myconv: Why stop there? Maybe we could have some people get two or more titles. Like we could have a list of top best Gog forum posters each month. The number one favored ranker can get 10 of their most desired games with first pick and number ten in the list only getting two. Everyone else can be given one game by random and be grateful for the
lovely surprise of having no idea what game they will get of the left overs. [/sarcasm]
^ I'll be honest, the increasingly negative 'tone' of such comments towards those donating free games / free time to administrate them is starting to get to the point where I wouldn't want any change precisely because of it... Any game requested & received should be treated as a bonus rather than an entitlement.
Likewise for "unfairness" vs other requesters, you've had 10 games in 7 months since the giveaway started:-
- Old World - Heroes of the Aegean - June 13th 2022, post 425
- Outcast 1.1 - June 14th 2022, post 432
- Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - June 15th 2022, post 440
- Cave Story's Secret Santa - June 17th 2022, post 460
- Edna & Harvey- Harveys new Eyes - June 26th, post 506
- Venetica - July 1st 2022, post 531
- Stasis - August 29th 2022, post 743
- Bioshock 2 - Sept 2nd, 2022, post 765
- Lovecraft's Untold Stories - Sept 14th, 2022, post 856
- Slay the Spire - Oct 1st, 2022, post 1057
^ So it's not like you've been left out. Many of us don't ask for games every single month (nor do we have to be
warned to participate on non-giveaway threads). If there's a game on the list I'm unsure about, rather than ask for the sake of asking I'll leave it there for someone else who wants it more than I do and will ask only for something I know I really want. I've requested and received just 2 games (one in May and one in October) in the 7x months this giveaway has been running, and I've been active on the forum throughout. So you've already had 5x more games over the same period than some of us 'active' posters you're complaining about having some unfair "advantage" that we really don't.
Not knowing what to ask for is solved simply by browsing the site now and familiarising yourself with what you like (ie, wishlist the type of games that you'd buy for yourself if there were no giveaway at all). Then when the next giveaway happens, simply compare them and ask for one. If you're unsure about a game, there's nothing forcing you to ask for any game purely for the sake of asking / filling a monthly quota. Just ask for what you know you want and leave what you don't. Some of us who do the same may well end up leaving a game we're unsure about (but you may really want) on the table for you in return. This is what the
Community Spirit of the
Community Giveaway should be about far more than the ability to block other people from asking for what they want out of fear of missing out.