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StingingVelvet: Like I said, it's not meant for people who own all the games on PC already. It's mainly aimed at console gamers who got a shitty port to the original Xbox. It's still something I would like to have on PC someday for the new content, but I'll wait until it's $10.

It doesn't have to be adversarial... they made this for a certain group, they're being cool enough to put it on PC at all really... and you can buy it or not buy it.
Why can't(won't) they make/release a separate expansion-only version for those of us who already have the original game/expansion, then?

They know some of those who already have the PC version of D3/expansions will buy it anyways, and they want such people to pay full price.

It doesn't matter though.....I will probably do as you plan to and only buy it when it's around 10 bucks or still doesn't mean I can't complain about a shitty business tactic when I see one.
Post edited August 08, 2012 by GameRager
GameRager: It doesn't matter though.....I will probably do as you plan to and only buy it when it's around 10 bucks or still doesn't mean I can't complain about a shitty business tactic when I see one.
I guess. I'm not saying you can't. I just think it's important to point out the release is not aimed at us.
GameRager: It doesn't matter though.....I will probably do as you plan to and only buy it when it's around 10 bucks or still doesn't mean I can't complain about a shitty business tactic when I see one.
StingingVelvet: I guess. I'm not saying you can't. I just think it's important to point out the release is not aimed at us.
I was speaking in general....I wasn't trying to single anyone out with my last reply.

As for the release: Imo it should've been "aimed" at BOTH parties(With a separate expansion-only release for those of us who already own/owned the game.)....not just one.
1C Complete Pack is 91% off, costs 99.99 euros, down from 1.104 euros:
Licurg: 1C Complete Pack is 91% off, costs 99.99 euros, down from 1.104 euros:
I liked it better when it was 1/5th of the price it is now. That was a heck of a deal. :D
StingingVelvet: First off it's $30 on PC. Secondly it has 8 new levels, which were pretty long in Doom 3. Thirdly it has some enhanced graphics, though I am not sure what all that entails on PC. Lastly it includes Doom, Doom 2 and the Doom 3 expansion as well.

It's not a day one purchase for people who own all the games already I expect, but it's not really aimed at that audience anyway. Get it for the new content when it goes on sale.
Oh. Then yeah, the price is more or less... well, acceptable for consoles, but it really should've been $40 for them.
GameRager: That's still too much money(imo) for an expansion and some graphical improvements.

(I can get "better" graphics with many of the free graphical mods available, and I already have D1/2 and the original expansion.)
StingingVelvet: Like I said, it's not meant for people who own all the games on PC already. It's mainly aimed at console gamers who got a shitty port to the original Xbox. It's still something I would like to have on PC someday for the new content, but I'll wait until it's $10.

It doesn't have to be adversarial... they made this for a certain group, they're being cool enough to put it on PC at all really... and you can buy it or not buy it.
Dude., you are talking to people (not anyone specifically) who complain when a game that costs3 dollars is not on sale for 1 dollar instead of 2 dollars. Or who spend days discussing if a game is really really worth the 1.50 sale price.
And you think you can convince them that paying 30 for an updated version (and with 2 older games included) is a good bargain?

I have played the first 2 doom games in the 90's, and I have on discs Doom 3 for the PC.
I am very excited for the new BFG edition and I will definitely buy it for my PS3 ASAP.
I think it is an excellent offer.

Hell, if the game is available for the PC DRM free, I will get that too eventually (Xmas?)
korell: What is the opinion on CS:GO? I have CS1.6 and CS:Source but have only ever really played the Source version. As I'm not the greatest gamer ever when I have played online I've been beaten to a pulp many a time. Will the new match-making system help to get me playing with others of a similar skill? Will it be worth it?
Many CS veterans clam that CSGO is rubbish... but we heard the same when CS:S came out and a ton of people playing the Source version. So the only way to know if it suits you or not to play the game. AFAIK the demo is in open beta now so you can try it before you buy.
Today's GG deals,

Metro 2033 (75% off and requires Steam)

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad (75% off and requires Steam)

Sniper Ghost Warrior Gold Edition (80% off)

The Ball (75% off)
StingingVelvet: Like I said, it's not meant for people who own all the games on PC already. It's mainly aimed at console gamers who got a shitty port to the original Xbox. It's still something I would like to have on PC someday for the new content, but I'll wait until it's $10.
Shitty port? The game had great 2 player online co-op, TDM & DM. It also had the same gameplay and highly impressive graphics for an xbox 1 game and I don't remember any levels being cut out either when I played through it. People whinging about the flashlight just don't get that it was a design choice meant to enhance the feeling of vulnerability.
Post edited August 08, 2012 by serpantino
Licurg: 1C Complete Pack is 91% off, costs 99.99 euros, down from 1.104 euros:
Skunk: I liked it better when it was 1/5th of the price it is now. That was a heck of a deal. :D
Indeed, at this price I wouldn't have bought it, lol.
grynn: Today's GG deals,

The Ball (75% off)
Poor GOG, undercut by competitors when releasing a game yet again.
grynn: Today's GG deals,

The Ball (75% off)
ABH20: Poor GOG, undercut by competitors when releasing a game yet again.
It is not significantly cheaper than it is here, as the base price of tha game at GG is double of the price here at GOG
Post edited August 08, 2012 by Ubivis
Once again, making sure that everyone is aware: Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is -66% off.
For clarity's sake, this "bundle" contains CS 1.6 which is the greatest multiplayer shooter of all time. Buy it and let me know if you want to get down into the nitty-gritty, free lessons here!
FraterPerdurabo: Once again, making sure that everyone is aware: Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is -66% off.
For clarity's sake, this "bundle" contains CS 1.6 which is the greatest multiplayer shooter of all time. Buy it and let me know if you want to get down into the nitty-gritty, free lessons here!
For a contrary opinion, I didn't like CS1.6 and it didn't like my computer. For some reason, I had issues getting the list of servers correctly (certain columns of info would be missing for entire sections of the list [ironically, usually they were usually servers]), and for some reason, while playing it on this computer, the internet would cut out.

Then there's the game. It literally feels like the only reason people would like it is that it's a "pure" tactical shooter. What I mean by that is that the only "advanced" feature it has is the ability to buy weapons at the spawn. There are no iron sights, the crosshair is static, and it feels like hitting the other players is left all up to luck as a new player. Last I remember, the accuracy on damned near everything is horrible, especially at the distances tactical shooters usually demand.

Then there's the fact that the maps are tiny, and it's hard to find a populated server that ISN'T de_dust 24/7.

I just didn't enjoy it at all.

EDIT: Oh, and usually no one communicates or coordinates at all. I suppose they all expect you know exactly what to do.
Post edited August 08, 2012 by johnki