Posted November 23, 2015
- Civilization 2
- Civilization 3
- Civilization 4 - Not sure. It is built in, All the civ games have built in editors, but I have really never tried.
- Crysis - Comes with level editor. Called Sandbox 2. No idea about popularity... Some maps here -
- Dink Smalwood - comes with level editor. Several levels and conversion on website -
- Dungeon Siege - you can get the editor here: Not sure about popularity
- Dungeon Siege 2 - there are tools, but maybe file it under "modding".... it is a lot of script editing.
- F.E.A.R. - SDK kit... so maybe file under modding?
- Max Payne 1 - comes with MaxEd. not sure about poularity
- Max Payne 2 - comes with MaxEd 2, not sure about poularity.
(i'l do the rest later... if not someone else beats me to it... work now).