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GymHenson: So should I tell everyone what I know? Or should we prolong this song and dance? ;)
prolong the dance, please. We are enjoying ourselves

GymHenson: Forgot to mention: I don't know the recipient on all messages....just the one I picked to carry.

For all I know the others could've been going to different players.
Did the message get sent in time for trent to read before they chose what their action would be?

JoeSapphire: we don't know for certain that there is a sniper. We have zfr's word that there is an infestor.

but I like the logic, I wouldn't have thought of that
blotunga: Oh but we do:

Apparently she went somewhere and someone shot him. It is quite clear that she was sniped. There is a gaping cal .50 entry wound on her head ... but the back half of his head is simply gone. It's a quite gory mess.

I'm on the phone so it's hard to multiquote. Anyway this makes me wonder, are you really paying attention?
lol. I thought I'd read the flavour too... then yes. you're right, very good
blotunga: Ok, for some reason I misunderstood what you wrote earlier that all the recipients were trent. So you know only the sender.
And the recipient for the message I carry, of course.

blotunga: Still if I were a PR for sure I would've tried to message him also. Maybe others would have tried the same.
Well seems you might want to continue on this song and dance(I refer to my prior post that you seem to have missed or ignored?): So then who did you try to message last night?

(Note: I don't really want to know if you're town and think it best to keep that info private....I was mainly "asking" such to more or less confirm you were one of the senders last night)

(Also sorry for not choosing ya last night.....I had to pick 1 only, ya see)
JoeSapphire: Gym's saying he delivered ZFR's message, can that be confirmed?
I sent a message where I claimed to trent.
JoeSapphire: Gym's saying he delivered ZFR's message, can that be confirmed?
ZFR: I sent a message where I claimed to trent.
how very interesting...

@Gym - does the message arrive in time to be acted upon?
JoeSapphire: prolong the dance, please. We are enjoying ourselves
Too late for the first name....will keep the second name private for now, though.

JoeSapphire: Did the message get sent in time for trent to read before they chose what their action would be?
I just know Trent got the message.....dunno if he got it before or after any potential use of his power role.

JoeSapphire: how very interesting...

@Gym - does the message arrive in time to be acted upon?
Read above plox.


(Also bump needed)
GymHenson: I just know Trent got the message.....dunno if he got it before or after any potential use of his power role.
but was your deadline for submitting night actions noticeably early? did you have to choose within 12 hours of dusk or something like that?
JoeSapphire: @Gym - does the message arrive in time to be acted upon?
Interesting. I didn't consider this: I thought messages get delivered by Lift end Night.

But if you're thinking that Mafia!trent acted upon it and hence I was Infected, then... nope.
ZFR: I sent a message where I claimed to trent.
You're either very trusting of Trent's claim(Tbh I am as well), or very very clever scum.

For now, gonna assume yer town(and pray i'm right).


(Boomp plz so I can reply to Joe)
ZFR: But if you're thinking that Mafia!trent acted upon it and hence I was Infected, then... nope.
After all that I wrote, are you that daft?
ZFR: But if you're thinking that Mafia!trent acted upon it and hence I was Infected, then... nope.
JoeSapphire: huh?
Isn't that why you asked? Did trent have time to act upon my claim and is that the reason I was infected?
I'm here for a bit and catching up.
JoeSapphire: but was your deadline for submitting night actions noticeably early? did you have to choose within 12 hours of dusk or something like that?
Didn't get one, that i'm aware of...just asked to choose someone to carry a message for.

I will say this(hopefully it's not against the rules): I picked a message sender over 24 hours ago, and didn't get a result until not too long ago....make of that what you will.


(Need another bump)
ZFR: Isn't that why you asked? Did trent have time to act upon my claim and is that the reason I was infected?
Could it be a magnificent gambit by trent? To claim Mr Handy (knowing that there is a chance of counter-claim), to sniff out town power roles? While there is some reasoning, maybe he simply didn't act on your message. Also scum could've simply killed you if they for sure knew you were important.
blotunga: After all that I wrote, are you that daft?
Sometimes i'd like to think not, though my shrink might say otherwise.

Jokes aside, I cannot tell your faction...for all I know you're scum!Blotunga trying to make it look like you're town.

(I mean why bring up the whole "senders likely sent claim/PR info to trent" idea if you're such a PR trying to hide from scum? Makes little sense to me....I mean why put that idea in scum's head at all if you're town, knowing i'd likely spill the beans at some point?)

As such, I went with my gut....if i'm wrong, and it causes trouble for town later on, you may get in line with Nmillar(from the last game) to kick my behind repeatedly.