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Humble bundle tweet
Post edited January 07, 2014 by alexbowwow
Damn, 6am here in Sydney. With only 1,000 available chances are I wouldn't manage to get it anyway.
ABH20: Damn, 6am here in Sydney. With only 1,000 available chances are I wouldn't manage to get it anyway.
I suspect it's going to be one of them $100+ deals (wouldn't make sense otherwise), so maybe you'll be able to.
I think HB needs some buzz. There is too much competition on the bundle front and the latest HBs haven't been stellar.
ABH20: Damn, 6am here in Sydney. With only 1,000 available chances are I wouldn't manage to get it anyway.
I doubt the special tier will be a great deal. It'll probably cost $25 or something.
With the overabundance of bundles at the moment, plus 2 months worth of amazing deals on multitudes of games, it is going to be interesting to see whether new bundles can draw a lot of interest or not with fresh titles not previously bundled. I'm finding now that most bundles have games I already own in them and are recycling them over and over again. That doesn't stop me from buying a bundle if it contains enough games I don't already own and are worth the full bundle price on their own, but the list is shrinking. :) Personally I hope to see more Humble AAA-Bundles or Humble last-year-or-the-year-before's-GOTY bundles moreso than Indie bundles. That Batman/LOTR/Fear bundle a few months ago was right up my alley and I hope to see more like that! :)

Having said that, I'm catching the Humble "X" hype buzz fever now too so their marketing strategy appears to be working on people. Hopefully it is something truly exciting. As for it being X-COM related I doubt that as the new games are very popular still and seem to sell like hot cakes, plus have been bundled for the last few months of sales at $10 or so. Possibly other games/series that start with X? I'm thinking it probably is just the 10th bundle though. Only an hour and a half left to find out if my clockulator is right. :)

Damn, why can't someone in the know go ahead and "leak" it ahead of time so we know? :oP
skeletonbow: Possibly other games/series that start with X?
EGOSOFT again ?

nijuu: WHy is this game series normally so expensive?
AFnord: I guess there are two reasons for it:
1: It has quite a reputation among diehard strategy fans. Even at a relatively high price-point, they know that the game will sell (luckily they don't expect you to shell out 60€ for it anymore, which was the price it had before they decided to sell the game on GG, steam & Desura)
2: It has a dizzying amount of content. Dominions 3 had over 2000 different unit types, with individual graphics for all of them. There were also somewhere in in the region of 850 different spells, and a grand total of 66 different nations (all of which had its own unique playstyle).

I've played a decent amount of Dominions 3, and in my opinion, the game was well worth the asking price. Yes, the graphics is simple, but Dominions 3 had a lot of depth to it, it was fun to play, and had a lot of replay value. From what I've heard about Dominions 4, it takes everything that Dominions 3 had, adds some more things (new victory conditions and obviously more units and such), and makes the interface a bit more user-friendly. If that is true, then the game is well worth the asking price. I'm downloading it right now, so I'll soon be able to give my opinion on the game.

After playing the game for roughly 1h, it feels like a worthy sequel to Dominions 3. It does not reinvent the wheel, but it does refine it a bit, and makes it shinier. Overall, it feels like an improvement to an already very good game.
Post edited January 07, 2014 by ne_zavarj
The Amazon Editor's Choice group has added a few games. "Brothers a Tale of Two Sons" was of special note (I think I'll pick it up when it goes on sale on the 9th).
New humble is live. $10 for starbound.
SSolomon: New humble is live. $10 for starbound.
Starbound is all sold out.
Hah, thanks to the "special tier", the BTA went from an initial 4.99 to over 8-9 dollars. Well played Humble.
SSolomon: New humble is live. $10 for starbound.
Prydeless: Starbound is all sold out.
In less than a minute '-'
... I got one :D
retsuseiba: Hah, thanks to the "special tier", the BTA went from an initial 4.99 to over 8-9 dollars. Well played Humble.
Wonder if that will be good, or bad for long term health of this bundle. It's a interesting new ploy to watch anyway.
I immediately purchased the Humble Bundle at $10 with Starbounds remaining and somehow didn't end up with it; I suspect that was a trap.
Post edited January 07, 2014 by undeadcow
Meh - only interested in To the Moon & Reus, but I already have them on GOG. :p