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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
Revamp "Wanted" ("Games you'd love to see on GOG") Interface
There's tons of crap in the list. It's hard for anything but the "super popular" games to get a lot of votes.
Off the top of my head, I may know a handful games that I definitely want badly on, but there are other games that I may have forgotten about. If I was reminded of them, I'd say "Oh yeah, that game is great!" and definitely vote for it. The problem is, there are only 10 chances for this to happen, as the page only lists the Top 10 voted for games.
Switch the "recently added" and the "most voted" sections. "Most Voted" should be a first-class citizen on this page. Allow the user to browse by votes indefinitely- not just the Top 10. 99% of the "recently added" are complete nonsense (console games, games released this year, games already on GOG), so they should be relegated to the sidebar- more like a twitter feed of recent changes. Marginally interesting, but not the primary focus.
Take a stand on expansion packs- I am assuming (perhaps wrongly), that if the base game is available on, the expansion packs would automatically be considered as well, if not automatically included in the main game. So is it really nessesary for the the "wanted" list to include the base game, plus 5 expansion packs, plus "gold edition", plus "<Base Game> + expansions"? I would suggest just saying "Do not include expansion packs- Vote for the original game only".
Allow "flagging" of each game nomination, with a choice of reason. For example, once you click the "Flag as Inappropriate" icon, a popup will display with some choices- "Not a PC Game", "Duplicate Entry", "Already on GOG", "Recent Release", "Expansion Pack", etc. Of course, this would require some type of manual moderation, but if something is getting a very high number of "inappropriate" votes, it should be easy to see it should be deleted (or not).
Right now the interface is useful for specific searching and voting, but if I just want to browse and jog my memory, it's practically useless when there is page after page of "Mass Effect 2", "Half-Life 2", "Killer Instinct", "Earthbound", and other things totally not relevant to
Post edited April 02, 2010 by Slash
I am sure this has been discussed and suggested to death already, but I agree with Slash above. My suggestion would be the following:
Some manual moderation in the wish list, or some way to delete Non-PC games, duplicates and the duplicates of duplicates with typos and "Plz relese FIFA2010! kthxbai!"-suggestions.
Possibility to flag clearly inappropriate content. Just like Slash suggested.
Post edited April 06, 2010 by SoanoS
I would like to see a way for someone who solves a question . . . to be able to distribute rep points to others who contributed to the solution. In short, assign a standard 1,2 or 3 assist points for up to three other posts in the thread. Have an "assist" button on each post available only to the person credited with the solution. Although I have given a +1 to others, it doesn't seem to add anything.
The person posting the question decides who best answered their question but often it is two or three posts combined that actually solve the problem. I have gotten so caught up in detailing a process that I have left out a critical step only to have it added by another member and my post was still selected as a solution. It would be nice to give them credit. Have the page mark the solution and any relevant assists as well. I believe it would give a much clearer view of a solution.
I would like to give credit where credit is due . . .=)
Stuff: <snip>

Very good idea, +1
klaymen: Very good idea, +1

Thanks . . .=)
Agh, giant thread! Zjeraar's suggestion please!
Sorry if this has been suggested, but I'd like to see singeplayer and multiplayer categories in addition to price, ratings and genre.
I am still relatively new (4 days) but I love the site, and the good work the guys at GOG are doing.
Only thing I can think of that is slightly annoying, when downloading the game I wish the setup file and all the extras came in one pack, so I don't have to go back and download 6-7 different files.
CrashToOverride: I am still relatively new (4 days) but I love the site, and the good work the guys at GOG are doing.
Only thing I can think of that is slightly annoying, when downloading the game I wish the setup file and all the extras came in one pack, so I don't have to go back and download 6-7 different files.

Oooh, I like that idea :)
CrashToOverride: I am still relatively new (4 days) but I love the site, and the good work the guys at GOG are doing.
Only thing I can think of that is slightly annoying, when downloading the game I wish the setup file and all the extras came in one pack, so I don't have to go back and download 6-7 different files.
Shure: Oooh, I like that idea :)

It's not even really annoying, just a convenience sort of thing. I believe it would make it easier on the servers this way too.
1. I think it would be worthwhile to provide MD5 hashes for all downloadable files (but most importantly the installers). If you do this, please ensure that the text is selectable to facilitate easy copying into the user's local hashchecking application.
2. I'd really like to see "Gunslinger" added to the Gender list in user profiles (terribly minor detail, but hey, what the heck).
3. If it can in fact be done (I'm not sure of the details), I think it would be nice to have a "Blacklist" that effectively hides games from the catalogue. A reverse Wishlist, if you will. There are a number of games available here that I will never buy (just not interested), and it would be nice to be able to mark them once as unwanted, and then never see them again in the main catalogue.
Post edited April 11, 2010 by FlawlessCowboy
Apart from the games I've bought on GOG (you guys are great btw), I already own a number of the listed games on CD/DVD. It would be great if I could mark those in the listing of the games available on GOG. That way it would make an easy filter for all games that I don't have yet, without the clutter of those that I already have (GOG+CD/DVD). (reposted here after recommendation)
More language versions for games especially polish. Don`t forget where GoG comes from
Post edited April 14, 2010 by g00ras
.......A browser based game where we fight DRM themed monsters. jk, idk....
With all the new or updated stuff being added by the GOG team it would be nice to have a little red or green graphic based on download date that would let us know if there has been anything new added to the games we have purchased and downloaded. A green graphic if nothing new since our last download and a red graphic if something new has been added since our last download.
A couple of things:
1. I think you should use in some way, maybe provide a link to the page of the game or something like that. I think both communities share interests and loves in the world of video games, it would be wonderful if you can help each other in some way.
2. I'm really interested in game sales statistics. never gives sale statistics of PC, for instance, so it's always difficult to track how well PC is doing in general. It would also be interesting to be able to know how many users are here and maybe see their catalogues and such. I really want to track how evolves.
3. Also, there are no tools to browse the wish list. Buttons like "order alphabetically" or "go to last" are really needed when a newcomer (like me) wants to go through all the list to vote wished games for the first time.
Post edited April 23, 2010 by MichaelPalin