Vamps used to have vampire lord! Everything used to be better! C64 and Amiga rule! Grass was greener and sun shinier!
E_A: Look, all I'm saying is: if you have a small list of starplayers and one of them is designed to work only with a specific interpretation of the rules, then if you change the rules change the damn starplayer.
But then I really hate the "feelsy" "why balance, it's Blood Bowl" types without math skills who tend to form the BB rules committees :P
I'm all for C64 and Amiga though :D.
No ill will meant - All i really wanted to say is that i just really-really want that vampire lord from the older editions :)
...speaking about game balance, i like the unofficial "narrowing the tiers" balancing: Lots of very good ideas there. It just shame, that at the current pace we are probably going to have to wait twenty+ years till next rules update. Which is weird, as 40k and FB are getting new army and rules books like every six months.
GW is one of the worst companies to deal with the good licences - Epic, Battlefleet Gothic, BB, Inquisitor, Necromunda, Gorkamorka etc... lots of really good stuff that would only need itsy-bitsy of shining and ad coverage in White Dwarfs...
Now that the silver linings of past start to fade from my mind, i am actually glad that i dont get chance to face Ghiro with 12 ogres like that team apparently used to be. now -that- would not even funny anymore. Well, anyone except Ghiro ofcourse :)
And yet one more edit, speaking about amiga greatness - did anyone else here play this: Somewhat BB'sh deliciousness from those good-old-days(TM).