Posted June 26, 2013

The longer version: Rod is defiantly a better player, but the match up of Chaos and Lizardmen seems seems poorly balanced unless you build a specific Chaos build (more running and passing).
In a brawl it's like hitting a brick wall with 6 ST4 players and one big guy. It's really easy to get knocked out and lose the ball and then you get that little skink bugger running away with the ball. Good luck catching him once he gets the ball.
Lizards are tough team like dwarfs when they get to play in their comfort zone (skinks running, sauruses bashing) - but outside of it they are not too much to talk about. the trick is ofcourse how to make the game run that way :)
..this ofcourse concerns are "polar" teams - that is teams, that have players which are (roughly) only good for specific purposes. Strong positionals can be strength, but also weakness.
Id say that lizards team does NOT have linemen in the general purpose way that linemen usually are supposed to work. Both skinks and sauruses are -very- positional in nature.
Post edited June 26, 2013 by iippo