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nightcraw1er.488: Dark souls on the pc requires.a ton of mods to make it work.
Can I ask what mods were installed besides dsfix?

tammerwhisk: I always downsample from 4K, looks really nice in my opinion with the proper settings.
Yep. The only reason I haven't done any downsampling is to keep a steady 60fps. Even at 1080p I'm getting drops here and there.
NotJabba: I really *haven't* been keeping up with music videos, so I'm not going to argue with that. I don't think the nudity/scanty clothes are really the problem -- I'm sure we could debate all day about what it really means or doesn't mean to sexually objectify a person, but I have no problem with nudity per se. Besides, most games put women in skimpy outfits, and although it often annoys me, I still like many of those games. In DN3D, the problem is that it's full of "women," but all they are is freely abusable static props. It's disgusting, and it would have been better to just leave them out, like most FPS games do.
It's a piss-take on the whole macho 80s action hero, cranked up to 11.
tammerwhisk: I always downsample from 4K, looks really nice in my opinion with the proper settings.
RayRay13000: Yep. The only reason I haven't done any downsampling is to keep a steady 60fps. Even at 1080p I'm getting drops here and there.
Since the Steamworks conversion performance has taken a hit as far as I can tell. I can downsample in most areas, but something like the Artorias of the Abyss areas? Forget it. Not sure what they changed, but it's definitely a little more spiky now.
Post edited October 25, 2015 by tammerwhisk
Its not much, but I regret spending 10€ to buy Undertale.
Dont get me wrong the game is good, but its the cancerous community of this game that makes me regret buying the game. The community is so soaked in fanboyism, its disgusting. The best game ever made, are you nuts ??? And needing to shittalk other games and developers is even worse...
Oh, and the guy that made the game is kind of a dick aswell.
Post edited October 25, 2015 by NuffCatnip
rampancy: After watching some YouTube videos of Anubis II, Ninjabread Man, and a horrible HP/Quiddich rip-off title, I am so, so, sorry. I think that company must have single-handedly sunk the Wii in the eyes of many as a serious hard-core gaming platform.
Nintendo themselves went a long way towards sinking it themselves. Here's another title for you to have casual nightmares over: Imagine Party Babyz. Yes, with a Z.
For me, it is Sunless Sea.

The writing is certainly very interesting... but the game and combat mechanics, the borefest during the horrendously long trips between the islands, the characters artstyle I find too childish, the quasi pointless trading...

I don't know if I played the game wrong, but that was a huge disappointment to me.
Post edited October 25, 2015 by Tza
NuffCatnip: Its not much, but I regret spending 10€ to buy Undertale.
Dont get me wrong the game is good, but its the cancerous community of this game that makes me regret buying the game. The community is so soaked in fanboyism, its disgusting. The best game ever made, are you nuts ??? And needing to shittalk other games and developers is even worse...
Oh, and the guy that made the game is kind of a dick aswell.
Sounds like it is suffering from the FNAF fandom issue, except instead of weird ass furries who get scared at the gaming equivalent of a jack in the box (seriously?), you instead get other weird people who are into skeletons wearing fur coats.
JUn1t: Witcher 3:Heart of Stone

Wouldn't load my save and GOG wouldn't let me download the addons I would need to load said save. Then I started a new Heart of Stone game and the equipment I was given was such utter trash that it made the game unplayable. Ended up just deleting it and writing off the money I paid for it. Last Witcher game I ever buy.
That just sounds like you suffered a PEBCAK error.
reaver894: Final Fantasy 13 collectors edition at release.... crap game waste of money. played about 4 hours never looked back
I really don't get why anyone was into 13 after the bar 12 set. Was the virtual paper doll that popular?
Post edited October 25, 2015 by Darvond
Hand of Fate right there - Nothing worse than getting a good game just to have the dev forget about you unless you're a Steam user.

Hammerwatch is also closing on - I emailed the developer personally to let him know that the GOG version is still 1.23 (the latest version includes a whole new expansion mind you). Meanwhile the Steam version is literally DRM-Free (tested it myself) and all he has to do is zip that up and send it to GOG.

If these devs don't care about their non Steam users then I won't care about them either.
Gone Home
Max Payne 3
Dragon Age Inquisition

All a waste of time and money.
Gnostic: Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, Dragon Age, Mass Effect. Tiberium sun 4, cause it become Always Online DRM
That's why I got Diablo 3, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age on Playstation and Xbox instead of PC.
Post edited October 25, 2015 by Punkoinyc
Dragon Age: Inquisition - yawnsville.
tinyE: gog
NoNewTaleToTell: Oh, good. The Steam version requires some tweaking via a mod to get it working correctly.
Wait... Is the GOG version of SR2 fixed, including the speed issue? Because when I tried the GOG version in the summer, to me it seemed it had the same speed issue as the Steam version, ie. on one laptop I was getting that speed-up Benny Hill running, and there was some jerkiness in the movement. I think those were the exact symptoms of the game running at a wrong speed.

Is it confirmed this is really fixed with the GOG version, and the Gentlemen of the Row mod (or PowerTools or what the exact mod is called) is not needed anymore? Note that whether the problem manifests itself, and how badly, depends apparently on the CPU speed. So not noticing the issue might be because your CPU speed happens to be close to the optimal speed.

Ps. The relevant Steam page still claims that the speed issue happens only on Windows 7 (and possibly Vista), but I think that is untrue. I saw the problem earlier on Windows 8, and this latest case was on Windows 10. So I say it is hogwash the speed issue doesn't happen post-Windows 7.
NoNewTaleToTell: Oh, good. The Steam version requires some tweaking via a mod to get it working correctly.
timppu: Wait... Is the GOG version of SR2 fixed, including the speed issue? Because when I tried the GOG version in the summer, to me it seemed it had the same speed issue as the Steam version, ie. on one laptop I was getting that speed-up Benny Hill running, and there was some jerkiness in the movement. I think those were the exact symptoms of the game running at a wrong speed.

Is it confirmed this is really fixed with the GOG version, and the Gentlemen of the Row mod (or PowerTools or what the exact mod is called) is not needed anymore? Note that whether the problem manifests itself, and how badly, depends apparently on the CPU speed. So not noticing the issue might be because your CPU speed happens to be close to the optimal speed.

Ps. The relevant Steam page still claims that the speed issue happens only on Windows 7 (and possibly Vista), but I think that is untrue. I saw the problem earlier on Windows 8, and this latest case was on Windows 10. So I say it is hogwash the speed issue doesn't happen post-Windows 7.
I've heard from several members here that the GOG version is fixed, but I haven't been able to test it myself as I only own the Steam version. So your GOG version has the speed up bug too?

Yep, the problem is that the engine cycle speed (or something worded like that) has to match the Xbox 360s speed or you get that ultra sped up framerate stuff.

The Steam page is indeed incorrect, I had the issue on both a Windows 8 laptop and a Windows 8.1 laptop.
NoNewTaleToTell: I've heard from several members here that the GOG version is fixed, but I haven't been able to test it myself as I only own the Steam version. So your GOG version has the speed up bug too?
Well, the little I tried it (to test how it runs on Windows 10), it seemed to have some kind of issue with the speed.

Anyway, now I found this: this Saints Row Guru(?) said back in May that the GOG version has the same issues as the Steam version:

I don't know if anything has changed since then, should check the SR2 changelog on GOG whether it has received any changes after that... The Steam version worked relatively well even without a mod on my ASUS laptop earlier (I guess its CPU speed was close enough), but according to the racing test, the game didn't run quite on the right speed on it either.

Also as I said, unlike the Steam discussion suggests, I saw the speed issue also on Windows 8 (and 10). In fact it was even worse than on Windows 7 because in Windows 7 I was able to change the speed to correct one with the mod, but on Windows 8 the mod didn't change anything, and the game was still running at a wrong speed. Not sure if I did something wrong there, but I did all the same steps as I did successfully on Windows 7.
Post edited October 25, 2015 by timppu
I am a big time shmup player, and used to play fighters a lot too. A few years ago I custom made an arcade stick, more expensive than I would want to admit, with so much excitement, only to find out that I had long become a 'keyboard guy' over the years. Now the stick's collecting dust somewhere in my basement.

PS. Every time I tell this story some idiot feels obligated to make a snarky comment about how keyboard players suck, and all the rest of it... Then I invite them for a few rounds of Guilty Gear.