Posted March 24, 2017

I don't remember being annoyed by the physics puzzles, but there was one section though that made me realize the physics in HL2 are actually pretty cool. There is one level where you are driving the car/buggy through the roads, and there is a closed gate blocking your way.
The first time I played it, I recall I used my physics gun to pile up trash on top of each other against the gate, so that I could create a "ledge". Then I pushed my car with my physics gun via that ledge over the gate to the other side, and went to the other side by foot (I don't recall if I had to climb that same ledge, or if it was possible to just walk to the other side without the car), and continued driving. Problem solved.
The second time I played that game... Oh! Oh! There is actually a switch in a nearby hut that opens the gate! How come I missed that the first time I played the game?
How cool is that, being able to find your own solution to the problem via the game physics? I am pretty sure the game designers didn't really intend me to be able to get past the gate without opening it, but I did anyway, in a way that made sense to me. :)
And yeah, I also liked throwing those saw blades with my physics gun to the zombies, cutting them in two. Another great use for the game physics.
Overall, when I played HL2 the first time, I had this "meh, but ok..." feeling, but for some reason I liked the game much better when I played it again (a couple of years ago). It was better than I had remembered, and I was also surprised how good it still looked, given its age (albeit I am pretty sure it has received lots of graphical updates since when I first played it, making it look even more modern; like the ones that came with the Lost Coast).