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JacobNZ: Can you gift on D2D? Keen to gift a $10 GOG for neverwinter nights 2 gold edition.
bansama: Unless otherwise stated on the product page, it's possible to gift cross region. However, even some games that can be gifted cross region may be blocked from activation in your region.

Cheers. Where would I find information about the gifting of NW 2 gold?
JacobNZ: Cheers. Where would I find information about the gifting of NW 2 gold?

As far as activation goes, you'll probably have to ask their support. If it cannot be gifted at all, it should be listed on the product page.
JacobNZ: Cheers. Where would I find information about the gifting of NW 2 gold?

See my post above. Add the game to your cart. Go to checkout and the gift this game option is available on the page.
May have misunderstood - If you mean region restriction - see attached. Looks like only US, Canada, and Mexico.
nw2.png (53 Kb)
Post edited April 14, 2010 by Lou
JacobNZ: See my post above. Add the game to your cart. Go to checkout and the gift this game option is available on the page.
May have misunderstood - If you mean region restriction - see attached. Looks like only US, Canada, and Mexico.
Lou: Yeah can't buy it due to living in NZ. I was interested in someone from the US gifting it for a $10 gog, but it seems that may not be able to be done.
Post edited April 14, 2010 by JacobNZ
Lou: May have misunderstood - If you mean region restriction - see attached. Looks like only US, Canada, and Mexico.

That's in regards to purchasing only. Activation restrictions are not listed. Only support can confirm if those exist.
trusteft: As you guys know Dark Void is on sale at D2D. I got it and played for about 40 min. Very good third person action game. If you have a good system that can run unreal engine 3 games at full, get it. It's fun, it's beautiful, it's a great offer at the price asked.
you're sick.
do not get dark void, this is a bad game.
trusteft: As you guys know Dark Void is on sale at D2D. I got it and played for about 40 min. Very good third person action game. If you have a good system that can run unreal engine 3 games at full, get it. It's fun, it's beautiful, it's a great offer at the price asked.
Weclock: you're sick.
do not get dark void, this is a bad game.

The game is a very good action game. Just make sure you use a gamepad because the mouse support is terrible.
Get it.
" Didn't stop you from buying stuff on Steam, amirite? "
I did. But posting about Steam deals isn't forbidden ,am i right? :)
Zombie Driver on Impulse $4.98
Post edited April 14, 2010 by lackoo1111
soulgrindr: A lot of games seem to need D2D specific patches, but for DRM free or indie games i'm not so sure.
Delixe: Only if the patch replaces the .exe. If not retail patches are fine. Generally D2D and GamersGate use .exe wrappers as DRM as opposed to Steam which uses their platform.

Isn't it pretty much the same thing? Steam games have encrypted exe's that only the client can run. I replaced my KOTOR exe with a cracked one so I could install the widescreen hack, and now I can run it without Steam client.
Art of Murder: Hunt for the Puppeteer is on Big Fish Games for $6.99
Post edited April 14, 2010 by lackoo1111
GetGames Serious Sam 2 HD pre-order £13.49
trusteft: you're sick.
do not get dark void, this is a bad game.
trusteft: The game is a very good action game. Just make sure you use a gamepad because the mouse support is terrible.
Get it.

No it's not, that game is a POS. I know, I just got the torrent other day and tried it with a joystick, gamepad shaped like a PS2 controller and keyboard/mouse controls. It SUCKS and is one of those games I wish I didn't waste bandwidth pirating.
Impulse has the Civ 3+4 ultimate pack for sale, $30. I was waiting for Civ4 Complete to go on sale almost half a year now and I'm psyched!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT: Bought Civ3+4 Complete, never played them before because I was waiting for a sale on Civ4 forever, so I expect my game time to shift from Jagged Alliance 2 over to Civ4 over the next few days.
Post edited April 14, 2010 by tb87670
trusteft: The game is a very good action game. Just make sure you use a gamepad because the mouse support is terrible.
Get it.
tb87670: No it's not, that game is a POS. I know, I just got the torrent other day and tried it with a joystick, gamepad shaped like a PS2 controller and keyboard/mouse controls. It SUCKS and is one of those games I wish I didn't waste bandwidth pirating.
Impulse has the Civ 3+4 ultimate pack for sale, $30. I was waiting for Civ4 Complete to go on sale almost half a year now and I'm psyched!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT: Bought Civ3+4 Complete, never played them before because I was waiting for a sale on Civ4 forever, so I expect my game time to shift from Jagged Alliance 2 over to Civ4 over the next few days.

Well, I bought the game and it is a great game. With the Xbox 360 wired controller it is a joy controlling it and the action, graphics, theme, music are top notch.
Gamersgate has a special offer, with games on sale, depending on the level of customer you are. From 50%-80% sale depending on your rank, Just two games now, but hopefully this will be expanded soon.
Post edited April 14, 2010 by trusteft
Those 2 games on sale for 50-80% based on your account rank on GG are King's Bounty : Armored Princess and The Guild 2 Platinum.
I like The the sequel decent? Is it worth the...8 dollars and change it would cost me?
Crassmaster: Those 2 games on sale for 50-80% based on your account rank on GG are King's Bounty : Armored Princess and The Guild 2 Platinum.
I like The the sequel decent? Is it worth the...8 dollars and change it would cost me?

In my opinion, The Guild 2 is not worth it. Please keep in mind that I only played the demo.
For starters, your actual character is actually included in the game world. Sounds great in theory. HOWEVER, minor things prevent the game from being good. Things such as waiting for your character to actually WALK into a building (town hall, your house/job. etc) actually make the game dull and boring. I preferred the first game's way of handling what and how a character does: instant teleport to the building in question and instant decision making.
The second game also uses 3d graphics( I think I even saw bloom or anti-alaiasing at the very a life-sim....why would it be there?!?!?0 which don't age as well as nicely done 2.5 d like in the first game.
Again, take my opinion with a salt shaker and do try a demo first before buying the whole
Post edited April 14, 2010 by JudasIscariot