The eighth round of this giveaway is over.
The participants where:
13ison, 1Byte2Bits, Accatone, actapb, Alexim, ARKWALKER, ashwald, bluethief, Carradice, Clankgamer,
cose_vecchie, CthuluIsSpy, DiffuseReflection, eiii, Endurantist, Geralt_of_Rivia, GoldenWolfe, greeleyg,
JakobFel, kenadrian, L4rge, LegoDnD, luksmk, LynXsh, Memecchi, Mortius1, park_84, philipp_chris,
Provide_A_Username, slurredprey, topolla, TimeFreeze1337, Trid
Winner of
Ion Fury is:
Round 9 starts now and the price this time is:
Severed Steel Digital Deluxe Version. Good luck to all of you.