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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
One feature I would like to see is something like a status update on what is going on with any support questions. Something like "Sent" "Received" "Being worked on/looked at" or even a sort of queue type thing so you can at least guess on when you might get an answer.
Please note that I am not trying to whine or anything but I think seeing some sort of a status widget, for lack of a better term, would help prevent all those threads that yell about how support is being slow and unresponsive according to the poster of the thread.
Thread is TL:DR, so if this has already been suggested, sue me.
Please add a "Mark Forums Read" function.
I think it would make sense on the Gifting option to simply enter the username of whoever you're gifting to rather than the email address.
Also - games you own should be removed from the Games Catalogue (of course you can choose to show them again).
Another good feature would be to prevent avatars from giving me nightmares - such as Cogdah's.
TheJoe: Another good feature would be to prevent avatars from giving me nightmares - such as Cogdah's.

Hey, what's so scary about Freakazoid?
TheJoe: Another good feature would be to prevent avatars from giving me nightmares - such as Cogdah's.
cogadh: Hey, what's so scary about Freakazoid?

Reminds me too much of clowns - of which I am phobic.
Somehow I manage to survive Broken Sword though...
Freakazoid rocks! I love his language lessons...
But yeah I'm probably echoing others here (27 pages of comments? To long to read all the way through) But a basic profile set up and private messaging others would be nice. I am sure it is coming, however :D I just wanted to show my support for Freakazoid...He and Earthworm jim used to have great cartoons.
jon1138: Several Languages for each game, it could be cool for French, german, italian, spanish (and more) people. We don't speak all english...

Yes i agree!
I'll be great if some games were translate in french (Fallout etc...)
Game keys (install, multi-player, whatever) stored somewhere in our accounts for easy access.
Has anyone mentioned a forum specifically to help facilitate Multiplayer matchups for the MP games GOG has for sale? One where yo ucould put up date, time, what game, etc.
deoren: Game keys (install, multi-player, whatever) stored somewhere in our accounts for easy access.

DRM free doesn't mean much to you then?
I think on the forums, clicking the title of a topic shouldn't take you to the last post, but to the start of the thread. A "Last Post" link should be included instead.
deoren: Game keys (install, multi-player, whatever) stored somewhere in our accounts for easy access.
TheJoe: DRM free doesn't mean much to you then?
I think on the forums, clicking the title of a topic shouldn't take you to the last post, but to the start of the thread. A "Last Post" link should be included instead.

You can set it up so that you get to the first page instead of the last (check "My Settings") - though then you'd have to click the number for the last page to get there, a "last page" link would be handy sometimes, yes.
Edit: as I just randomly discovered - for each multipage topic, there are links to both the first and last page (for example this topic has [p: 1 - 11], where the numbers are links to the 1st and last pages), the topic title itself goes to wherever you set it up in the settings (default is last page, I think).
Post edited March 13, 2009 by Miaghstir
deoren: Game keys (install, multi-player, whatever) stored somewhere in our accounts for easy access.
TheJoe: DRM free doesn't mean much to you then?

What do you mean by that? I didn't suggest that we "only" get our game keys there. You do realize I'm referring to the keys used for online multiplayer access, right? Ex: Sacred, Spellforce Platinum, etc.
In short, having the keys (.reg file perhaps) available as a download option for each applicable game in our "My Games" page. Much like soundtracks, etc.
I have a wish for the forums.
Instead of clicking on a post and being taken to the LAST page, why are we not taken to the first page.
There are only going to be more users here, not l;ess, and they will undoubtedly like to start at the begining of a thread instead of the end.
Maybe a user cp option?
Dave3d: Hello.
I have a wish for the forums.
Instead of clicking on a post and being taken to the LAST page, why are we not taken to the first page.
There are only going to be more users here, not l;ess, and they will undoubtedly like to start at the begining of a thread instead of the end.
Maybe a user cp option?

Isn't this option already available in Display Options of 'My Settings'?
When I enter the topic: take me to the last page / take me to the first page
I had a thought about gifting - shouldn't it be that we put a GOGger's username in the box rather than an email address?