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I understand the motivation but ultimately I do not prefer this idea.

Firstly, just in terms of how it would feel, imagine several new games drop and you choose to try a "starred" game. By the time the drawing happens (because it cannot be immediate), most likely all the other "normal" games will have been requested, so if you are not the lucky winner of the starred game, you will get *nothing*. To me, making a game request in the giveaway is a source of happiness: even if some games I would have liked were gone already at the time of the request, I chose what I liked from the remaining. Here, it could happen that the request is completely wasted and leads only to disappointment. To me, that's contrary to the spirit of the giveaway.

In terms of probabilities, I expect that there would be tens of people requesting each starred game, let's say 20. Then, the value of such a request would be on average 1/20 of a normal request, which is quite low. So on average you would need to make 20 starred requests to win one. But that's just the average: if you lose ten times in a row, that will not increase your chances for future times - so I imagine there would be some very disappointed people who lose again and again and again.

I am not against having raffles - I have participated in some and have done some myself - but I would like to have them separate from the community giveaway.
DiffuseReflection: I understand the motivation but ultimately I do not prefer this idea.

Firstly, just in terms of how it would feel, imagine several new games drop and you choose to try a "starred" game. By the time the drawing happens (because it cannot be immediate), most likely all the other "normal" games will have been requested, so if you are not the lucky winner of the starred game, you will get *nothing*. To me, making a game request in the giveaway is a source of happiness: even if some games I would have liked were gone already at the time of the request, I chose what I liked from the remaining. Here, it could happen that the request is completely wasted and leads only to disappointment. To me, that's contrary to the spirit of the giveaway.

In terms of probabilities, I expect that there would be tens of people requesting each starred game, let's say 20. Then, the value of such a request would be on average 1/20 of a normal request, which is quite low. So on average you would need to make 20 starred requests to win one. But that's just the average: if you lose ten times in a row, that will not increase your chances for future times - so I imagine there would be some very disappointed people who lose again and again and again.

I am not against having raffles - I have participated in some and have done some myself - but I would like to have them separate from the community giveaway.
I believe there's a solution for your problem.

In the past, BenKii would post, for example, 20 games. By the time you notice it, say 3 have already been requested (quite possibly the most wanted ones), so according to your post, you feel happy choosing from the remaining 17.

In the new scheme, BenKii would post, for example, 20 games, 17 regular, and 3 starred. If you feel so opposed to the possible disappointment of not winning and getting nothing, just assume the 3 starred games are gone (just as they had been in the previous example) and feel happy choosing from the remaining 17. But if there is nothing for you in the remaining 17, and you want something from the 3 starred, go for it, you might actually win (unlike the previous example) --- or not.

It is clear to me that BenKii intends starred games to be a minority, so it doesn't too dramatically reduce the number of games available for people who like first come, first served.

But there are people --- myself included --- who feel uncomfortable with the first come, first served scheme. If I happen to enter the giveaway thread shortly after BenKii posts a new list and I notice something I want, I often --- unless the list is very very long --- feel uncomfortable to ask for the game, as if I were greedy in doing so. I usually say to myself that I'll wait a couple of days and ask for it then, if it still remains, which usually doesn't happen, as by then the game is long gone.

This new solution offers a small alternative for the latter group of people, making the community giveaway more inclusive, in my opinion.
Post edited June 21, 2023 by mrkgnao
I have to agree with Cavalry here: A big '"Hell, no!" for drawings in the community giveaway. That there are no drawings is what I have always liked about it most.

I also have to agree with DiffuseReflection, that this will lead to more unhappiness for the majority of the people.

And I'd also like to make a suggestion: If there is a big list of gifts from the usual suspect please post the entire list at once! The games will be spread out over time anyway because of the monthly limit.
There's one more thing about draws: People may enter them just in case, therefore artificially increasing the number of entries and lowering the odds of those actually interested in the game.
If you know that if you ask for a game, you get it, it's clearly public that you asked for it specifically, others can't get it after that and you can't get another for the month, there's a certain responsibility involved, for lack of another term. For a draw though, unless there's a non-starred game you really want first, feels like throwing your name in the hat, might as well, if you win, neat, you won something, you didn't just take it, and if you don't, you can choose something else.
mrkgnao: I believe there's a solution for your problem.

In the past, BenKii would post, for example, 20 games. By the time you notice it, say 3 have already been requested (quite possibly the most wanted ones), so according to your post, you feel happy choosing from the remaining 17.

In the new scheme, BenKii would post, for example, 20 games, 17 regular, and 3 starred. If you feel so opposed to the possible disappointment of not winning and getting nothing, just assume the 3 starred games are gone (just as they had been in the previous example) and feel happy choosing from the remaining 17. But if there is nothing for you in the remaining 17, and you want something from the 3 starred, go for it, you might actually win (unlike the previous example) --- or not.

It is clear to me that BenKii intends starred games to be a minority, so it doesn't too dramatically reduce the number of games available for people who like first come, first served.

But there are people --- myself included --- who feel uncomfortable with the first come, first served scheme. If I happen to enter the giveaway thread shortly after BenKii posts a new list and I notice something I want, I often --- unless the list is very very long --- feel uncomfortable to ask for the game, as if I were greedy in doing so. I usually say to myself that I'll wait a couple of days and ask for it then, if it still remains, which usually doesn't happen, as by then the game is long gone.

This new solution offers a small alternative for the latter group of people, making the community giveaway more inclusive, in my opinion.
I understand the analogy, but I don't think it's a perfect match - the difference is that some games would be preallocated as 'starred', and the only way to get them would be through the raffle, no matter when one requests them. In a first-come first-served situation all games would have been available at least at some point.

I realize some may consider raffles more equitable than first-come-first-served. I think there's room for both kinds of giveaways, I simply would prefer them to be separate (parallel) instead of being mutually exclusive.
I just want everyone to know that I'm reading everyone's comments and taking in all the feedback seriously. The Community Giveaway is a giveaway for and by the community and no changes will occur if the community decides against it. But please continue the discussion and we'll see about any possible tweaks to the new idea or maybe we'll ditch it entirely. Don't know, that's why I have you all to talk about it. :)
[message deleted... in retrospect, I felt like my voice added little value to this conversation... there are excellent arguments on both sides of the fence, so kudos to everyone...]
Post edited June 23, 2023 by matterbandit
BenKii: Hello Goglodytes! I have an idea for the CG that I'd like to get your feedback on.

It's come to my attention that many of you find the current system of the Community Giveaway to be unfair when certain titles get donated and then quickly snatched up within seconds. In the beginning of the Community Giveaway, there were far more donators than we had giftees. Sadly, this has now been inversed. With more giftees, the competition to get there first is very strong even to an unhealthy level of just pure stalking the giveaway. So in an effort to stave this competition and to keep more games on the CG list longer, I propose to add a 3rd category of games to the CG called the Starred ★ category. Much like how the Daggered † category was created to offload some of the low demand freebie titles that most people already have, the Starred category will contain high demand games but it won't be "first come, first served". Instead, anyone who requests a Starred game will be entered into a drawing that ends in 24 hours (I will have the exact date and time the drawing ends listed in parenthesis next to each Starred game). Active Forum members can enter in the short drawing as long as they haven't received a game for that month already. If the person wins then that will be their game for the month. If you lose, you are still eligible for more Star drawings or anything from the regular list which will still be "first come, first served" but now you will have to decide what to do. Do you take your chance in a drawing for Starred game "Skyrim" or do you grab one of the regular games like "Deus Ex", "Diablo", "Baldur's Gate", etc. and exclude yourself from the drawing. How I decide what gets labeled as a Starred game will generally be by average price and how recent it was released. If for some reason no one enters the drawing for a Starred game then it will get added to the "first come, first served" list.

This is an effort to not only give people a shot at the higher demand games but to also offload the demand from the regular category of games. Questions? Comments? What does everyone think of this? If folks like this change then I plan to enact this in the beginning of July.
Do you want fair distribution? Prepare a list of all the members and let them request a game and repeat until every single one on that list gets theirs. How long will it take to complete a round? How many will take the first games offered? How many will wait until the last minute? I don't know, I'm new here. And as such, I received an unfriendly post when I dared to request a game on the last day of a month for a game ignored for weeks. Probably I still don't fully understand the existing unwritten unhealthy situation. There are multiple daggered games that I'd like and I could request by following the rules, but I refrain from not being considered a hoarder. Is the giveaway really driven by generosity? or entitlement? It's my politically incorrect question for you at this point. The question for me, if I should leave.
4thDown: There are multiple daggered games that I'd like and I could request by following the rules, but I refrain from not being considered a hoarder.
There's nothing wrong with requesting the daggered keys. Many folks already own those so don't feel like you're taking it away from someone else. So please request away for any of the daggered you'd like. :)
I like the idea of offering more people a chance to receive a game they will enjoy. Also, even though it's true that some users might enter the draw just to try their luck and probably to the detriment to those who really would love to play such games, I bet this was also true with the fist-come fist-served model we've always had. Moreover, as it is intended to do so, the draw could benefit those who would be really happy to play a non-starred game by giving them a better chance to be the first ones to claim it.

I might be wrong on this, but I've never been a fan of how the fist-come fist-served rule alongside the only one request per post one and the usual forum shenanigans, already established the giveaway as a 'de facto' game of chance and divine blessings. Maybe this way it'll be a bit better? My vote goes to giving this idea a try and see how it goes.

Also, kudos to BenKii for trying to come up with new ways by which to improve the giveaway and make it more fair.
high rated
BenKii: But please continue the discussion
Doc should opine on this, since the change would apply almost exclusively to his donations. I say go for it, for whatever that's worth.
4thDown: I don't know, I'm new here. And as such, I received an unfriendly post when I dared to request a game on the last day of a month for a game ignored for weeks.
I see no rude replies to you. Everyone was very accommodating even though you jumped the gun before you were eligible, and you posted an off-topic question about basic offline installer usage. Plus, you were granted multiple requests.
One person was disappointed that you requested a game you already own in another store, but he wasn't rude about it.
BenKii: But please continue the discussion
Ice_Mage: Doc should opine on this, since the change would apply almost exclusively to his donations. I say go for it, for whatever that's worth.
I contacted Doc a short while ago about commenting on my new idea but he decided that he is going to sit out of the discussion for now. I suspect he doesn't want his opinion on the matter to affect the rest of the community.
4thDown: There are multiple daggered games that I'd like and I could request by following the rules, but I refrain from not being considered a hoarder.
BenKii: There's nothing wrong with requesting the daggered keys. Many folks already own those so don't feel like you're taking it away from someone else. So please request away for any of the daggered you'd like. :)
Thanks, I'll spin the offer several times before taking it. Some rookie ideas:

• Give the giveaway a pause for months. Time to the bag to accumulate, time to disband those only looking for games.

• Instead of a monthly giveaway, do it eventually. True regulars will notice it promptly, casuals, not so much.

• Set a countdown timer rule to start accepting requests once you announce the games.

• Record the lightning speed requestors. In case of something suspicious, the data will speak for itself.

• Dose yourself the games and the announcements timings.
BenKii: But please continue the discussion
Ice_Mage: Doc should opine on this, since the change would apply almost exclusively to his donations. I say go for it, for whatever that's worth.
4thDown: I don't know, I'm new here. And as such, I received an unfriendly post when I dared to request a game on the last day of a month for a game ignored for weeks.
Ice_Mage: I see no rude replies to you. Everyone was very accommodating even though you jumped the gun before you were eligible, and you posted an off-topic question about basic offline installer usage. Plus, you were granted multiple requests.
One person was disappointed that you requested a game you already own in another store, but he wasn't rude about it.
It might be some friendly European tradition to question a request, including the explicit word of depriving. Unfortunately, I don't see it practiced in every request.

May I ask you officer, where are you heading to?
Post edited June 21, 2023 by 4thDown
Still taking in everyone's thoughts but I'd like to still advocate my position for the random draw.

So let's setup a hypothetical list of games.

Starred (★) Keys
Skyrim (drawing ends June 22, 2023 8am GMT)
Cyberpunk 2077 (drawing ends June 22, 2023 8am GMT)

Regular Keys
Deus Ex
System Shock 2
Interstate '76
Star Trek Elite Force
Quest for Glory 1-5

Daggered (†) Keys
A ton of amnesiac pigs :D

Now in this situation you have to choose if you want one of the regular games or try your luck at one of the Star games. For me personally, I don't like to gamble as I always lose when I do so (my Luck stat is a literal 1). So I would pick the Star Trek game (big surprise!) and free up an entry for someone who wants to try their hand at a Star game. But let's say that there isn't anything of interest for me on the regular games list. Then I would take my chance for Skyrim and hope for the best. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything because there was nothing for me in the regular list to begin with. And I don't feel compelled to acquire a game each month just because I can. I like to think that not picking a game will free it up from someone who actually would really like to play that game.

One more thing I'll say about Starred games is that when I list one, there will be no new additions to the regular list until the Starred game has finished the draw. That way no one will be waiting for the last second to see if I put something else up while the drawing is ongoing. When the draw is up and you end up losing then you are free to pick from whatever is left in the regular pile. But my suggestion is to go for the regular list first if there is something you "want" to play otherwise why ask for it.
Post edited June 21, 2023 by BenKii
Been watching the discussion as it has progressed. My initial reaction was your alteration of the giveaway in the name of fairness rang very true Benkii. I understand the points made by Cavalary and others, but I found myself agreeing very much with your posy 494, especially with the added idea of running the Starred giveaway first, then circling back to the "regular" keys. I've shown up to the forums multiple times in the past to see a game from my wishlist appear then disappear before I ever even knew it was there. But I'm not one who is constantly checking back here for updates either, so my disappointment at this was always small. But I empathize with the idea that it sucks missing out simply because you aren't obsessively (no offense to anyone please!) checking the post for new additions.

The other thing I'll add is there seems to be some consensus that Doc's opinion is of importance, and I'd agree as he is graciously the most generous donor. I understand his reluctance to weigh in directly, but we don't need him to say how he feels, it's pretty obvious based on the giveaways he conducts himself - it's always a timed announcement where he gives plenty of opportunity to opt in to a random draw for the upper echelon games he's usually running them for. Tells me this is his idea of fariness.