Sachys: Makes yer mam look good though.
Timboli: I think a lot of us will agree it ain't great, but to define it as hideous is way over the top.
It is certainly better than Epic's or Steam's or's and many other stores.
But it is very bloated that's for sure, like so many sites these days who just don't care about abusing our PCs and web connection.
I do have to admit though, that it has certainly been worse at GOG, a lot worse. I cannot recall if it was ever better ... perhaps a bit.
They should really split it off into at least two pages, each with less bloat.
And specific sales pages aren't much better, sometimes worse.
Just too much clever dick stuff going on, instead of just being sensible.
I gave up on the main sales' pages years ago.
For whichever reason, Steam does not feel so in-your-face to me. I dunno about the other stores, I lost my Epic account years ago and I link-bought a single item on itch.
tfishell: Everything is hideous, everything must die. Rip
I usually just go straight to the forum anyway.
Now there's an idea.