blotunga: There's the problem.
BKGaming: Ding ding we have a winner. xD
In all seriousness though, they would get a lot more takers if they offered some positions via telecommunication. With today's technology it's a lot more practical, especially for positions like programming.
There are several issues with that.
One, is that telecommunication actually works worse than being in the office. It's been tried when it was first made feasible, but most companies discovered that quite a few things (productivity, team cohesion, etc.) suffer as a result.
Two, if you live in country A, where the average salary for a particular job is X, working in country B, where it's X*0.5 is really problematic. One way to mitigate that is to actually move to country B, but even that would only work if you intended to live out the rest of your life there. Because whatever you might save there (even with a job that's well-paying by local standards) will simply not be enough if you return to your home country at some point.