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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
i'm looking for nice GOG user bars.
i would like GOG games to install exactly the same as the fully patched original so that mods work and WINE support is good.
is possibe to add "My Game to buy Wish List" feature?
It should be something like favourit button that add game to My own list of game I am plan to buy.
Now I can add game only to shoping card but when I want to buy game later I can not remark so I can forget it.
A limited Mac download list?
would love to be able to download games for my Macbook too. :D
I think this feature wish list should be done just like the game suggestions; something we can go to and vote for.
-Personal wishlist, for game gifting and so-on.
-Game gifting. I have no idea if this is available, but hell, why not.
-Maybe move those "recently wished" and "most popular discussions up underneath the menu bar, so people can get a quicker look at whats originally meant for just a peek. Having it so far out of the way seems... strange.
-Themes and stylesheets. if you can personalise something you're going to feel more attatched to it. Just sayin.
-A scheduler. People have been hassling valve for this on steam forever, I don't know why they haven't done it. I don't know why you guys haven't done it. It would amplify convenience a whole lot, which when it comes down to it, is basically at the heart the issue when you're offering a service. More over, without an auto-login feature, I can't even use window's sheduling program, which brings us to:
-Auto log-in feature for the downloader. Again, convenience.
-Start with windows. You guessed it, convenience. It only takes a couple lines of code. Sure I could put it in the windows start-up folder, but thats an inconvenience to me.
Post edited October 05, 2008 by dnz
This might allready have made the list, I think Toshis suggestion about a voting system would make this more approachable, anyways. Information on updated installers is what I want. Both MDK and Sacrifice have been given new installers that fix some issues but there is no or very little info regarding this so a "we have pathed a game you own" mail would be nice.
And an updated FAQ when these updated installers are released, for example Sacrifice still says to chnage the page file instead of redownloading and reinstalling the game.
Post edited October 06, 2008 by jema
Radnom: Aw, are you kidding? How's a little animated GIF gonna take charm away?
If anything, they'll add charm. I mean, look at this guy run:
(Okay, img tags, and emoticons would be nice as well ;) )
bpops: Not to start a war, but i'd cast my vote here for not allowing animated GIFs. The site looks great, and this would detract from it in my opinion.

Count me as another vote against any and all forms of visual clutter: animated avatars, img tags, signatures etc.
Video Game Demos. I had to play the Original War demo before I made up my mind to buy it. It would be great if on the catalog page we had a link to download the demo from if there's a demo available.
Demos of games would be great...
I was also just thinking it would be nice if the Downloader program also ran something like the MD5 checksum to make sure it downloaded the files correctly.
Tidying up the forum a bit, probably changing a layout for it and getting proper moderators team :P
Just a wish-list thing for the forums here.
I like how it says who created the thread, but I'd like to see an option where we can ALSO see who replied last in the thread.
As has been said already, demos would be great, but I recommend going to watching footage of the games being played. This gives you a better idea about games.
However, the feature I would like to see would be emulated console ports. They have a lot on gametap, and dosbox is an emulator anyway, right? CastleVania: Symphony of the Night would be great. I never had a PlayStation so I never got to play it, but from all I can tell, it is a major must-play to fans of nonlinear games.
wallpapers are dandy! but 1920x1200 max resolution? really? some of us have monitors bigger than that. we could use renders @ 2560x1600. i mean this earthworm jim wallpaper is great! but it could be BETTER :)
The ability to change the forum's color scheme. Please, I dislike so much this greyness all around me and my eyes can't possibly become accustomed to it :-P