol I just realised something else
4jejfv.jpg (75 Kb)
JoeSapphire: oh lol I just realised something else
Who said I got a power role?

Your scumbuddy trent?

JoeSapphire: I've just realised - maybe trent didn't want to use the handy power because it might give the scum two nightkills.

maybe we should let him have another night to try and confirm himself
Well, that was a quick Day. We have a hammer! No amount of unvoting will change that.

It is now Dusk. You may continue conversing until I've written up the End of Day message.
Suddenly everything happens quite fast. Blotunga and Catte agree with the others that trent looks suspicious and cast the deciding votes. Trent is led outside by the majority and forced to kneel down. Then someone puts a bullet in his head. He yelps once and falls dead to the ground. ... And his body kind of changes. Seems like he was shape shifted into his familiar shape that you all saw. So you realize that he's definitely some new kind of Mutant that had been living among you. You investigate what is left of him and draw the conclusion, that this Day you have got one of the perpetrators of the crimes that plagued your little community. But, unfortunately, you also come to the conclusion that he wasn't acting alone. So the danger is not yet past and you will have to stay vigilant.

...Holy smokes! Why is it Nightfall already? You've been so wrapped up in your investigations that you entirely missed lunch. You quickly consume a frugal supper made from cactus fruit and iguana on a stick. Then you go to bed.

trentonlf is dead. He was Dogmeat, Ultra-Mutant Infector.

Final Vote Count:
blotunga 2 - bucktooth (896), trent (969)
trent 7 - Joe (854), dedo (924), ZFR (926), Hunter (940), GH (974), blotunga (1051), Catte (1058)
Joe 1 - Engerek (910)

Not voting: Korotan, flubbucket
It takes 7 to lynch and trent is eliminated.

It is now Night. Please cease posting! The game will resume some time on Saturday.

Those of you with Night Actions, please send them to me at your earliest convenience.
Those of you, who want to message someone, please tell me so until tomorrow morning. (so, within the next 22 hours)
Those of you with a factional chat, please proceed there.
Post edited October 22, 2020 by Lifthrasil
the morning dawns. Somewhere a pack of coyotes yelps and yowls. Apparently on the run from something bigger. However, in your cave something happened too. You smell blood. Worried you look around and find blotunga, with a big, messy hole where her head used to be. Behind her in the wall there is a big hole, where the cal. .50 bullet ended up. Blotunga has been killed by a sniper. Sadly, you tidy up and investigate her body and belongings. She had some devices for crime scene investigation with her. Finally you throw her body out for the coyotes, should they survive. Then you start your daily business of finding the killer(s)


blotunga is dead. He was Craig, Town CSI

It is now Day. You may resume posting

All votes are reset
Post edited October 23, 2020 by Lifthrasil
I got healed by a Medic.

I think I should claim. Since trent had my claim he passed it on to his buddies. Unless they don't have Day Chat, but I doubt it.

Nobody ever listens
ZFR: I got healed by a Medic.

I think I should claim. Since trent had my claim he passed it on to his buddies. Unless they don't have Day Chat, but I doubt it.

I mean Joe clearly knows something with the meme post he made after the hammer for Trent.



Want to explain why you're blowing things up in my vicinity while I sleep.

Also also for transparency: I hid behind blotunga last night, so apparently scum have had it out for me 2 nights in a row.
ZFR: I think I should claim. Since trent had my claim he passed it on to his buddies. Unless they don't have Day Chat, but I doubt it.

I believe they do as he would have likely spilled your claim out loud for them to know in the thread which he didn't. It's probably fine to claim but maybe wait for everyone to check-in first? Unless you specifically want to do so right away.
I'm not used to using the normal reply window and posted by accident.

I got mail. I'm not sure when it came but it was in my inbox last time when I posted in the admin thread about Among Us which was 11 hours ago by the looks of that post's current timestamp. It looks like the mail doesn't come in until the end of the night.
(Again, I wrote this before "day" start.....will reply to any posts and/or NK after I wake up a bit)

GH wakes in the morning, taking out his flask to take a sip and clear away the 'mothballs' in his mouth and throat. "Ah, that's better......this air can get so dry sometimes" I thought to myself as I remembered the previous 'night'.

"3 more souls had dropped off messages, and again I only chose one......but for a different reason this time: "That Hunter fella seems ok, but can I trust him? Better send his message and see where it goes"

I picked up his message, discarding the two others (sorry guys) and checking the name of the recipient "Dedo? Well that's interesting" I thought to myself as I took it to it's destination. Once done, I headed back to get a bit of sleep before the sun fully rose.

Did I pick correctly? Or just waste time on a fool's errand(i.e. was it another fluff message someone was sending, or a mutant trying to waste my time)? Only time would tell.


Re the above: I felt the other two message senders were possibly worthy as well, but I wanted to give Hunter more of a chance last "night"(n2).

(Also to the other two senders, sorry for not sending yer messages and also *pic slightly related* [read the dialog bubble:)])

So same question as D2: Should I reveal the other 2 senders as well?


ZFR: I got healed by a Medic.

I think I should claim. Since trent had my claim he passed it on to his buddies. Unless they don't have Day Chat, but I doubt it.

I had the same thoughts. If yer town(which you most likely are, i'm guessing), scum already knows what you told hiding it doesn't really make any sense.

Also while yer here, what do you think of what I listed above and what is your answer to the question I asked above to everyone?


(Bump needed)
Fuck me... The previous posts is supposed to read:

"I'm not sure when it came but it wasn't in my inbox last time when I posted in the admin thread about Among Us which was 11 hours ago by the looks of that post's current timestamp."

I sent a dick pic to Joe and I'm bummed out he didn't get it.

Something I just realized - until GH said what I got was from Hunter I didn't know who sent it. I just got the message itself but no sender.

(Nothing in this post is a vote)

bucktoothgamer: Aslo


Want to explain why you're blowing things up in my vicinity while I sleep.
What do you mean by this?

(If you'd prefer to let Catte answer you first I can wait)

bucktoothgamer: Also also for transparency: I hid behind blotunga last night, so apparently scum have had it out for me 2 nights in a row.
Question to you and everyone else: Why would scum bother going after town coward 2 nights in a row, and not someone more worthwhile?

I mean they might assume you'd hide behind important players, but what if you hid behind a scum player?

Would they really take that chance?