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johnki: For a contrary opinion, I didn't like CS1.6 and it didn't like my computer. For some reason, I had issues getting the list of servers correctly (certain columns of info would be missing for entire sections of the list [ironically, usually they were usually servers]), and for some reason, while playing it on this computer, the internet would cut out.

Then there's the game. It literally feels like the only reason people would like it is that it's a "pure" tactical shooter. What I mean by that is that the only "advanced" feature it has is the ability to buy weapons at the spawn. There are no iron sights, the crosshair is static, and it feels like hitting the other players is left all up to luck as a new player. Last I remember, the accuracy on damned near everything is horrible, especially at the distances tactical shooters usually demand.

Then there's the fact that the maps are tiny, and it's hard to find a populated server that ISN'T de_dust 24/7.

I just didn't enjoy it at all.

EDIT: Oh, and usually no one communicates or coordinates at all. I suppose they all expect you know exactly what to do.
You're right - this should have been mentioned. The server list is fucked, it's full of redirect servers which give you false information. If you need servers to play on, you can find them here:
It honestly isn't that bad since you will end up on the same servers all of the time. I mean, I play on like three different public servers and that's only because I tend to play a lot at night when they empty out. If I played during the day, one would suffice.

AND after fucking years of whining by the community, Valve finally announced a couple of weeks ago that they'd fix it soon. So hopefully this will no longer be an issue soon :)

I'm not sure as to why your Internet is cutting you out. Though Valve - the fuckups that they are - set default netcode rates very, very wrong. Not exactly great for getting new players into the game and that's probably why you feel like you aren't hitting your shots. Ingame (or preferably do this in your .cfg and then make it read-only) type:
cl_updaterate 100 (default is 30, which is terrible)
cl_cmdrate 105
rate 20000
ex_interp 0
Trust me, this will make a world of a difference.

Also, all of the guns are accurate. It's just that recoil control is an acquired skill and not present in the vast majority of shooters. It is incredibly rewarding once you master it though. But anyway, the first bullet is ALWAYS accurate and that's all you need. Spraying is very 2005, it's all about the tapping these days!

This video showcases different shooting methods rather well:

As for communication, that's what pro play is all about. In public games you don't need it. All you need is your brain and the radar. Public games don't use tactics so communication is unnecessary. In fact, I play with voice_enable 0 because I don't want to hear what others are saying (though people talking is rare). If there's something drastic that you need to convey then you can use the radio commands or team chat.

Also, sound and the radar will convey you 95% of the information anyway.

CS does have a steep learning curve but once you actually know what you are doing, it is an incredible shooter. That's why I said that I'm willing to give lessons! An hour with me and you'll be kicking ass in no time!
FraterPerdurabo: -snip-
It's good to hear they're fixing it. Even so, though, the biggest reason I didn't like CS1.6 is because of how basic it is. It feels like underneath the mechanics, all there is is a game that requires you aim the first shot impeccably while zipping around at ridiculous speeds with nothing else, really.

It has a learning curve because there are a few little hitches in how things work compared to other shooters, and because other players are like 10x better than newbs.

It's just too simple. But maybe that's why it makes such a great competitive game.
Ubivis: It is not significantly cheaper than it is here, as the base price of tha game at GG is double of the price here at GOG
That'd make it 50% cheaper. That still qualifies as quite the undercutting of a release sale wouldn't it?
johnki: snap
That's the thing though - it's not a fast-paced game. It is like 10x slower than any other shooter I've played (Quakes, CoDs, UTs etc). This however doesn't mean that it isn't hectic :) Entire round can be decided within seconds. I mean, look at this guy turning a round around from a 1v4:

The game can be hectic, yes. But it is not fast-paced.
Also, the game has a lot of depth. Far more than any other shooter. For example, games like Quake are chiefly aim and map control. CS is a far brainer game, which is ironic because it gets dissed as a kids' game all the time.
Licurg: 1C Complete Pack is 91% off, costs 99.99 euros, down from 1.104 euros:
Skunk: I liked it better when it was 1/5th of the price it is now. That was a heck of a deal. :D
It is just 91% off compared to the price if buying all games individually.
I just found a real humdinger of a deal. If you have an iPhone, download "The Heist" right now. It's currently a free app and beating the game will net you Steam keys for Eets, World of Goo and Puzzle Agent. You'll not find a better deal anywhere else.
Post edited August 08, 2012 by Hesusio
StingingVelvet: Thirdly it has some enhanced graphics, though I am not sure what all that entails on PC.
I read somewhere that the improved graphics were for consoles only, to bring them up to the same level as the graphics on the PC, meaning the PC gets no graphical improvement. I don't have any source to confirm this though.
korell: Steam Deals (if anyone hasn't seen them):

Midweek Madness 75% off - Payday: The Heist

Was planning to get the four-pack. Single price would be £2.81.If interested PM me. Got at least 1 code available, maybe two.
grynn: Today's GG deals,

The Ball (75% off)
ABH20: Poor GOG, undercut by competitors when releasing a game yet again.
I will always, ALWAYS, prefer the GOG version. Lack of any type of DRM, patches when available. I used to like GG a lot, but I am sick of it now. 6 years after they have gone online and still can't release patches for their games unless you pester them with emails, and even that is not certain.

Always GOG > everything else.
serpantino: Shitty port? The game had great 2 player online co-op, TDM & DM. It also had the same gameplay and highly impressive graphics for an xbox 1 game and I don't remember any levels being cut out either when I played through it. People whinging about the flashlight just don't get that it was a design choice meant to enhance the feeling of vulnerability.
They cut out huge chunks of levels, and the Xbox was very old at that point and the game looked fucking terrible.
Hesusio: I just found a real humdinger of a deal. If you have an iPhone, download "The Heist" right now. It's currently a free app and beating the game will net you Steam keys for Eets, World of Goo and Puzzle Agent. You'll not find a better deal anywhere else.
I'm not sure if they still have World of Goo licenses, do they? There were only a limited amount.
Hesusio: I just found a real humdinger of a deal. If you have an iPhone, download "The Heist" right now. It's currently a free app and beating the game will net you Steam keys for Eets, World of Goo and Puzzle Agent. You'll not find a better deal anywhere else.
Anyone would be cool enough to share with me Puzzle Agen key if they have spare.
I dont have iPhone so sadly this promo is not for me.
danteveli: Anyone would be cool enough to share with me Puzzle Agen key if they have spare.
I dont have iPhone so sadly this promo is not for me.
I have a spare key from the latest Indie Royale if you want it.
StingingVelvet: Thirdly it has some enhanced graphics, though I am not sure what all that entails on PC.
korell: I read somewhere that the improved graphics were for consoles only, to bring them up to the same level as the graphics on the PC, meaning the PC gets no graphical improvement. I don't have any source to confirm this though.
They also said they're adding in a flashlight to the player's weapons......which A: Is Unncessary(imo), and B: Can be done already for free via the duct tape mod(and other mods).
GameRager: They also said they're adding in a flashlight to the player's weapons......which A: Is Unncessary(imo), and B: Can be done already for free via the duct tape mod(and other mods).
Yes, indeed. I have mixed opinions on the flashlight. On the one hand, they wanted the game to be dark, for you not to see everything so that you'd get monsters jumping out at you. But on the other hand it was modded on day 1 to add in the flashlight. I don't know whether or not it is a good thing.

Oh, I also read that they are putting more ammo in the game as a response to complaints about the game.