Zrevnur: In terms of obligation ("their job") the strongest I see is that they need to make money for their shareholders. Vs customers whatever this obligation is I dont see it trumping what the customers want. For me (if this thread doesnt make this clear) getting rid of captcha trumps making the games cheaper.
I meant towards/for the customer...obviously that is their job for the shareholders.
Also i'd think you'd sadly be in the minority with regards to captchas vs game prices.
Zrevnur: This is the individual/egoistical perspective. I dont want to claim that its anything but a "minor issue" for most people individually.
Fair enough, but the way you brought it up it made it sound like it was a more important issue for more people.
Zrevnur: If you really want to know: From my POV it was "pretty lame".
Tbf I was getting a bit bored and wanted to lighten things up a bit while also expressing how some likely feel about the issue via visual aid.
And yeah, I get that not every bit of comedy is for everyone.....maybe i'll score a "hit" next time I try such. :)